![]() Author has written 8 stories for World Only God Knows/神のみぞ知るセカイ, RWBY, and Yu-Gi-Oh! Arc-V. Hello there! Welcome to my profile page. Here you'll see a bunch of text that might mean things to you. Enjoy. I have fan art on Subordinate!! Thank you so much! Search up RWBY Fanfic Fanart: Subordinate by Kegi Springfield My thoughts on: Subordinate (can be found on f. Just search up the story name to on the forum. They have a RWBY discussion page as well so come join or lurk, whatever to your fancy) Chapter 1 was literally just setting everything up. It might seem action packed, and it was, but I wrote that to provide the characters, writing styles and plot lines. It was interesting to write. The hardest part I had with it was the start. I wasn't sure how to start writing down the dynamics between Jaune and Adam. I always knew that Jaune was going to be the funny man while Adam was the straight man but it was hard to decide what topic on. Since this story was based on the comment Jaunelock and Adam Watson plus sexy secretary Ms. Belladona, I figured it would be good to explore their relationship while on a case. Private Investigator Jaune wasn't based on any Sherlock Holmes portrayal. I imagined him as a naive but determined guy, much like his canon self. Of course in this fic his way of talking is much more different but I intended that for a reason. Blake as a whole was the hardest character for me to write for. It's hard for me to pin down how she would react or what she would say. The conversation between the 3 characters (Jaune, Adam and Blake) became much easier when Blake interacted with others since she normally doesn't talk excessively. She bounced off the other characters and it was fun writing their conversations down. Adam is a guy we don't have much information on. From the trailers he seem like a serious guy that's skilled with the katana that was willing to let a bunch of innocent people die. In volume 2 episode 10 Blake mentioned he was turning into a monster as time went on. I took this to mean he had good intentions at the start but as time went on and the White Fang turned more radical, he made more compromises with his morals until he just didn't care about humans dying. Adam himself is pretty much a blank slate everywhere else so it was pretty easy filling in his personality. This chapter had the most mistakes so I had to re-edit a lot of times to fix it. Thanks to BozaBoy for pointing out my mistakes and even improving chapter one! The comment that inspired this was made by user SomewhereWhite on [RWBY/The Gamer] The Games We Play, Disk Four. Website here, the story is written by the author rgm0005 otherwise known as Ryuugi. Check it out it's a pretty good story and it has more chapters that what's posted here on fanfiction. By the way my username is Lucky777 and I wrote a few omakes for the games we play so check them out to! Fun fact, I listened to the entire Sherlock Holmes bbc track while writing this. Chapter 2 defined Adam as to what position he's in and how he sees the world. Again I had difficulty bringing in Blake and I had to rewrite the dialogue a few times before I felt it was decent enough to post. Adam is the main focus of the escort arc, as it explores his skills, values and does a little world building. It may jar some of you about the direction of the story since we started on a case and suddenly we're escorting someone but please enjoy anyway. Writing the fight scenes with the Grimm was an absolute blast. My fingers just went clack clack clack on my keyboard. Ever since it was revealed that Grimm get smarter as they age, I wondered on how that actually applies. They're still beasts after all and they have limited options. It hit me then that over time with constant battling they'll get more creative with their attacks and they'll gain knowledge. Knowledge is power after all. The hidden village was completely an accident, I didn't think of it until I was actually writing it down. I researched some Chinese mythology for this chapter as I based the village on their legends. You might recognise one with the dragon eating the Sun and the people scaring it away by banging pots and pans. I changed it a bit but hopefully a few of you spotted it. One of the characters names was based on the Chinese god of fire and represents the south, Zhu Rong. Qing was just some random name I picked but it has some cool multiple meanings in the Chinese language. I wanted explore an isolated world and what sort of atmosphere would be there when heartless are right above you. And yes that is a kingdom hearts reference. Also detection aura, best ability ever. Zhu Rong is a playful character that likes to toy with her enemies. She's the sort to taunt her enemies in battle and throw them off guard with unexpected things. What this means is if she ever not talking while she's fighting you can expect someone or something to get seriously injured. Fitting with the Chinese theme, she uses martial arts. Excellent with her technique she's an opponent to be feared. I loved writing down her lines because they played well with Adam's character. It was basically banter. Chapter 3 is the conclusion to the escort arc. I have mixed feelings on this one because I wanted to portray a regular guy who doesn't solve conflict though battle but through rebuilding society. I don't think I did Tuksons character justice here. I felt he was too secondary in the chapter until the end but in a way I guess that's how Adam could see the world. That he's just another task to be completed. This chapter was shorter than normal because once I hit the end I felt it didn't need much expanding on. Short and sweet as some would say. Adam's gruff personality meets someone who is genuinely good or at least someone who is creating their own happy future. Compared to Adam who just lives day by day it shakes him because he truly didn't believe it was possible with the way the world was and hopefully I showed the beginnings of change for him. Can't end this without commenting on the fight scene right? This time it was a lot more basic. There wasn't any fancy maneuvers or one hundred hit combos, it was just a massive who can last the longest fight and them hitting each other. Telling someone has a good battle sense and showing someone has a good battle sense was something I wanted address here. I actually don't have much experience in a real life right, I have no idea if what I wrote down is viable or if it's possible. Despite this I wanted to show that Adam is good at improvising. You saw this a few times in chapter 2 and I tried explaining the train of thought that lead there. Expanded on Adam's history a bit, I touched the topic of Adam dad being dead but I wanted to write the raw emotions for it. I thankfully never suffered a near family death yet so I don't think I captured the turmoil. Still humans have imagination so I made do. Oh and yes the end is a reference to Doctor who. I'm British I have to make a reference to that show. It's practicably written in the unwritten rules. First case (Subordinate) You know detective conan? It's a mystery manga that has over 900 chapters. Most of them are murders and in nearly all of them the protagonists solves the crime. I don't know how the author does it. So much thought was put into this arc, just to make sure it made sense. Even now I'm not completely convinced I did the best job. Anyway, what you got here is a mystery. While flying an airship, a dead body turns up in a room barricaded from the inside. Perfect set up for a detective to solve right? That was my thought process at least. Finding conditions that makes it possible and solvable is hard. I was tempted to just 'borrow' an idea from someone else but I thought that I needed to do this myself, if only to find out what the end result was. That said, I'm proud I completed it. For any of you who is going to write mysteries, write the ending first. It makes things so much easier for you then. I finished the draft for the last chapter before the other two. Am I going to write another murder mystery? Time will tell. Infiltration (Subordinate) The theme of this arc was battles. I haven't had a chance to flex my battling sense in a while and I wanted to take this chance to write some stuff out. I always planned the ending to go the way it did. It felt appropriate to demonstrate what the enemy was capable of. The question that plagues me is did I do the battles justice? Battles are a huge part of RWBY. It's one of the great appeals about it and since there will be battles in Subordinate I have to make sure the battles were exciting as well. I always imagined key scenes during fights. A twist or a sudden clarity of one moment that defined the whole fight. Emotions are what drive these fights. I'm not sure how well I implemented that. Did the characters make it clear how they were feeing? Am I showing that the enemy is a threat? Questions like these plagued me as I was writing it down. It was a lot to keep in mind but hopefully I did well enough. Lost Cat (Subordinate) So what's there to say? Well for starters the very reason I went through with this arc was to get the whole canon plot point out of the way. Readers comes in with expectations of certain points of the story and I want to go through them and then mix things up so you guys can't predict what I'll write next. Anyway since we're back to Adam for this chapter, I wanted to show that he's changing for the better. He still has his rough brisk tone but underneath it he's a good guy. Confronting your weakness and ideals is the theme for this arc. I feel I made a big step but not one towards the end goal, ehh I'll get there. Being in charge of lives is a hard thing. Unless you've been trained for it, it will be full of complications. Some might be born with a natural talent to lead well but even then they still need experience. It's my head canon that hunters are taught leadership roles and how to handle in the heat moments. You ever seen someone suffer from a panic attack? I have. It's not fun. In fact it was pretty horrible and I hope I never see someone else suffer from one. Keima's perspective First fanfic posted here. As you might be able to tell from my avatar I enjoyed reading The world god only knows. That fanfic was posted soon after chapter chapter 266 was released and it was such a plot twist that many fans looked throughout the manga for any foreshadowing of it. That fanfic was just a summary of the results collected. Even though I was practically writing a story already written in written form, I had trouble with it because of inexperience in writing. It was also filled with grammar mistakes that I went back and fixed some time ago. On a whole it was fun but troubling to write. Another protagonist Written mostly on a musing binge. Each part was dedicated to an aspect of gaming which I wanted to explore if it did actually happen in real life. Was written as an omake for TGWP but wanted to share it. Updated it a bit during the transition. Out of all the ones I wrote, Yang was the one I enjoyed the most writing followed by Blake, Ruby then Weiss. There's something about emotional scenes I just have to put in the extra effort in to make it decent. Hope you enjoy. During writing Yang's part I listened to 'The sad man with a box', I tried evoking the feelings that song brought out in me. Hopefully, you guys felt Yang's feelings when she spoke. The movie life A side project that I'll sporadically update. Let me tell you now, for me writing in a film noir style was hard. I had to look up videos and websites to get the right tone and even then I don't think I did the best I could have done. It was definitely fun writing in this style though, I think I giggled madly at one point, hard to say it was all a blur. That said, this is something to write when I'm on a writers block or I'm bored writing certain scenes. Jaune is the main character because he's a pretty normal guy. Easy to write really, not like Ren who's an empty sheet. OK, now that I had time to think about it, I decided this story will be more of an experimental piece. I'm still not that experienced in writing so I figured I should explore more genres than the ones I had written so far. In terms of potential I feel I could practically write every genre into this story and make it fit. Difficult it may be, I'll give it a shot if only because I want to try writing different genres. In the long run, I still have no idea what I'm going to do with this story. I have some loose threads which you can barely call plans but hey, we'll see where this ends up. On all my Yugioh stuff I've always been a fan but I was never inspired to write something for the fandom. That all changed when Yugioh Arv V came out. It's like they looked back at the series, decided to fix up their weaknesses and throw in an interesting plot to mix. I don't think I ever been this invested in a yugioh series since ever. It makes me want to start playing again, the last time I played, xyz monsters weren't even a thing. I'm just so glad I gave the series a chance. As for my writings, they range all over the place from character focus to writing styles. I admit my favourite character is Yuzu followed by Yuya and then Yuto. Sora and Shun deserves a special mention. Episode 34 man, episode 34 that's when I really really got into the series. The Last Summer Raven Simply put, I wanted to write a prequel story for RWBY. More importantly I wanted to write down the relationship Taiyang had with both Summer and Raven. I always wanted to give romance a try but considering there's only one chapter so far, It doesn't really have enough substance for me to give it a romance tag. Maybe one day when I develop the story further I'll add the romance tag in. For now, I haven't plotted any real details for this and so chapters will either never happen or take a long time to happen. Either way, I'm quite proud with the first chapter as it set up a lot of potential plot points and set characters personality down quite quickly. Current status of stories: Subordinate: About 1700 words written for next chapter. Not sure when I'll finish it but thanks for those who are interested. The movie life: On hiatus. The Last Summer Raven: About 200 words written. Progress is as slow as expected. |