Reviews for Dishonor of Remnant
Echoclonet chapter 19 . 2/19/2019
The Memester chapter 19 . 5/31/2018
make more plz
Guest chapter 19 . 2/19/2018
Guest chapter 19 . 1/6/2018
Pls u cant drop this fic cuz its a good one
DireProphet chapter 19 . 7/24/2017
Corvo vs. huntresses in training, lord save their souls.
DireProphet chapter 5 . 7/24/2017
Ohhhhhhhh, what will we do wit a drunkin salior, what will we do wit a drunkin salior, what will we do wit a drunkin salior, early in the morrrnnin!?
IAmNotPedobear chapter 19 . 6/18/2017
it's too bad that you killed this story. I have been binge reading it and finished the same day I started.
I really hope you'll give it another shot somewhere in the near future because I qas really curious where you were going with this
andrewwhiting96 chapter 2 . 4/13/2017
You consistently use the correct words, but not in the correct tense.
andrewwhiting96 chapter 1 . 4/13/2017
You have several misspelled words in your sentences, try again and get the tense for the words correctly.
Heitor2001 chapter 19 . 12/6/2016
Dude, this fic has ben my fucking life for these 2 days, I didn't fucking sleep this is to gooooood, you need to keep going please *puppy eyes*
Dawn chapter 3 . 5/24/2016
Honestly, this is a good idea to do this crossover but this whole thing is getting kinda bad. Corvos actions make no sense, if he had information that outsider provided his surprise at being shot at when in nevermore makes no sense, neither do his actions afterwards regardless whether he had this information about Grimm or not. It doesn't take a genius to figure out how his actions are not going to work. Also the whole interrogation angle is just plain confusing at best and at worst an obvious ploy to create misunderstanding that's supposedly funny like in animes like to do.
Guest chapter 19 . 5/22/2016
Sorry about that dude sounds like hell (I looked up what that lilmotherfucker can do) shit man hope you get better
Heika chapter 10 . 3/11/2016
Oh Blake if you had seen it! It was long, but with the perfect girth and hardness! oh my gosh I felt my heart beating really fast when i held it in my hands, I was a bit nervous of holding something like that but he said that it I was to be gentle since it was my first…."

that IS very WEISS cold

what tools did the Outsider give him? How is the Swarm different?

throw him in a DUMPSTER

are all female faunus kinky or did he just question ones that offered sex for living?

already gave a description of me
the description would have been limited, so even if they had it would be unlikely for Ruby to match them

I better hope's not that, its enough with a TEENAGER girl dreaming of us in a bad way
Does he mean Pyrrha?

like he wasn't worth HER time
Heika chapter 6 . 3/11/2016
she saw as a good friend and as a father
he is her father. The makers of the game confirmed it

how did Weiss throw up on Ruby’s bed? Projectile vomit?

Pretty sure the claw guard is to CAUSE blade locks

…Ruby creeped me out with her threesome idea…

Is Corvo’s sword like Lightning’s gunblades?

IS Infamis ready to go?

Why did Corvo pay someone to clean his weapon? He HAS to have learned how to clean swords and guns before. Ah, oiling the transforming bits would be an unknown for him.

Her daydreaming of a carton like version of her going to a hotel in secret with Crescent Rose to see their secret lover
…and the creepiness continues lol

"I CAN see that"

he saw in his dreams was the face of the stranger asking how did he like the new world he was;
Did Corvo mean the Outsider? How is he a stranger?

Your Corvo is seems OoC to me considering he is from the low chaos end and had a daughter of his own. Even if Emily is not his daughter in your fic, he still helped raise her from infancy.

blade could eat away aura, something which he remember using against the Arc boy.
That ability was named by Emily as Soul Cut, seeing as the aura was essentially the very own soul of the user.
Is that his Semblance? What keeps the blade from cutting flesh? If it is eating aura than there would be no aura shield protecting their flesh


He BOUGHT them in the first place

Ruby just hissed at him
…is she acting like a dog or cat lol

that I’M very MUCH A weapons enthusiast

Can he MAKE me one too

FORTUNATELY he was highly resistant

HE rounds?

hang out SOME other time

"I dont think we could had even been friends girl, not after what i've done to you other friends"
But Corvo’s god said he would meet a friend so…
Akuma-Heika chapter 2 . 3/10/2016
Will Corvo have all his powers (in game you cannot get enough runes to get them all maxed out). Will he gain some of Daud’s? Such as Arcane Bond and Summon Assassin for example?

Infamis Ultoris and Mortis Examine
Infamous Avenger/Punisher and Examined Death…

live is VERY different than this one

headshot, angry by his almost death, Corvo
…did what?

If the Outsider uploaded info into Corvo why did he not recognize a scroll? Why did her scroll have her face on it?
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