Reviews for Mister Cinderella
technovorex chapter 10 . 4/25
Please continue
cooldude38 chapter 1 . 12/27/2018
continue or you're really gonna get it
cooldude38 chapter 10 . 10/27/2018
fucking clinghangers man
Vantes chapter 10 . 12/19/2017
i can wait
Vantes chapter 10 . 9/3/2017
Thank for continuing this story, Ive always wanted to see how the story progresses
Mayuuyiiyuu chapter 10 . 3/10/2017
And you just had to leave it at that, huh? Oh well. Still does not beat the fact that this is one wow of a story. It's refreshing to see a different take on the rich jerk and poor girl trope. It's sad that this story hasn't been updated for... nearly 2 years. Still, I'll be keeping an eye on it just in case.
Vantes Strive chapter 10 . 8/14/2016
So..Gonna finish this story, or are you going to leave it like this...
HoPe-BriNgeR1 chapter 9 . 6/17/2016
and pls continue it sooner!
HoPe-BriNgeR1 chapter 10 . 6/17/2016
Please continue this It was really good
Canned Memes chapter 10 . 1/21/2016
Sounds like you wrote yourself into a corner in the end and the fic went dead. Don't know why make Kairi be tricked by Sora's disguise but not Namine despite both of them having more or less the same constant contact with him before, it made no sense for me why she would even show here much less know his secret; as you wrote before only Roxas and their Grandfather knew and the former told he would make sure the secret is safe and the latter i think would prefer to hide this out of pride for the Hikari name, the way you wrote him sounds like someone obsessed with this.

But i forgot, there's Cloud too. But it sounds way out of character seeing as he respects Sora very much here and Cloud seems very loyal and no matter how i look... making him a tattletale seems strange.

I really liked this fic, it's one of the few really good ones that stands out in this cess pit of yaoi garbage that the KH section turned into and would love to be wrong and see the fic continue.
acidic.wrath chapter 10 . 10/15/2015
Please please please please please PLEASE- update this story!
Bruh chapter 10 . 9/18/2015
I'm re-reading this while waiting for you to update love sick. I forgot how good this story was. I hope you finish this after love sick. Definately worth the read.
trombonelegend chapter 1 . 7/19/2015
this my 1st time reading any of your stories but im glad i click on this little story. The characters are great and the pacing at which the story progresses is slow at parts. however the relationships between characters are great. overall great story

p.s could u pls add a freind for van who always finds a new way to call people bro
Polymoly chapter 10 . 6/6/2015
Hello again. I think you already know how much I worship your writing skills from Love Sick. So I'm not gonna feed your ego by saying more; it's already 2.30am in my place and I have to sleep if not for your story, so this is just gonna be a quick review.

Sora's character here resembles a bit with the Love Sick's one, and I think that's just your trademark to create that kind of character to the main protagonist. I love Sora's dual life plot and that rich kids jokes (the toothbrush thing was hillarious) and I am definitely loving the Roxas and Namine thing, as I am a heavy shipper of those two, and would totally kill for you writing about them here.

Anyways, not so short as I thought it would. Please please please update this one as well when you have the time! I think different to Love Sick, where the plot is thick with Sora's train of thoughts, this story is a bit more fanfiction-friendly due to its rich kid chasing a commoner type of scenario, therefore potentially can gain more reviews. (What am I rambling about?)

Update them pretty pleasee? And thanks again for keeping me up late ;)
Guest 90210 chapter 10 . 4/8/2015
100th review! Chapter 11 please!
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