![]() Author has written 21 stories for Metal Fight Beyblade/メタルファイト ベイブレード. Salut à tous! Enfin, je suis sur Fanfiction.net! ENFIN!...Bon, euh, je m'appelle Solynn Galaxy (je précise juste que je publiais avant que je ne sois inscrite mes reviews sous le pseudo de Guest14x6, maintenant ce sera Solynn Galaxy) Comme je ne sais pas quoi dire pour me présenter, je vais essayer de faire ça bien. Je m'appelle Solynn Galaxy (évidemment ce n'est ni mon vrai prénom ni vrai mon nom de famille!), j'ai 16 ans, au passage je suis une fille et je suis en première. Mon caractère: Timide, un peu renfermée et solitaire, gentille, honnête, discrète, j'ai une fâcheuse tendance à ne pas contrôler ma force (notamment avec les portes!). Je ne supporte pas l'injustice et il m'arrive de ne pas savoir m'exprimer autrement qu'en parlant fort (pour ne pas dire ne hurlant!). Mes goûts: Je suis une grande fan de manga et de yaoi! Mes passe-temps: Lecture (principalement des mangas), dessin, écriture, ordinateur, télé. Mangas préférés: Beyblade Metal Fusion/Metal Fight Beyblade et Inazuma Eleven: vive les shonen! Sinon je lis pas mal de mangas en général. Livres préférés: Hunger Games. Selon moi, la trilogie à lire absolument (avis aux amateurs d'aventure et de science-fiction), une fois qu'on a commencé, on ne peut plus s'arrêter de le lire tellement que ce livre est génial. Sinon, j'aime bien aussi la série Tara Duncan. Musique préférée: Surtout la musique qui bouge (rock, pop...), mais sinon j'écoute à peu près de tout. Par contre, je ne supporte pas le rap! Personnages préférés: Beyblade Metal Fusion/Metal fight Beyblade: En garçon: Yu Tendo, il est trop mignon! En plus il est fort et malin, et j'adore quand il appelle Kyoya "Yoyo" et que ça fait enrager celui-ci! J'aime beaucoup Kyoya Tategami (en même temps je pense que peu de gens ne l'aiment pas), blader sauvage et solitaire et "roi des animaux" au passage, en plus d'être un beau gosse! J'aime bien aussi Gingka Hagane, éternel rival de Kyoya, et j'adore quand il fait l'idiot, il est tellement adorable! Et comment fait-il pour être aussi fin, alors qu'il doit manger des tonnes de hamburgers par jour? En fille: Madoka Amano, la méchanicienne de talent, j'adore quand elle s'énerve sur les garçons! Sinon j'aime bien Mei-Mei, la remplaçante de l'équipe chinoise, elle est trop drôle quand elle se trompe dans ce qu'elle dit! Inazuma Eleven: En garçon: Jude Sharp/Kidou Yuuto: le stratège et meneur de jeu de génie, ce type est l'incarnation de l'intelligence. Mais pourquoi doit-on attendre l'épisode 106 avant qu'il ne retire ses lunettes en qu'on puisse voir ses beaux yeux? Sinon, j'adore Mark Evans/Endou Mamoru, le capitaine. toujours optimiste, plein d'énergie et joyeux! Et j'adore quand il fait son sourire idiot! J'aime bien aussi Axel Blaze/Gouenji Shuuya et ses tornades de feu! En fille: Célia Hills/Otonashi Haruna: j'adore son look! Avec son ordinateur et ses lunettes sur le front, elle me fait penser à Madoka Amano. J'aime bien aussi Tori (Victoria Vanguard)/Touko, son caractère me plaît. Pairings préférés: Beyblade Metal Fusion/Metal Fight Beyblade: Kyoya Tategami x Gingka Hagane: Mon préféré préféré. Ces deux-là même s'ils sont rivaux sont faits l'un pour l'autre. Gingka est sympathique et joyeux, alors que Kyoya et renfermé et solitaire: ne dit-on pas que les opposés s'attirent? J'adore les passages de la saison 2 où on les voit ensemble: vive les déclarations d'amour - de rivalité je voulais dire. Mais Kyoya, qui est si obsédé par l'idée de vaincre Gingka, n'est-il pas en fait dans un sens obsédé par Gingka en lui-même? Et Gingka, qui a ce qu'on pourrait appeler une "amitié à sens unique" envers Kyoya, est vraiment trop mignon lorsqu'il pense à son rival dans la saison 2...Et puis, leur rivalité peut facilement se transformer en respect/admiration puis en amour...Vive le shonen-ai! Ryuga Atsuka x Gingka Hagane: Encore une fois, les opposés s'attirent...l'ombre et la lumière finissent par se compléter. Je trouve qu'ils iraient bien ensemble (mais pas autant que Kyoya et Gingka). Et puis, deux anciens ennemis peuvent bien tomber amoureux l'un de l'autre, non? (Peut-être qu'avoir quelqu'un dans sa vie permettrait à Ryuga de calmer son obsession pour la quête de pouvoir, qui sait...) Ryuga Atsuka x Kyoya Tategami: Un des rares couples où Ryuga pourrait se retrouver -selon moi- en position de uke...Et puis tous deux ont un caractère...spécial. Qui se ressemble s'assemble. King x Masamune Kadoya: Depuis que j'ai vu l'épisode 26 de Beyblade Metal Fury, je suis devenue raide dingue de ce couple...Je trouve que c'est trop mignon quand King défend Masamune contre Chris, et quand il lui remonte le moral à la fin de l'épisode...(Malheureusement, ceux qui n'ont pas vu la saison 3 ne peuvent pas savoir de qui il s'agit, alors disons que King est un blader plutôt beau gosse, je trouve, très doué mais excité du bocal comme Masamune...Au départ ils se chamaillent sans cesse mais vont finir par devenir amis.) Encore une fois, qui se ressemble s'assemble. Kyoya Tategami x Madoka Amano: Je pense que ces deux-là iraient bien ensemble, et puis Kyoya pourrait peut-être se calmer un peu s'il avait une petite amie...(ce qui je suis sûre, amuserait beaucoup Yu qui en profiterait pour l'embêter) Masamune Kadoya x Madoka Amano: Sans doute mon pairing préféré hétéro. Je les trouve très mignons ensemble. Les opposés s'attirent: Madoka est un génie et Masamune...tout le contraire. Peut-être que ça calmerait aussi Masamune d'avoir une petite amie, on ne sait jamais... Inazuma Eleven: Jude Sharp/Kidou Yuuto x Mark Evans/Endou Mamoru: Depuis que j'ai fait un rêve avec ce couple-là, je les aime beaucoup ensemble...leurs caractères sont assez opposés, mais après tout, c'est grâce à Mark que Jude a découvert une autre manière de jouer au foot et est devenu "gentil"...Et j'adore comment Mark lui remonte le moral au début de l'épisode 17, c'est trop mignon. Au passage, c'est ce duo qui mène l'équipe, avec les directives de Jude et les encouragements de Mark...preuve qu'il est indispensable: stratège de génie capitaine qui ne lâche rien = victoire assurée Jude Sharp/Kidou Yuuto x Axel Blaze/Gouenji Shuuya: Le stratège de génie allié au buteur de génie = amour? (ou au moins = belle performance). Ils forment un couple assez original mais je trouve qu'ils vont bien ensemble. Et eux aussi forment un duo d'enfer. J'adore à la fin de l'épisode 17 où Axel envoie un ballon dans la tête de Jude pour le "réveiller" (pas très romantique comme approche), et où il lui fait comprendre qu'il pourrait rejoindre l'équipe Raimon: Axel a très bien compris ce qu'il ressentait. (C'est beau la compréhension) Xavier Foster/Kiyama Hiroto x Mark Evans/Endou Mamoru: Je n'y avais pas pensé à la base, mais ils iraient bien ensemble. Et Xavier a l'air...intéressé par Mark. Mark Evans/Endou Mamoru x Camélia Travis/Fuyuka Kudo: C'est tellement mignon quand Mark appelle Camélia "Camillou". Et puis ils sont amis d'enfance, et c'est grâce à Mark que Camélia est "sortie de son cauchemar". Ils forment un couple vraiment adorable. (Alors pourquoi, dans Inazuma Eleven GO, Mark est marié à Nelly?! C'est du gâchis) I've notivced some people do this on their profile and everytime I read it it's funny, so I'm trying too :D List your top ten (10) favorite characters from a single anime, and answer the following questions. (Metal Fight Beyblade) 1-Yu 2-Gingka 3-Kyoya 4-Ryuga 5-King 6-Masamune 7-Kakeru 8-Tsubasa 9-Ryuto 10-Kenta Q1 - Have you ever written a five/ten fanfiction before? King/Kenta ? No, and I don't think I will... Q2 - Do you think three is hot? How hot? Kyoya ? Is this question really necessary ? OF COURSE HE IS :D and he's very hot ! Q3 - What would happen if six got one pregnant? If Masamune got Yu pregnant ?...How did this happened? Oh, as long as they're happy...and Gingka would be happy for them, but Tsubasa would like to have a little talk in private with Masamune for having making Yu pregant without his permission O_o Q4 - Do you recall any good fics about nine? About Ryuto ?...No, sorry. Q5 - Would seven and two make a good couple? Kakeru and Gingka ? Why not ? Gingka suits with everybody XD But Kyoya would get very very jealous: Kyoya: MY OWN BROTHER IS MY RIVAL IN LOVE ?! Oh well it doesn't matter because I'LL FIGHT FOR GINGKA'S HEART FOREVER ! Kakeru: So good luck onii-chan :P but I won't give up the fight ! Gingka: All of this for me ;-;... Q6 - Four/eight or four/nine? Ryuga/Tsubasa or Ryuga/Ryuto ?...Well, Tsubasa would be good with Ryuga...but nothing can't stop Ryuga to go with Ryuto even if they are brothers :P so, I don't know. I will say both. Q7 - What would happen if seven discovered that three and eight had a secret relationship? If Kakeru discovered that Kyoya and Tsubasa had a secret relationship ?...Kakeru would be very surprised, and then he would tell everybody that Kyoya isn't free anymore. Much girls will be disappointed. And also Gingka would be ;) Q8 - Can you write a summary of at least twenty words for a two/six fanfiction? For Gingka/Masamune fanfiction ? Umm...Gingka and Masamune are two happy lovers who go out in city, thinking they are finally alone, but Madoka and Yu are stalking them everywhere... Q9 - Is their such thing as a four/ten romantic fluff story? Ryuga/Kenta romantic fluff story ?...Well, Ryuga isn't at all a romantic person, but all is possible. Q10 - Suggest a title for a one/five Hurt/Comfort fic. For Yu/King...Umm...Who are you ? XD Q11 - What kind of plot would you use for a three/seven fic? Kyoya/Kakeru ? I'll make them incredibly fall in love each other despite they're brothers. Kyoya would love and protect his little brother forever :) Q12 - Does anyone on your friends list read seven het? What about nine slash? They don't even watch MFB... Q13 - If you wrote a songfic about nine, what song would you choose? About Ryuto ?...I don't know... Q14 - if you wrote a two/three/six fanfiction, what would the warning be? Gingka/Kyoya/Masamune ? I think T. Q15 - What pick-up line might eight use on five? I don't know... Q16 - Challenge: Write a drabble for ten/eight. Kenta/Tsubasa ?...Tsubasa has always loved Kenta, since the first time he met him during a tournament, but the boy prefers his heart's little brother Yu... Q17 - What would happen if seven walked in on two and one having sex? If Kakeru walked into Gingka and Yu having sex ?...I think he would be traumatized forever o_o and would confess his big brother: Kakeru: Onii-chan, I just saw Gingka and Yu, ugh...make things... Kyoya: What kind of things ? Kakeru: ...Things adults do when they are naked in bed... Kyoya: è_é THAT'S INTOLERABLE !GINGKA SHOULD HAVE DID THIS WITH ME ! WHY DID HE CHOOSE THIS BRAT ?! I'M MUCH BETTER THAN HIM AT BED ! Kakeru:...onii-chan O_o ? Q18 - What kind of plot would you use if you wanted four and one to end up together? Ryuga and Yu? Uhm...maybe something which takes place in Dark Nebula... Q19 - Does anyone on your friends list read seven slash? I said earlier they don't watch MFB... Q20 - Does anyone on your friends list read three het? I have already answered... Q21 - Does anyone on your friends list write or draw one? The same... Q22 - Would you write two/four/five? Gingka/Ryuga/Masamune ? Maybe... Q23 - What might nine scream at a moment of great passion? Ryuto ?...Treasure ! XD Q24 - When was the last time you read a fic about five? It was one of my story... Q25 - What is six's secret kink? I don't know... Q26 - Would one shag nine ? Yu shag Ryuto ? NEVER O_O !!! Q27 - If three and seven got together, who would be on top? Kyoya and Kakeru ? Kyoya of course :D he's the dominant What would you do if Number 1 woke you in the middle of the night? Yu ? I would wonder how he got here, then I would cuddle him, he's so cute :3 - Number 2 got sent to jail? Gingka ? It's necessarily a big mistake, he wouldn't hurt anyone, he's much too nice. Gingka: I'M INNOCENT ;-; ! So I would help him to get out of jail. Number 3 walked into the bathroom while you showering? Kyoya ? Me: GET OUT OF THERE NOW!!! Kyoya: Okay, 'don't need to yell like that *leaves* Number 4 announced he/she's going to marry 9 tomorrow? Ryuga's going to marry Ryuto ?...Well, they're brothers, but as long as they are happy together, I won't have problems with that :) (and then thay will live happily and have a lot of kids ;) ) Number 5 cooked you dinner? King ?...American food ? (even if he's not american...) Number 6 was lying next to you on the beach, sleeping? Masamune ? I will stare, and then I will empty a bottle of water on him XD Number 7 suddenly confessed to be part of your family? I think I will be happy, Kakeru is nice...and it means Kyoya is also my brother ! YAY ! But I would ask him to be nicer... Number 8 got into the hospital somehow? Tsubasa ? Maybe he got possessed by dark power again...aw, Yu and the others would be very sad. Number 9 made fun of your friends? Ryuto ? Bad, it's very bad. Ryuga has a bad influence on his brother. Number 10 ignored you all the time? Kenta ? He's probably looking for Yu :3 - Two serial killers are hunting you down. What will 1 do? Yu ?...Eer, I think he would run for his life with me, he's still a child. Yu: I'M TOO YOUNG AND CUTE TO DIE ;-;! You're on a vacation with 2 and manage to break your leg. What does 2 do? Gingka: Don't worry I'm going to carry you and Pegasus will bring us to the hospital :D Me: Gingka you're a hero ! Gingka: n_n It's your birthday. What does 3 get you? I'm sure Kyoya even don't remember when my birthday takes place...so I guess he would just say "happy birthday" and leave. You're stuck in a house that's on fire. What does 4 do? Ryuga ? Probably nothing, he wouldn't care about me. Like this: Me: SOMEONE HELP ME !!! Ryuga:...-_- stupid *turns away and leaves* Me: YOU'RE MEAN TT-TT! You're about to do something that'll make you feel extremely embarrassed. What will 5 do? King: What are you doing ? Me: LEAVE ME ALONE !!! King: ._.'' Number 6 appears to be a player, breaking many hearts. What do you do? Masamune ? è_é Taking Chao Xin for model is a very bad idea. *slaps him* Stop doing this, and just go with King ! You got dumped by someone. How will 7 cheer you up? Kakeru ? He would smile and comfort me by telling they are other nice people which could be potential lovers. Or suggest to go for a drive at motorbike with him, maybe. You compete in a tournament. How does 9 support you? Ryuto ? I think he would simply cheer me on with stuff like "Don't give up!" "I'm with you!" . You can't stop laughing. What will 10 do? Kenta ? I think he would stare at me. Number 1 is all you've ever dreamed of. Why? Yu ? Because he's so cuuuuuute and funny and intelligent and smart ! He has so many qualities !I want him to be my brother ! What is 2's ultimate fantasy? Gingka ?...I hesitate between being the king of a burger kingdom, having a real pegasis to can hug and fly, or marrying Kyoya nwn You're dating 3 and they introduce you to their parents. Would you get along? Not really, I would be very shy... Is 4 Gay? Ryuga ? Well, since he hates everybody, it's hard to say if he prefers boys or girls...but let's ask: Me: Hey Ryuga are you gay ? Ryuga: That's none of your business. Me:...Should I deduce you like mens ? But it's still a secret. Who is 5's favorite person on your top ten list? King's favorite person ? Masamune of course, since they are good friends (and even more than good friends ;D) Who on the top 10 list loves 6 the most? Who loves Masamune the most ? It goes with the previous question, King has to be the one OwO... You had a haircut and 7 can't stop looking at you. What goes on in your mind? Kakeru ? Either he finds it wierd, or he's fascinatied and wants the same haircut. Why would 8 get fired from his/her job? Tsubasa ?...Eer, since he's a spy, someone must have shot him during a mission to try to kill him, I guess... Number 9 is too shy to face you and confesses their love by sending an email. Now what? Ryuto ? Aww, cute ! But will Ryuga agree with this O_o ? If 10 could only do one more thing before he/she died, what would it be? Kenta ? Defeat Gingka and Ryuga to prove he's strong. What if... Number 1 asked you to marry them? Yu ? Aww, you're cute and nice but you're too young for me ! And Kenta would be disappointed O_o You had to throw a party for 2? For Gingka ? A huge party with tons of hamburgers and pegasis :D 3 asked you to help them find a job? Kyoya ? First, he should learn to be more nice and kind before to get a job u_u 4 decided that he/she was going to live with you? Ryuga ? I would be scared for my life and for my house ._. 5 snuck in your bed in the middle of the night? King ? I guess he went into the wrong room to meet up Masamune ;)... 6 noticed he/she wasn't invited to your birthday? Masamune: Why wasn't I invited to your birthday ? Me: You would have made tons of stupid things. Masamune: You're meaaaan TT-TT! 7 won the lottery? Kakeru ? Kakeru: YAAAAAAAY I WON :D ! Now I will buy a new motorbike, and then I'll make a trip around the world :D ! 8 had quite a big secret? Yu:...You're a girl Tsubasa :D ! Tsubasa: -_- No. 9 became a singer? Ryuto ? Why not, I'm sure he have a beautiful voice. 10 had a daughter? Yu: I've got a daughter with Kenchi :D ! Tsubasa: *faints* Yu: -_o ? What did I say wrong ? What does/would 1 think of 2? Yu: *thinks* Does Gingky loves Yoyo ? How does he do to not gain weight with all the hamburgers he eats ? He's so cool ! Why might 2 disagree with 3? Gingka and Kyoya ?...About the fact that Kyoya isn't his friend ?: Kyoya: We're not friends. Gingka: We are friends :D! Kyoya: NO WE ARE NOT ! Gingka: We're friiiiiiiiiends :D ! Kyoya: NO WE ARE NOT FRIENDS ! Gingka: ...;-; So you don't like me ? TT-TT You're mean, I wanna be your friend Kyoyaaaa...*cries* Kyoya: I don't want us to be friends. I want us to be more than that. *hugs Gingka* Gingka: ;-;...Kyoya...I-I thought you didn't want us to be friends because you wanted us to be rivals... Kyoya: It's because I want us to be lovers, Gingka. I love you *kiss* Aww, happy end OwO! How would 3 greet 4? Kyoya: Hi, lizard ! What would 4 envy about 5? Ryuga ? Nothing, because he thinks he's the best blader. What dream would 5 have about 6? What dream would King have about Masamune ?...Kind of love (and hot) dream hehe OwO What do 6 and 7 have in common? Masamune and Kakeru ?...The only thing I can think is that they're both boys. What would make 7 angry at 8? Kakeru angry at Tsubasa ? They never meet, so I don't know what. Where would 8 meet 9? Tsubasa and Ryuto ?...At a place with a treasure, I think. What would 9 never dare to tell 10? Ryuto: "Gingka is dead" "Yu loves someone else" What would make 10 scared of 1? Nothing, Yu isn't creepy at all...but maybe his ideas would somehow scare Kenta ? You're about to marry number 10. What's 1's reaction? Me: I'm going to marry Kenta ? But he's a kid ! Yu: OBJECTION ! KENCHI IS MY BOYFRIEND ! ONLY I CAN MARRY HIM ! Number 2 tells you about his deeply hidden love for number 9. Gingka: I have something to tell you: I'm in love with Ryuto since I met him *blushes* Me:...Okay, so just go and tell him ! (Aw, Kyoya would be disappointed) Number 4 also loves number 9. What does that mean? Ryuga: I won't allow this Hagane. Ryuto is mine and only mine. Me: And he's your brother -_o? Ryuga: I don't care. I'm the Dragon Emperor and I love Ryuto. Only me can be his lover. So GET READY TO FIGHT GINGKA HAGANE ! Will number 5 and 6 ever kiss? King and Masamune ? OF COURSE !!! They're more than best friends, after all ;D ! You spot 10 kissing 1. How do you react? Kenta and Yu kiss ? AWWW CUTENESS nwn !! They're so cute together ! You notice that 3 and 4 have been inside that hotel room for MORE then a few hours. What are you thinking? Kyoya and Ryuga ?...Either they are sleeping, or their are arguing...or they are doing other things more private owo Could 1 and 6 be soul mates? Yu and Masamune ? Oh...why not ? Would 2 trust 5? Gingka trust King ? Absolutely, Gingka trust everybody :) Number 4 is bored and pokes 10. What happens after that? Ryuga: *pokes* Kenta: Hey it hurts ;-; ! Yu: Who is hurting my Kenchi ?! Ryuga: I'm bored... Yu: You're tired of destroying everything? Ryuga: No, I've already destroyed everything. That's why I'm bored. Yu: O_O 5 and 1 are forced to go back to school together. What study will they pick? Yu and King ?...Gym ? 7 and 9 apply for a job. What job? Kakeru and Ryuto ?...Well...treasure hunters :D ! 8 gives 5 a haircut. Is that okay? I think yes, Tsubasa would be a good hairdresser: King: Aw, I look so coooool ! Hey Masamune, just look at how handsome I am now ! 9 sketches what 6's perfect mate should look like; will 6 be happy? Masamune: Blue eyes, dark blue hair, tan skin, and very handsome... Ryuto:...It looks like your legendary blader best friend... Masamune: :D Yay ! 2 sent a message to their Bf/Gf but 9 got it. What would happen? Ryuto: ..."Hey I wanna go for a date just me and you, it's okay ? and I love you very very much n_n"...and it's from Gingka... Gingka:...Oh no,I send my message to Ryuto o_o' WAIT RYUTO THAT'S NOT WHAT YOU THINK ! 5 and 6 did a workout together? King and Masamune ? Probably a beyblade workout... 1 accidentally kicked 10? Kenta: Ouch XO! Yu: OH NO I'M SO SORRY KENCHI ;-; !*hugs him* I'M SO SORRY ! Kenta:...It's nothing Yu... If 6 and 3 cooked dinner what would they make? Masamune and Kyoya ?...Kyoya would leave Masamune cook alone, so I think he would make hamburgers or things like that. 10 and 9 are blushing while they talk. What is their conversation about? Ryuto and Kenta ?... Ryuto: Kenta, I don't know what to do ! Gingka and Ryuga are in love with me ! What should I do ? Kenta: Well...just choose the one you love...*thinks* Ryuga loves his own brother ? It's so weird... What might 1 and 3 be doing together 10 years in the future? Yu and Kyoya ? Well, arguing ! Because Yu would continue to annoy Kyoya, even 10 years later XD 1. Have you ever read a 7/2 fic?Do you want to? Kakeru/Gingka ? No, but I would like to read one :D 2. Do you think 9 is hot? How hot? Ryuto ? Yeah...but not as much as his brother. 3. What would happen if 10 got 5 pregnant? If Kenta got King pregnant ?...I would wonder how the heck did this happen, and Masamune would be incredibly jealous at Kenta... 4. Can you recall any fics about 7? No, sorry... 5. Would 10 and 3 make a good couple? Kenta and Kyoya ? O_O Not really... 6. 6/2 or 6/3? Why? Masamune/Gingka or Masamune/Kyoya ?... Masamune/Gingka of course ! Why ? Do you just imagine Kyoya with Masamune ? That would be weird... 7. What would happen if 9 walked in on 2 and 8 having sex? If Ryuto walked into Gingka and Tsubasa having sex ?...He would blush and leave while trying to forget what he saw a few minutes ago... 8. Make up a summary for a 10/6 fic. For Kenta/Masamune ?...Kenta is observing Masamune while he's training to beyblade, and feels he attracts him, but suddenly, Masamune sees him...what will happend next ? 9. Is there any such thing as 8/3 fluff? Tsubasa/Kyoya ?...I don't think... 10. Suggest a title for a 4/10 hurt/comfort fic. For Ryuga/Kenta ? What a coincidence I wrote a Hurt/comfort fic with those two ! So..."More than a little brother" 11. What kind of plot would you use if you wanted 8 to deflower 2? If I wanted Ryuto to deflower Gingka ?...I would promise to Ryuto that if he deflower Gingka I'll give him a wonderful treasure owo 12. Does anyone on your friends list read 7 het? They don't watch MFB... 13. Does anyone on your friends list write or draw 6? I've already answered... 14. Would anyone on your friends list write 5/8/1? The same... 15. What might 8 scream at a moment of great passion? Tsubasa ?...EAGLE ! XD 16. If you wrote a Song-fic about 6, what song would you choose? About Masamune ?..."Shut up" by Simple Plan, it really suits to him 17. If you wrote a 1/8/4 fic, what would the warning be? Yu/Tsubasa/Ryuga ?... I think T 18. What might be a good pick up line for 10 to use on 6? I don't know... 19. When was the last time you read a fic about 9? About Ryuto ? Yesterday... 20. What is 10's super secret kink? Kenta ?...He loves Yu :) ? 21. Would 1 shag 3? Drunk or sober? Yu shag Kyoya ? NO WAY !!! 22. If 4 and 10 get together, who tops? Ryuga and Kenta ?...Ryuga of course ! 23. "(10) and (2) are in a happy relationship until (2) runs off with (9). (10), brokenhearted, has a hot one-night stand with (4) and a brief unhappy affair with (9), then follows the wise advice of (7) and finds true love with (5)." "Kenta and Gingka are in happy relationship until Gingka runs off with Ryuto. Kenta, brokenheart, has a hot one-night stand with Ryuga and a brief unhappy affair with Ryuto, then follows the wise advice of Kakeru and finds love with King." ...O_o WTF ?! How do you feel right now? ...Well, I'm feel good, thanks. List your top ten (10) favorite characters from a single anime, and answer the following questions. (Now, let's make this with "Sonic the Hedgehog" :D !) 1- Sonic 2- Shadow 3- Silver 4- Tails 5- Blaze 6- Metal Sonic 7- Rouge 8- Knuckles 9- Manic 10- Marine Q1 - Have you ever written a five/ten fanfiction before? Blaze/Marine ? No. Q2 - Do you think three is hot? How hot? Silver ? Yeah :) (but not as hot as Shadow) Q3 - What would happen if six got one pregnant? If Metal Sonic got Sonic pregnant ? O_O How the hell is it even possible ? Metal is a robot ! (Maybe it's part of the ameliorations Eggman brought on him o_o) But a mini Sonic robot would be cute :3 Q4 - Do you recall any good fics about nine? About Manic ? ...No. Q5 - Would seven and two make a good couple? Rouge and Shadow ? ...I don't like this pairing, so NO. And Rouge's already on Knuckles. Q6 - Four/eight or four/nine? Tails/Knuckles or Tails/Manic ? O_o …Tails/Knuckles ? Q7 - What would happen if seven discovered that three and eight had a secret relationship? If Rouge discovered that Silver and Knuckles had a secret relationship ? She would kill Silver XD Q8 - Can you write a summary of at least twenty words for a two/six fanfiction? Shadow/Metal Sonic ?...After being defeated by Sonic once again, Metal Sonic got sad and depressed. Shadow wants to comfort him... Q9 - Is their such thing as a four/ten romantic fluff story? Tails/Marine ? That would be cute, I think :) Q10 - Suggest a title for a one/five Hurt/Comfort fic. Sonic/Blaze ?... «Separated » ? Q11 - What kind of plot would you use for a three/seven fic? For Silver/Rouge ?... Rouge would love Silver because he's cute and fluffy :3 Q12 - Does anyone on your friends list read seven het? What about nine slash? No, my friends aren't interested in Sonic... -_- Q13 - If you wrote a songfic about nine, what song would you choose? About Manic ?...I don't know, I have a bad musical culture u_u Q14 - if you wrote a two/three/six fanfiction, what would the warning be? Shadow/Silver/Metal Sonic ? I think T (with a lot of hotness OwO; do you imagine hot scenes with Metal ? XD) Q15 - What pick-up line might eight use on five? I don't know... Q16 - Challenge: Write a drabble for ten/eight. For Marine/Knuckles ? ...Just NO. Q17 - What would happen if seven walked in on two and one having sex? If Rouge walked into Sonic and Shadow having sex ? Rouge: I knew you two were more than rivals :3 Sonic: *blushes a lot* Shadow: GET OUT OF HERE !!! Q18 – What kind of plot would you use if you wanted four and one to end up together? Tails and Sonic ? I would make a cute and romantic story with friendship and love :) Q19 - Does anyone on your friends list read seven slash? No, they're not interested in Sonic, I've already say that... Q20 - Does anyone on your friends list read three het? The same... Q21 - Does anyone on your friends list write or draw one? The same... Q22 - Would you write two/four/five? Shadow/Tails/Blaze ?...I don't think. Q23 - What might nine scream at a moment of great passion? Manic ? «MUSIC ROCKS » ! Q24 - When was the last time you read a fic about five? About Blaze ? A few weeks ago... Q25 - What is six's secret kink? Metal Sonic ?... He loves Sonic, maybe ? Q26 - Would one shag nine ? Sonic shag Manic ?...Uuuh...maybe if he was drunk... Q27 - If three and seven got together, who would be on top? Silver and Rouge ? ROUGE ! (I think Rouge is much more seme than Silver...) What would you do if Number 1 woke you in the middle of the night? If Sonic woke me ? I would tell him how much I like/owe to him (and I would be soooo happy to see him :D) Number 2 got sent to jail? Shadow got sent to jail ? That's not surprising (finally the G.U.N chased the right person !) But of course, he would manage to escape with a Chaos Control... Number 3 walked into the bathroom while you showering? Me: SILVER Ò_Ó! Silver: I'm sorry !!! *get out of the bathroom* Number 4 announced he/she's going to marry 9 tomorrow? Tails announced he's going to marry Manic ? ...Tails, I think you're too young... Number 5 cooked you dinner? Blaze cooked me dinner ? I guess it might no be bad, she must be good at cooking... Number 6 was lying next to you on the beach, sleeping? I would wonder why the hell Metal would come here... Maybe he wants to act like the real Sonic ? (but the real Sonic don't like beach...) Number 7 suddenly confessed to be part of your family? Rouge ? I don't how could I be related to a bat... Number 8 got into the hospital somehow? Knuckles ? That's Rouge who beat him for having cheated her with Silver XD Number 9 made fun of your friends? I don't think Manic would do that, he's too nice. Number 10 ignored you all the time? I think Marine is only interested in exploration... Two serial killers are hunting you down. What will 1 do? Sonic ? He would fight them, of course ! You're on a vacation with 2 and manage to break your leg. What does 2 do? Me: HELP ME ! Shadow:...Pathetic *leaves* Me: YOU'RE MEAN TT-TT ! It's your birthday. What does 3 get you? Silver ? Maybe something that comes from the future... (maybe the camera which turn things into cards that Eggman Nega used in Sonic Rivals...) You're stuck in a house that's on fire. What does 4 do? Tails would use one of his creations to allow us to escape ! Or he would fly and get me out of the house... You're about to do something that'll make you feel extremely embarrassed. What will 5 do? Blaze ? I think she would understand my situation and leave. Number 6 appears to be a player, breaking many hearts. What do you do? Metal Sonic ? Man, he really wants to become the real Sonic (but the real Sonic isn't a player...) Well, I would make him understand that it's not by doing that people are gonna like him... (and especially Sonic...) You got dumped by someone. How will 7 cheer you up? I think Rouge would tell me that someone was a fool or things like that... You compete in a tournament. How does 9 support you? Manic would play music: big drums concert ! You can't stop laughing. What will 10 do ? Marine would stare, then laugh with me... You're about to marry number 10. What's 1's reaction: Me: I'm about to marry Marine. Sonic:...O_o That's weird... Number 1 is all you've ever dreamed of. Why? Because Sonic is so AWESOME ! He's the fastest thing alive and he's nice and funny and powerful ! He's soooooo amazing :D! What is 2's ultimate fantasy? No, Shadow's ultimate fantasy isn't defeating Sonic. It's marrying him *w* You're dating 3 and he/she introduce you to his/her parents. Would you get along? I wonder how are Silver's parents... Is 4 Gay? Tails ? I think he's too young to know... Who is 5's favorite person on your top ten list? Blaze's favorite person ? I would say Sonic. Marine is probably a little too annoying... Who on the top 10 list loves 6 the most? Who loves the most Metal Sonic ?...Sonic, I guess. They have a special relationship... You had a haircut and 7 can't stop looking at you. What goes on in your mind? Maybe Rouge is jealous ? Or she finds my haircut weird... Why would 8 get fired from his/her job No, that could not happen, Knuckles would always guard the Master Emerald, even if the end of the world was going to happen... If 10 could only do one more thing before he/she died, what would it be? Marine would explore the whole universe... Would 2 trust 5? I think Shadow could trust Blaze, since she's a serious person. Number 4 is bored and pokes 10. What happens after that? Tails and Marine would make a poking competition ! 5 and 1 forced to go back to school together. What study will they pick ? Blaze and Sonic ? I think they will pick sport... You notice that 3 and 4 have been inside that hotel room for more than a few hours. What are you thinking ? I think Tails is still quarreling with Silver on the fact that he tried to kill his big brother Sonic... Will number 5 and 6 ever kiss? Blaze and Metal Sonic ? ...That would be an accident. (And I think Blaze would burn Metal for having kissed her o_o) Number 8 thinks he/she’ll never get a girl/boyfriend. What will you tell him/her? Knuckles, are you kidding me -_- ? You freaking loves Rouge. Just confess to her instead of staying on your island ! I'm sure the Master Emerald will understand :) Number 9 is too shy to face you and confesses their love by sending an email. Now what? Aww, Manic, you're so cute. But honestly, I'm not interested in having a boyfriend for the moment. You spot 10 kissing 1. How do you react? Marine kissing Sonic ?... I don't know what to think about this... Could 1 and 6 be soul mates? Sonic and Metal Sonic ?...Why not ? 2 sent a message to his/her Bf/Gf but 9 got it. What would happen? So let's say Shadow sent a message to Sonic (*w*) but Manic got it: Manic: «Let's have some fun tonight » ...O_o' Shadow: DAMN ! Wrong person ! 6 noticed he/she wasn't invited to your birthday? Metal Sonic: You don't like me ;-; ? Me: Sorry, you can come, but do not try to kill Sonic, please. 7 won the lottery? Rouge won the lottery ? She would make build a giant luxury palace where she could put all the jewels she would steal... If 6 and 3 cooked dinner, what would they make? If Metal Sonic and Silver cooked dinner ? I don't know, Metal probably doesn't know how to cook... but I don't think these two cooking together would be something easy... Number 2 tells you about his/her deeply hidden love for number 9. Shadow: I love Manic. Me:...Oh, Sonic won't like this... Sonic: Shadow doesn't love meeeee TT-TT ! Manic: Heck no ! He's a pervert ! He just wants to have sex with me ! Number 4 loves number 9 as well. What does that mean? Tails: Shadow, let's fight for Manic's heart ! Sonic: You too, Tails o_o ? Shadow: Right, bring it on ! But you can't defeat the ulitmate life form ! Manic: I just wanna play music... 1 accidentally kicked 10? Marine would yell until Sonic apologize... What would 1 think of 2? Sonic: Shadow ? He's awesome ! He's a great rival and friend (*blushes* and even more (;D)), but I would like to see him smiling times to times... And I love racing against him ! What would 4 envy about 5 ? Maybe Tails would envy Blaze's flames power... What dream would 5 have about 6 ? Blaze would have a dream where she would meet Metal Sonic, I guess... Metal Sonic: Hi, I'm the real Sonic ! Blaze: You're a robot... Metal: Shut up... What do 6 and 1 have in common ? Metal Sonic and Sonic are fast and blue... What would make 7 angry at 8 ? Rouge would be angry because Knuckles is too stupid to admit he loves her... What would 9 never dare to tell 10 ? I think Silver would never dare to tell Marine things like «Sonic and Blaze went on an adventure without you »... What would make 1 scared of 10 ? Marine: If you don't allow me to go with you on an adventure, I will tell Amy that you're ready for the marriage. Sonic: O_O NO ! Is 3 gay ? Silver ?...I seriously hope he is :3 Does anyone on your friends list write or draw number 1? No, they're not into Sonic. Do you think number 4 is hot? How hot? Tails isn't hot, he sooooo cute :3 ! What about number 3? Is he/she is hot? Yeah, Silver is hot... Do you recall any fics about 9? No... Would 2 and 6 make a good couple? Shadow and Metal Sonic ?...Hey, who knows ? They might be good together...XD 5/9 or 5/10? Blaze/Manic or Blaze/Marine ? Blaze/Marine. Make up a summary of a 3/10 fanfic. Silver/Marine ? Marine wants to discover the future with Silver... How emo is 7? Rouge ? I don't think she's emo... What might 10 scream at a moment of great passion? Marine: «LET'S EXPLORE THE WORLD ! » 10 and 9 are blushing while they talk. What is their conversation about ? Manic and Marine would probalby talk about stupid things they did... 8 had a big secret ? Knuckles had a big secret ? He loves Rouge, but it's not a secret... 10 got a daughter. Marine's too young to have a child... How do you feel right now? Fine...