![]() Author has written 9 stories for RWBY, Dishonored, Elder Scroll series, Naruto, and Destiny. FallenWarlock103 Age:20 Race:Human (possibly not) Height:Tall Weight: A little heavy Hair: A mess... Personality: part time evil, part time childish, full time idiot! Moral alignment : grey side of the evil...why are you looking at me that way? Favorite things: Food, Girls, friends, games, music, sleep...and other boring things Dislike:Physics, Math, Time it takes to heat the coffee (And the time it takes to cool down) veggies and low intelligent creatures (AKA:kids) Dreams for the future: Get more than 100 reviews after that, maybe change it to something more... Favorite Random things: 1.-its kinda weird how the people you hardly knew as a kid are now your best friends, the people who used to be your best friends are now your enemies you’re making friends with people you never thought you’ll talk to and falling in love with the least likely of people. But it’s a good weird!. 2..-Friends bail you out of jail. Best friends sit in jail next to you saying “That. Was. AWESOME” 3.-Friends ask you why you’re crying. Best friends already have a shovel ready to BURY the fucker that made you cry. 4.-I keep missing my ex… but my aim is getting better 5.-you know you’re awesome when people you don’t even know hate you 6.-a)He moves quickly b)he doesn’t kill c)he SPARKLES! d)face it, he’s no vampire he’s a FAIRY 7.-Whoever said anything was possible obviously never tried slamming a revolving door. 8.-I may have a bad mouth but I can do great things with it! 9.-BestFriends : they know how stupid you are and still chose to be seen in public with you. 10.-Sometimes its best not to question your friends. just help them dump the body bag into the river. [THIS IS LAW PEOPLE] 11.-Pride, Teamwork, Effort: we’ll have none of that BS around here 12.-Im more confused than a 15 year old boy waking up on his grandparent’s front lawn…naked 13.-Come to the dark side, our wielders are sexy! 14.-Don't knock on deaths door, ring the doorbell and run! he hates that. {love it} 15.-When I die, I want to die like my grandfather-who died in his sleep…not screaming like all the passengers in his car. 16.-Im not as think as you drunk i am! 17.-Of course I’m gonna drive…I’m too drunk to walk 18.-Me and you are friends…you fight, i fight…you hurt, i hurt…you cry,I cry…you jump off a bridge…I’m gonna miss your dumb ass. 19.-If live gave you lemons, squirt them in the eyes of your enemies.(Did it once: totally worth it) 20.-Call me crazy but you really have no idea. 21.-I love my crazy goofy stupid gorgeous weird lame socially challenged friends 22.-It’s all fun & games until someone gets hurts…the its hilarious 23.-I don't suffer from insanity, I enjoy every minute of it 24.-Abracadabra!…Fuck you’re still ugly! (LoL) 25.-I tried to see your point of view…but i couldn’t get my head that far up my ass 26.-I don’t believe in the word “regret” I believe in the phrase “you fucked up & now you learn from it” 27.-Im the kind of person that can watch hundreds of horror movies and not get scared but would scream at the top of my lungs when toast pops out of the toaster. (sad truth) 28.-I smile because I have no idea what is going on 8D (I live by this one) 29.- Legends die hard.they survive as truth rarely does. 30.-when the legends die, the dreams end; there is no more greatness. 31.-A lot of legends, a lot of people, have become before me.But this is my time. 32.-Legends are all to do with the past and nothing to do with the present. 33.-“The noir hero is a knight in blood caked armor. He’s dirty and he does his best to deny the fact that he’s a hero the whole time" 34.-“Mere words cannot defeat a true hero. Unless they happen to be the words to some sort of Instant Death Spell. Magic is scary” (O_O') 35.-Sometimes the good guy rips out innocent people’s throats. That just something the world need to live with if it ant the good guy to keep saving the day. 36.-I may be drunk, but in the morning i will be sober and you will still be ugly 37.-If you can’t get rid of the skeleton in your closet, you better teach it to dance 38.-weather forecast for tonight:dark 39.-they said marriages are made in heaven. but so is thunder and lightning 40.-Age is something that doesn’t matter, unless you’re a cheese 41.-Originality is the art of remembering what you heard but forgetting where you heard it (Awesome right?!) 42.-marriage its a 3-ring circus: engagement ring, marriage ring and suffering 43.-"Though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death, I will fear no evil" prayer before work, school, church, gf in shops etc... 44.-if you need sunglasses to se your phone in the morning, then that means that the party was awesome. 45.-now if you wake up with a guy, you better hope there's nothing sticky 'there'... |