Author has written 6 stories for Harry Potter, Elder Scroll series, Fairy Tales, and Hunger Games. Hello! I love Skyrim, One Piece, Fanfiction and bandannas. Yay! I love Death Note and Code Geass and Hellsing and some of my best friends are DirectionallyChallengedKenshi, SP Hazelcat and Essy-chan. Okay, my Skyrim/Hunger Games fan fiction is a submit your own tribute, so here is the tribute sheet: Name (full name please): Gender: Age: Hold (see spaces below): Countryside (give whereabouts), village or city: Race (Khajiit, Dark Elf, Wood Elf, Redguard, Nord, Breton, Orc, Argonian): Personality (please be very detailed): Appearance (Again, please be detailed): Reaction when their name was chosen (Include if they entered it more times in hope of getting it picked): Family: Friends: A little history: Training score (and how/why they got that score, be realistic): Interview quote: Would they want to be part of an alliance: Strategy/angle: There is a large chance your tribute will perish what is your preferred way: Strengths (no more than four): Weaknesses(at least two): Worst fear: Token (Each tribute can bring into the arena an object that has sentimental value to them): Mentor(Each tribute is given an older tribute to prep the for the games): So far, these are the spaces left: Eastmarch: none available Haafingar:female Hjaalmarch: none available The Pale: none available The Rift: none available Whiterun: none available Winterhold: none available The Reach: none available Falkreath: female If you are familiar with capitals but not holds, Windhelm is in Eastmarch, Solitude is Haafingar, Morthal is in Hjaalmarch, Dawnstar is in The Pale, Riften is capital of The Rift, Whiterun is in Whiterun Hold, Winterhold is in Winterhold, Markarth is in The Reach, and Falkreath is in Falkreath Hold. Okay, as you probably know the fic mentioned above is being written by someone else, and that person is...: BaconLogic! So if you want to submit characters, then PM them! Dovakiin, Dovahkiin, Huzrah nu, kul do od, wah aan bok lingrah vod, Aahrk fin tey, boziik fun, do fin gein! Wo lost fron wah ney dov, ahrk fin reyliik do jul, voth aan suleyk wah ronit faal krein! rul lot Taazokaan motaad voth kein! vey zeim hokoron pah, ol fin Dovahkiin komeyt ok rein! do ved viing ko fin krah, tol fod zeymah win kein meyz fundein! kruziik vokun staadnau, voth aan bahlok wah diivon fin lein! fod fin vul dovah nok, fen kos nahlot mahfaeraak ahrk ruz! Dovahkiin kos fin saviik do muz! Copy and paste this to your profile and add your name if you know the translation and at least one verse in Dovah off by heart. Don't write the translation! Xoria, DirectionallyChallengedKenshi, Darkfursilvermoon |
asww6678 (0) | Essy-Chan (0) KatarinaKitKat (11) | SP Hazelcat (3) |