Author has written 5 stories for Harry Potter. Hello everyone! Long time no see!! Yes, I have returned after a very long and extended absence filled with lots of stuff that really aren't good excuses! I have missed you all so terribly much and I plan to finish all of my stuff! I will try to rotate, finishing 'It Wasn't Enough' first and then moving on from there. I'm sorry I have been gone so long and I hope you will all forgive me. Anyway, though, let me tell you all a little bit about me, shall I? I am recently married to the love of my life. I am unemployed, so I have plenty of time to work on my stuff. Unfortunately, none of my stories are DH compatible and I guess you could say a bunch of them are just plain AU, in a way. Harry Potter ships that I support are: I don't really like slash or yaoi. I love manga and anime and I love to draw and write. I am really glad to be back, everyone. I've missed you all so much!! |