Author has written 6 stories for Harry Potter. hello everyone! i havent got that much to say except: thanks to all who are reading my stories andare reviewing them! Please, i'm always open to ideas and things, so if you have ideas, but dont know how to write them, please email me! i would be happy to hear from ya! I know i'm slow at updating but you know- and i know people know about my latest tragedy- my old computer was being squashed (the memory wiped clean) and i took all my stories off for safe keeping and put them on a floppy disk. well guess what? suddenly, the floppy disk decided to break down, so all my stories, and updated chapters that i hadnt gotten around to posting yet were lost! Argh! so now i have to rewrite them... Anyways, cheers to writing and not letting technology get the better of me! (raises a butterbear) Okay now, to those who have read my stories, you will know i only write DMHG not becuase i think it would happen in the books, but because i think they are the best ones to write with, because it is interesting and challenging- plus so many things can happen. also, most of my stories still have Dumbledore in them, because i think the old guy is great, and i dont want him dead. So i have kept him alive in my stories. By the way, just to set the record perfectly straight i am a girl, not a guy, as some people have asked, obviously slightly confused. its alright, i understand- well no not really, but anyways, ill take it as humor, but just so everyone knows. Me=FEMALE! lol. okay. got it? lol its just a friendly reminder. ehhehe WARNING- I am not a great speller, hence the reason i never entered a spelling competion, and nor am i a good grammar person, but i am only a human girl who makes mistakes. I hope though the mistakes arent that bad that you cant read the story and enjoy it. Please forgive me. AND JUST SO YOU KNOW, AND DONT KILL ME- i have recently gone through the stories that i had on my profile, and deleted some. im sorry to those who had reviewed for them, but once Doing Divination Again and Snake Goes For a Lion is complete, then i will rewrite the ones i can. Ok, enough talking, time to go, but please, READ AND REVIEW FOR MY STORIES! thanks Aj Now, i dont know if this is a good time, but ill put it in here- on myspace, i've recently added a new account that's for a story i'm writing. it has nothing to do with fanfiction, or harry potter, or anything. purely my own characters and plot (obvilously) so anyway, if your interested and you have myspace, go to /pen_2_paper1 and add it- but make sure you tell me your from fanfic. i'll put the summary here though: the story: a fantasy/ romance- it does have vampires and other supernatural thingys in it. The Chase: When Delilah gets involved with some pretty interesting guys, she begins to learn that sometimes, the devil really did bless his subjects will killer looks. She learns of the evil underworld that goes on in her city that seems pretty plain and ordinary- hell, it even has a MacDonald's- and the safest place for her is with the two guys she'd rather avoid because they scare her. But something just isnt right, and Delilah is dragged right into the thick of this dirty cooking pot! Oh, and seriously, this is the last thing, i have had some people asking me whether i have msn and the answer is yes, and i'm always on the look out for more people to talk to so if you are interested...can't imagine why but humor me i guess, just send me a PM or review and i will reply with the email. K? well okay i am seriously off now. Cya all later Shish Kabobs! |