AN: The finale was really sad, so I decided to a story set just after The Drawing Of The Dark where Merlin's secret is revealed. I know there are quite a few 'the characters watch the show' fics and I'm sorry, but I wanted to do my own. I plan on doing all the episodes, apart from the finale. I have ages since it's finished (sobs). If/when I finish it I will write an alternative ending for the series-because I think if Merlin had revealed his magic earlier it would have all been okay! This is my first attempt at fan-fiction so please be nice and please review. Thanks!

Merlin was having a bad day. Not one of the worst in his life, admittedly, but then he'd had some very bad days. He'd been yelled at by Arthur at least 8 times already, Sir Leon had just brought the news that another patrol had been attacked by Morgana's men and he was still worried about Mordred-although he was always worried about Mordred these days. Now to top it all off he'd awoken in a dark cave and could only assume he'd been knocked unconscious.

"Hello?" a voice called out. Merlin recognized it as Gwen's.

"Gwen?" another voice replied. It was Arthur. "Who else is here? Is anyone hurt?"

A chorus of "I'm here"s followed this question and revealed that Gwaine, Percival, Gaius and Leon were there also, and that none of them were hurt.

"What happened?" Gwen asked

"I suspect sorcery was involved." Arthur declared grimly.

"You are correct, Arthur Pendragon. I brought you here." A voice came out of the darkness.

Merlin heard Arthur draw his sword and shout angrily "Who are you? How dare you kidnap us!"

"Who I am is not important. The time of your doom is near Arthur and unless you learn to trust in the old religion, it is inevitable. That is why you are here."

Merlin could here several more swords being drawn. He readied himself to use magic, should he need to, but at the same time listened carefully to what the voice was saying. Was this the answer to the riddle? Was this how he could save Arthur from his fate?

"Do you threaten our king?" Leon asked angrily at the same time as Arthur said incredulously "Trust in magic!?" and Merlin asked "What do you mean?"

"Your death has long been foretold, Arthur Pendragon, but that does not make is unavoidable. There is one who can save you but you must learn to accept him for who he is and trust in him completely."

"And who is this person? And how will they save me? From what?" Arthur asked. He didn't trust this man-he was magic after all, and he had kidnapped them-but for some reason he believed he was telling the truth.

"Emrys will save you from the boy Mordred and the witch Morgana in the battle that is to come. But you must know him for who he is. Only then will he be able to fulfill his destiny and only then will you be able to fulfill yours. I am going to show you memories that will explain all of that. Do not worry. No harm can befall you here and no time shall pass in the real world. Once you are finished here you will return and nothing will have changed, except that you will all know the truth."

AN: I hope you liked it! The next chapter will be The Dragon's Call. I've nearly finished it so it should be up tomorrow or the day after. If you review I will love you forever!