Author has written 3 stories for Merlin. I was given 24 hour internet access and life went downhill from there. I'm a 15 year old procrastinator who deals with the fact the future terrifies me by ignoring it and immersing myself in fiction. I get obsessed extremely easily and I find that I can only have one main obsession at a time (although I can have many minor ones). My current major obsession is Supernatural. Minor/past obsessions include: -Merlin -Doctor who -Downton abbey -Teen Wolf -Harry Potter -The Avengers/Marvel in general -The Inheritance cycle -Lord Of The Rings I am also currently getting in to Game Of Thrones. I read all the time, although these days it's fanfiction a lot of the time. I have too many favourite books to put here but I will say that Terry Pratchett's Truckers, Diggers and Wings series is amazing. I have a phobia of any type of insect, heights and small spaces (yes I do know what it's called). I'm awful at finishing fanfiction once I lose interest in a fandom. Sorry. I can be completely insecure or completely sure of myself, depending on the day. Ships: River/11th Doctor- I know that River is a badly written character, and I have many issues with what Moffat has done to Doctor Who, but these two are amazing together and I love them. Destiel-This is hinted at so much in the show I find it pretty impossible not to ship them-and it will become come cannon one day! Mary/Mathew Crawley-Precious babies. That is all I have to say Harry/Ginny-In the books they are perfect for each other. Lets not talk about film Ginny Dramione and Ron/Hermione-Dramione in the films and Ron/Hermione in the books |