![]() Author has written 3 stories for Sherlock, and Harry Potter. Hi I'm Aislinn Riddle and I am 16. I have writing fanfiction for around five years now and don't think I'll be stopping anytime soon. I mostly post on my AO3 Account - http:///users/Shay_Riddle_xxx. I am currently writing a series of cliche stories and these are the fandoms I am willing to write for: - Star Trek (2009) : Spock/Kirk - Harry Potter : Draco/Harry, Severus/Harry, Lucius/Harry, Voldemort (Tom)/Harry, pretty much any shippings but not with Ron and I won't write Ginny/Hermione with Harry. - Skulduggery Pleasant : Valkyrie/ Skulduggery and Valkyrie/Fletcher. No Caelan. Ever. - Doctor Who : Doctor (10th)/Donna, (11th) Doctor/River, (10th) Doctor/Captain Jack Harkness - Sherlock : John/Sherlock, Greg Lestrade/Mycroft - Scrubs : Perry/J.D. - Hawaii 5-0 : Danny/Steve - Merlin : Arthur/Merlin - Thor : Thor/Loki - Torchwood : Gwen/Captain Jack Harkness - Grimm : Eddie/Nick - NCIS : Jethro/Timothy - Criminal Minds : Spencer/Derek - Supernatural : Dean/Sam - The Big Band Theory : Penny/Leonard, Penny/Sheldon, Sheldon/Leonard - Avengers: Loki/Thor, Loki/Clint, Loki/Bruce, Loki/Tony, Thor/Steve, Tony/Clint, Tony/Bruce, Natasha/Clint I am accepting all prompts for any of these pairings and fandoms and they can be any cliche just give me a pm with the fandom/cliche and pairing! I have probably forgot to mention any other fandoms or pairing I will write so drop me a pm with a request and I will tell you if I will write it or not . Love and Sneakiness, Aislinn Riddle xxx |