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Joined 07-27-14, id: 5944598, Profile Updated: 07-27-14
Author has written 2 stories for Game of Thrones, and A song of Ice and Fire.

Watched stuff : Sherlock, GoT, Doctor Who, Orphan Black, Grey's Anatomy, Orange is the new black, Lip Service, The L Word and probably others i can't remember right now

Big ASOIAF reader, Lannisters stan. My favorite character is mrs. Cersei Lannister, that fabulous broken thing... I like Jaime, Taena, Melisandre too. And the others.

You can ask me to write drabbles or one-shots ; i won't write long stories here. Or maybe I will, but not right now. Anyways, i like almost every pairing so ask me anything :) I just don't like Brienne and Jaime as a couple. Sure they're cute friends, but i just can't stand thinking of them as more haha. And please don't ask me to write creepy stuff like Tywin/Jaime/Cersei/Tyrion either, or Cersei x Joff or Cersei x Bran. That's just, really sordid.

My ultimate ASOIAF OTP is Jaime/Cersei, but i don't know if i'll write about it since the books say it all and in the most perfect way ;)
Others ships i like are, Cersei x Taena, Cersei x Sansa, Cersei x almost everyone basically lmao, mostly girls (Margaery...). I like girl x girl the best, but i'm fine with boy x girl or boy x girl x girl or stuff like that haha. I'm just not that comfortable with boy x boy, but it depends on the characters.

Soo don't hesitate sending me a request, w/ settings or not. I'll be glad to fulfill your desires :D

(Plus, I'm looking for a beta reader. Since english isn't my mother tongue, i may write some sentences that don't really make sense without knowing it, or making grammar mistakes. So, yeah PM me, I won't bite you.)

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Truth or Shag reviews
Sansa, dark haired, comes back to King's landing to spy for Peter Baelish. Most people can't recognize her, but a Lady, at the entrance of the Red Keep, does and without her knowing, take her to the Queen's appartements. The Lady of the Rock is determined to know if the Stark girl had any implication in her son's death... by all means.
A song of Ice and Fire - Rated: M - English - Romance - Chapters: 1 - Words: 2,215 - Reviews: 1 - Favs: 9 - Follows: 9 - Published: 8/2/2014 - Cersei L., Sansa S., Taena M.
The Other Queen reviews
Soon after Joffrey's betrothal to Margaery, Cersei summons Sansa to her room on a cold night... Cersei Lannister x Sansa Stark. Rated M for a reason ;)
Game of Thrones - Rated: M - English - Romance - Chapters: 1 - Words: 4,709 - Reviews: 4 - Favs: 84 - Follows: 22 - Published: 7/28/2014 - Sansa S., Cersei L. - Complete