To anybody that has read this story up to this point:

I noticed that I still get asked this from time to time, but no, the story was not finished all those years ago—the last chapter before this was not supposed to be the end. Unfortunately, like with most writers who have other responsibilities, as well as life changes amongst other things, I never finished this story all those years ago. Back then I could clearly see the end and what would finally happen as the plot's conclusion, however I am now 23 and nearing 24…I am not in school anymore like I was back when this story started or during the several years after it.

I also feel my writing skills in general have dwindled due to just aging in general and I can't get into that mind-set like I used to when younger; back then I could truly escape into my head and write it all, my writing felt exciting to, well, write. I can't achieve that anymore. At least, I feel I personally can't. Life, work, splitting myself between numerous other things (I am an independent Illustrator/artist on top of a normal job,) including several artistic projects, has made writing go completely on the back-burner, where sadly it burned, burned, until nothing but ash was left.

Despite all this, Vincent is still a key part of various things I draw from time to time when I do finally get a free a moment! There are a few artworks of him on my personal Deviantart account, where this story was also being posted back then, albeit not as a frequently nor as far along as FanfictionNet got. He was a huge part of who I was back then as a person, at least when I started this story. He grew and changed slightly as I grew and changed. Hence despite the timid nature for the majority of the plot, Vincent is not as timid/shy/nervous as he was; he started gaining a little confidence here and there for certain things, more so when Rayman was involved.

When The Tables Have Turned is still something I am strangely known for today, much to my surprise. I met my soulmate through it as well by pure coincidence! That alone made it fate for me considering that when I started this story, I had the first 7 chapters already written and had considered not posting it at all and just doing it for personal fun. I am glad I did upload it as it soon developed into something I never thought it would, nor did I believe it would become such a huge part of me too. Razoff as a character and his story, which is the main point of WTTHT, especially!

Overall, my writing is rusty. The key thing is: I don't have much time nor the luxury to fall into that creative writing abyss anymore, where I could let go as I felt the world and characters like I once could. My brain is too full with general life pressures as well as stress and that completely restricts the ability to lose myself in the environment, atmosphere or scene I am trying to express. Any spare time I do have is full of work to pay for life AND moving towards bettering my creative-based career in drawing/design. Most days I pass out when I get home from work as it is constant. XD

I am trying, though. I am trying to get myself writing to somehow unlock that ability I lost and crave for again deep down: there was nothing quite like it back then when I would completely lose myself and no longer knew I was sitting in a computer chair writing what my mind and heart felt in unison. Life right now really, really makes it difficult for me to find that lost key, for I am constantly grounded with something in the back of my head for whatever massive list of to-do's and worries has made itself home there. Imagine a transparent sheet in a square room and every corner is pinned to a wall. You fall into it, yet you can't see it, but you feel it there squirming beneath you as you try to push through it, and you can't reach the ground no matter what. Something blocking you in your head. Not quite writers block either…just some sort of barrier. Maybe one day it will release when I can find true peace again.

For now, it must be quite obvious that this story has been on hiatus for several years.

I might be able to finish it one day because I still know how it generally ends…albeit I can no longer remember key details or some things I have written already, so I would undoubtedly have to read my story from scratch to recall certain things I had placed and planned. My specific markers so to speak. However, this is not going to happen now. I need to find a way to rekindle that love for writing I once had first, thus in turn reawaken the ability to write like I had fallen into another world again.

Probably doesn't help I haven't done any personal reading in, what, 4 years or so? I read A LOT back then and that gave me a drive to write from deep within my soul, too. As a whole, it is a sticky, horrible combination of factors that have driven me into silence in terms of writing at all—a problem with no easy fix.

One day I might be able to go back and finish this! It still means a lot to me regardless, I owe it to the characters to finish what I started! That's how I have always seen it when I write: it's for them and their closure, not for me. In my opinion they've been stuck in limbo for years now waiting for the end, haha!

Life changes a lot of things…most of which we truly wish were avoidable. This is more so true for us as individuals and because humanity has built itself on a foundation a lot of us as forced into even if we don't fit it…and would fit a different framework entirely. I am still fighting for who I truly am in the face of my family and everybody else, as being someone more on the artistic/creative scale is seen as nothing by many people in society. I know for a fact a lot of artists out there can understand this too well! This has all meant I have had really no choice but to redirect my time and skills into more narrowed sectors and that unfortunately meant my writing was placed aside.

Thank you for reading this far if you have! I am extremely grateful for those who read to this point and still ask about it. I hope life hasn't pulled a lot of you down too much. Sometimes, just fighting the tide whilst trying not to drown is all we have. Keep fighting, and keep your chins up the best you can!