![]() Author has written 9 stories for X-Men: Evolution, Final Fantasy VII, Bleach, Harry Potter, and Fullmetal Alchemist. Avatar Credit: Solid & Etc. So I've finally decided to put something in the bio section. I suppose the most pertinent question for this site is "Why write fanfiction?" In part for practice and in part to have a little control Muwahahahaha over characters I've come to know and love over the years. I love character developement and enjoy the challenge of tweaking a char just a little to see what the results will be in the end. When I first started writing here it was on "Faint Hearts Need Not Apply". Rogue and Gambit have been my heros since I was five. It seemed to me over the years that were continually getting dealt a raw hand and I, the omni potent author could give them a chance. I picked X-men Evolution because I really liked the concept, and I did not want to get caught in the tangled web of the comic verse. I know my recent entries to this story have been sporadic at best and to those who have read this story and want updates, I offer my sincerest apologies. I have lost the thread of the story in my head and am working diligently to get it back on track. Next came "The Last Temptation", set in the FFVII universe. I must admit I was never a huge fan of "AeriSepth" pairings, but there is a certain appeal, or perhaps challenge to making a believe go with these two characters. I suppose we will see if this story becomes even slightly popular no? I can't say if any other stories will follow at this point. Even though I have a love of the Hellsing, Witch Hunter Robin, and a few other animes as well as being a faithful follower of several video games, and an avid viewer of movies, nothing has really struck me as of this moment to write. Yeah I know, stop babbling now right? grins 9/27/2011 - so I'm not dead. Yay! However I can't seem to get the document manager to...upload. I hit submit and get a blank screen (insert sad face here). However I hope it is a temporary problem. For anyone who's interest I have a journal/blog/whatever you want to call it where I keep other writing pieces. http:/// 09/30/2011 - Figured out that it is the word format that seems to dislike. This makes things interesting. Updates: Posted new chap to Last Temptation and posted a one shot Draco/Hermione. Enjoy! 10/21/2011 - Into the Abyss part2 is through the rough draft stage. I will probably take most of his weekend to edit and refine it. Woohoo I can't believe it took this long! 10/24/2011 - Into the Abyss part 2 is up! Yay! It's hard to believe that only a few more chapters remains in LT. Pray for the Wicked, Pray for the Pure Series So I'm going to blather a little bit about this series. First off it is mostly going to be a collection of oneshots/vignette with some longer, multi-chapter pieces. The reason is that beyond a few liberties taken here and there, the story is going to follow the timeline of the Compilation. Secondly this is also more of a character study than a full 'cover to cover' tale. The idea of Sephiroth growing up with Hojo and in ShinRa took me down a few different paths and this idea of Sephiroth as this very distant person who walked through life but rarely seemed affected by it just stuck and wouldn't go away. The reason why I'm angling for a relationship between Zack and Sephiroth is because I think Zack is going to be the best vehicle for showing what I want. I also like the pairing and usually only see it in conjunction with other characters. Zack is vivacious and earthy where Sephiroth is remote and untouchable. However both of them are entirely lethal in their own right. If I'm doing my job right (heh) Sephiroth won't be immediately likeable. He should be unsettling and maybe a touch incomprehensible. Many of these pieces will be told from other perspectives besides Seph's because I want to show the different lenses through which he's viewed: to Hojo he is the perfect experiment, to the President he is ShinRa's might, to some he'll be a rival, a hero to others, yet to all of them he will be something that they can't quite understand. Unless an idea strikes me as fitting and right for what I imagine will be a very dark look at all of this, the series will not have a happy ending. I'm toying around with the idea of a post AC component, but I want to see how this goes first. I think that's about it for now! |