Author has written 14 stories for Misc. Movies, Portal, South Park, Regular Show, Team Fortress 2, Web Shows, Invader Zim, Legion of Super Heroes, Angry Birds, Overwatch, and Don't Starve. Greetings, mortals, I am Frankie, perfectly normal human defect with an equally weird brain to match. I write fanfictions, duh, why else would I be on this site? Pleasantries aside, I am delighted you managed to stumble upon my page full of stories filled with wit, charm and many a spelling error. Feel free to read them, and favourite, follow or comment if you wish to tell me your thoughts, even if they do use some choice words. I tend to get obsessed with various fandoms, to which my dignity is slowly being drained. JUST TO PUT THIS OUT THERE, ANY FANFICTION THAT DATES BEFORE 2014 WAS WRITTEN BY ANGST FILLED ME WHO DIDN'T KNOW HOW TO WRITE FOR SHIT. EXCEPT 'TEEN FORTRESS 2'. THAT THING IS MY BABY. ( ͡ ͜ʖ ͡) I have an account on DeviantART, where I am amassing quite the army of minions, go check that out if you like my attempted creativity. - DEVIANTART OF SUCK Oh hey, look unto the holy pit of destiny, a Tumblr! : TUMBLR OF DOOM I am going to sin on that site so hard. |
MaidenofIron157 (25) | sherlockianworld (1) | Sonicgirl582 (7) |