Poll: On which Harry Potter story should I focus more? Vote Now!
Author has written 10 stories for Harry Potter, and Yu-Gi-Oh. In heaven, all the interesting people are missing - Nietzsche Hatred is gained as much by good works as by evil - Machiavelli If you never noticed, it never happened - Murakami Haruki You have your way. I have my way. As for the right way, the correct way, and the only way, it does not exist - Nietzsche (-O-) Ana - Egyptian name, probably meaning the sun, one of the names of the sun-god, usually called Ra. Xenophile. Polyglot. Animal-lover. Passionate. Machiavellian. Unforgiving. Stubborn. Sociable. Paradoxical. Unique and proud of it. (-O-) (-O-) Translations A Lady with a Violin was translated into Chinese by Gilith0907 - http :// tieba. baidu. com /p/ 4258671326 (-O-) (-O-) A drop of the rain is nothing until it waters a tree. An arrow is nothing until it slays a king. Everything can be nothing and nothing can be everything. ANNA RAVENHEART (-O-) |
AlwaysPadfoot (251) bloody muggles (10) colorful swirls (48) | Fire The Canon (362) slightlysmall (65) | The Crownless Queen (321) turn out fine (40) |