A/N: Hmm. Not a particularly wonderful story in terms of writing style. So please, REVIEW! Tell me what you think, how I can improve it!

Morgana pulled her hood over her mahogany hair. It would be impossible for anyone to figure her identity out now. She heard the tell-tale footsteps against the stone floor behind her, but resisted the urge to turn around. No doubt it was that pesky servant... The one who poisoned her. The one she had thought was her friend.

As she reached the forest, she could constantly hear twigs snapping, leaves crunching. Merlin would be a terrible hunter. She blocked the sounds out, and waited in a clearing for her sister. She stood tall and proud, trying to send a message to Merlin that she wasn't afraid of him.

With the impeccable timing that gifted only herself and Merlin, Morgause rode into the clearing. She was wearing chainmail, and had with her two guards. It wasn't like she would even need them, they were just for show.

'Sorry you had to wait,' Morgause said, slightly breathless. 'There was much to discuss.'

'The treaty was successful?' Morgana asked, smiling slightly.

'Cenred's army rides on my command,' replied Morgause with a similar cunning smile.

'There is nothing you cannot do.'

'I can't find Emrys. With him on our side, we could smash Camelot within seconds.'

'Don't worry, sister. I'm sure your army of the living dead combined with Cenred's army will be undefeatable.'

'Indeed,' Morgause said mildly. 'Besides, a man like Emrys would know how to stay in the shadows. He is the most powerful warlock in history... The one who, together with the Once and Future King, will bring peace and unity to the lands of Albion...'

'Once we destroy Camelot, we destroy the last barrier to bringing magic back to the land.'

'Yes. We will clear the way for Emrys and the King. We will take part of the Great Prophecy!'

Merlin carefully navigated his way around Arthur's room, trying not to step on the numerous objects strewn on the floor. He yanked open the blinds and took in the mess that lay before him.

'What happened?' Merlin said, incredulous.

Arthur's eyes snapped open at his voice, any remnants of sleep quickly brushed off. 'I had to make do without a servant, that's what happened,' he said, not bothering to keep the annoyance out of his voice.

'I wasn't gone for that long!'

'Without my permission,' Arthur snapped back.

'I could've been dying.'

'I wouldn't be complaining. But you're not. So where've you been?'

Merlin cast his mind over the last few days. 'I was dying.'

Arthur obviously didn't believe him. 'I don't have time for this,' he said promptly. 'The future of Camelot rests on my shoulders. Do you have any idea what that feels like?'


'Merlin,' Arthur interrupted. 'I could have you thrown in jail for this. So what have you to say for yourself?'

Merlin rocked on his heels and crossed his arms. 'You haven't had your breakfast, have you?'

Arthur turned a spectacular shade of violet. 'I'LL HAVE YOU FOR BREAKFAST!' He threw a goblet that was next to his bed at Merlin.

'No wonder this room is so messy!' Merlin threw back.

Arthur frisbeed a plate at him.

'Got all the makings of a great king, I see,' said Merlin sarcastically, and bowed.

A boot sailed above his head. Merlin quickly scrammed from Arthur's chambers.

As Merlin walked through the corridors, he remembered the last couple of days.

After Morgana and Morgause had discussed Emrys, Merlin had jumped out of his skin. If they were hell-bent on destroying Camelot in order for the prophecy to come true, then maybe he could convince them that Arthur was the Once and Future King.

But the noise he had made had given him away.

'Who's there?' Morgause had said harshly.

'Merlin,' hissed Morgana, her voice filled with venom.

He had run immediately, the only thought in his mind to get away at this point. They still had no idea about who or what he was, and he had no intention to enlighten them now that their fury was directed at him.

They caught him. Morgause had tied him up with magically reinforced chains, and had a little 'chat' with Merlin.

'You intrigue me, Merlin,' she had said. 'Why does a lowly servant continue to risk everything for Arthur and for Camelot?'


'You know the answer but you're not telling me.'

More silence.

'Come on. Time and again you've put your life on the line. There must be a reason.'

Merlin hesitated. Should he reveal to her what he believed in? 'I believe in a fair and just land,' he had said at last. That was a half-truth.

Morgause couldn't keep a smirk from playing on her lips. 'And you think Arthur will bring you that?'

'I know it,' Merlin had said with certainty.

'And then what?' Morgause had said, slightly miffed. 'Let me tell you something. The druids have a prophecy. They believe that a warlock, under the name of Emrys, will make this land fair and just. They believe that he will unite with the Once and Future King to balance this world. They believe that those two will bring magic back to this land.'

She watched Merlin closely to see his reaction, but he kept his face smooth as stone. She took this as a sign to continue.

'Surely it's not Uther Pendragon that these druids have prophesized about. Surely it's not Arthur, who is so obviously his father's son. What do you think, Merlin?'

What should he do? He still didn't trust Morgause enough to reveal his secret, but if he did then he could prevent a full-out war. He opened his mouth to spill the beans. Too late.

'Whatever you may think, Merlin, you will take it to the grave,' Morgause had said. She turned away and disappeared into the forest, leaving Merlin to be killed by the Serkets.

A/N: REVIEW! Or the serkets will come after you!