![]() Author has written 12 stories for Fire Emblem, Tales of Symphonia, and Golden Sun. Last updated: 9/30/13 -- Ever After, a new Golden Sun story, has been added. Hi there, I'm Auteur87. Thanks for taking the time to check out my profile. I guess you're here because you want to read my little bio, so here's some basic info about me: Since everyone else is doing it, here are my top 5 stories: 5) The Legend of Zelda: End of Destiny trilogy by Big Niz (Zelda) 4) Shattered: A Tale of Lost Faith by Digidynasty (Tales of Symphonia) 3) We met in another prisoncell by Weiila (Tales of Phantasia) 2) Another Witchmaker by Sinnatious (Secret/Legend of Mana) 1) The Five and The Legend of Zelda: Eternal Ark by Fierce Deity (Zelda) As for me, here are the stories I've written: Completed stories: Defiance (Fire Emblem): The only multi-chapter Heath/Priscilla story on this site, and the story that really got me started here. It has been surpassed by my newer stories, but it's always great to look back on where it all started. :) Those We Least Expect (Fire Emblem): An Erk/Serra one-shot, with a rather strange theory about why Serra acts the way she does. I guess you could call this a side-story to Defiance, but I prefer to think of it as its own story. Different (Fire Emblem): The story of Fire Emblem told from Ninian's perspective. To be honest, I hate this one; I definitely stuck too close to the game's dialogue. If you feel so inclined, however, check it out. Mistakes (Fire Emblem): A one-shot about Wil and Rebecca, where I butcher Wil's character by making him all angsty. Sain is featured, though. :) Two Angels (Fire Emblem): This fic is a Nino/Jaffar romance, told from Jaffar's perspective. In my opinion, it's by far the best work I've ever done. Check it out! I can always do with more reviews. :) Away From the Sun (Fire Emblem): A Jaffar/Nino one-shot, and a songfic to the song of the same title by 3 Doors Down. I'm not normally the songfic type of author, but the lyrics match so perfectly to my ideas that I just had to write this. I'm not going to say much else about it, other than the fact that, unfortunately, it takes place after Jaffar has left Nino. :( Sunrise (Tales of Symphonia): Lloyd/Colette fluff, written because I felt like it. :) I like this one a lot, and it's (for once) not a Fire Emblem fic, so check it out! The Feeling (Fire Emblem: The Sacred Stones): My first Sacred Stones fic, a Natasha/Joshua piece. I love this one. Go read it. :) So Unlike The Fantasies (Fire Emblem): I couldn't just leave Jaffar and Nino alone after Away From the Sun, so I wrote this fic, where I have them return to one another. I like this one. Check it out. :) The Angel and the Slayer (Golden Sun): I have wanted to write a story about Isaac and Mia from Golden Sun for as long as I've been on this site. I hope this one is as good as the rest. Check it out! Stories in Progress: Letting Go (Fire Emblem): A Kent/Lyn/Fiora triangle...sort of. I hesitate to call it a triangle because Kent knows that Lyn doesn't return his feelings. Still, he's falling in love with Fiora...but he can't forget his feelings or his duty to his Lady Lyndis... Ever After (Golden Sun): A sort-of-sequel to The Angel and the Slayer, focusing on the part of a relationship that love stories usually ignore: the part between the confession and the "happily ever after." Isaac and Mia talk about their future following the end of their adventure, and start to figure out how they want to spend the rest of their lives. Disclaimer: I don't own the rights to any games that I write about. Fire Emblem belongs to Nintendo and Intelligent Systems, Golden Sun belongs to Nintendo and Camelot, and Tales of Symphonia belongs to Namco. So if you think any of these games have great stories, thank the companies, not me. :) Well, there you go. Not much else to say except please review my stories! |