'I think he thinks last night was a mistake.' Ryuga was lost in thought while making two omelets for breakfast.
Suddenly Ginga appeared with a grumpy pouting face. He was dressed back to his old clothes and heading towards the front door.
Ryuga stopped him, "Where do you think you're going?" he grabbed Ginga's arm roughly.
"What do you mean where; I'm going back home!" Ginga yanked his arm away.
"Why should I?!"
"'Cause you haven't had breakfast yet." he dragged Ginga to the counter where 2 plates were placed.
"What are we having?" Ginga asked.
"Omelet" Ryuga replied while placing a freshly cooked one on Ginga's plate and his own plate, he offered, "Well..dig in"
Ginga ate a piece and his eyes became wide. He blushed and kept eating more.
Ryuga watched as he enjoyed it, 'Kawaii'
The boy looked at Ryuga and finally asked, "Why are you acting so calm?"
"I mean..after what we did last night."
"Okay, what do you want us to be then?" Ryuuga placed down his fork and looked Ginga in the eye, 'Please say lovers please say lovers!' he hoped repeated.
Ryuga slammed his hands on the counter and stood up, "FRIENDS?! NO WAY! DO FRIENDS DO THOSE SORTS OF THINGS; LIKE KISSING AND FUCKING?!"
Ginga stared at him, "We can't be…it's impossible…."
"….." Ginga just looked away.
"Then should I ask?"
"Ask what?"
Ryuga grabbed both of Ginga's hands and stared deeply at his eyes, "Will you go out with me?"
"I know you heard me. So is it a yes or a yes…ah, I mean no.." Ryuga's heart was beating fast.
This was the first time that he asked someone out and fell in love deeply with them.
"Ummm…." Ginga didn't know what to say.
He hesitated, "Umm..okay…"
"Cool! So where do you want to go today?"
"Uh, I think I should go home first….We can hang out later on today."
"Yeah, yeah" Ryuga nodded.
"So umm we're done here, right….can I go home now?"
"Ah, sure, sure! Can I escort you?"
"You can't….and please….please let go of my hands now." Ginga sweatdropped.
"Oh yeah!" he let go and blushed a little.
Ginga stood up and was about to walk out of the door, but Ryuga pulled him back in into a hug.
"Hmmn" Ryuga hummed in the hug.
"Ryuga…"the redhead hugged him back, 'Its sooo…warm' he closed his eyes to feel the warmth for a few moments until Ryuga let go.
"So umm…uhh….you should go home..ummm..uhh…ahh..ummm.." Ryuga didn't know what to say next.
"Oh! Um ummm…see you later, umm afternoon at the park!" Ginga said and walked out of the house, through the gate, and went home.
"You are going to stay here! Don't do anything but rest! Okay, Kyouya!?"
"Y-Yeah" Kyouya just laid down resting.
The pain in his leg that was stabbed by glass felt horrible. The caretaker went out and locked the door from the outside, just so Kyouya wouldn't have any ideas on getting out.
As the care taker walked a few miles away from the small apartment there a young boy bumped into her.
"Sorry" Ginga apologized.
"Watch it" The caretaker said.
'What a mean woman, oh well' Ginga thought walking down the road to his house happily.
"I have a friend, I have a friend, lalalala" He sang happily and started skipping.
A few moments later he heard groaning sounds, " still hurts…nghh!"
Ginga looked around; he saw a little open window. He tip toed to look inside. There he saw a young boy, green hair, and had cross-like scars below his eyes.
"Um, are you alright?" Ginga asked.
"Huh?" Kyouya looked up to see a boy.
"I said are you alright?" Ginga asked again.
"…." Kyouya didn't respond, instead he hid under the blanket.
"Umm don't be afraid I won't hurt you." Ginga tilted his head to the side, "Who are you?"
Still no reply.
"Umm, okay I'll introduce myself first. My name is Ginga Hagane!" Ginga said.
"Ginga…"Kyouya murmured.
"So what is yours?"
"I'm Kyouya Tetagami" Kyouya said still under the blanket.
"Can I see your face….?"
"No…" Kyouya replied.
"Are you scared? Don't worry! Just look at me and you'll be better!"
Kyouya took off the blanket that was hiding him, there he saw Ginga smiling. He just stared at the redhead.
"Wow, you look so cool! Can you get closer so I can see you clearly?"
"Uhh…yeah." Kyouya stood up but the pain on his other leg wouldn't let him stand. So he placed the burden onto his other leg. There Kyouya was able to hop his way towards the small window.
"Where are you?" Kyouy asked.
"Boo!"Ginga tried to scare him but his plan didn't work.
"What are you doing?" Kyouya just stared.
"Sorry I was just trying" Ginga trailed off and reached towards Kyouya's face, cupping both his cheeks.
Kyouya blushed, 'He has warm hands and a great smile.'
"Cool!" Ginga's thumbs rubbed both of the scars on each cheek, "What happened to these?!"
"That's a secret…what's so cool about it anyway?"
"You look like some kind of umm…lion I think." Ginga's eyes sparkled.
"Ah r-really!?" Kyoua stuttered.
"WHAT THE HELL ARE YOU DOING!" A woman pushed Ginga away from the window
"HEY! DON'T HURT HIM!" Kyouya protested.
"GO AWAY! YOU BRAT!" The woman who happened to be the caretaker.
"Whaaaa?!" Ginga stood up and ran away.
"DAMN BRAT!" The caretaker said she unlocked the door that opened the apartment, stepped inside, and shut the door.
Kyouya muttered, "You shouldn't scare him like that.."
"Shut up you! My ass is on the line here, I'm risking my life here! You should stop talking to people from the outside!"
"But I think he's trustworthy."
"Don't be fooled by the looks of that boy!" The caretaker said, she gave Kyouya a bento.
The teen sighed, "But I wanted him to be my friend."
"WE ARE FRIENDS KYOUYA!" Ginga shouted from the window grinning.
Kyouya was just surprised he came back; he stared at the grinning boy at the window then he too started laughing.
'He's so interesting' Kyouya thought.
"Yikes, gotta go Kyouya!" Ginga waved bye and ran away from the caretaker's wrath.
To be Continued. . .