Author has written 31 stories for Highlander, Buffy: The Vampire Slayer, Angel, Tomorrow People, TV X-overs, Stargate: SG-1, Dead Zone, Vampire Diaries, Joan Of Arcadia, and Lost. This profile has been long due for an overall. I don't spend as much time writing fan fiction anymore as I do writing via RP and throwing out bits of (unfinished) fiction here and there. While I have a good deal of fan fiction posted here on, the first stop for any of my new work is at Archive of Our Own, (under the name Fikgirl) and sometimes a mirrored-parallel posting to my Dreamwidth journal, Fantastical Echoes. I can also be found on tumblr at Fiction Notions. I mostly write crossovers, and mostly for shows that are no longer on the air. I have a special fondness and soft spot in my heart for The Tomorrow People (90s version), Buffy the Vampire Slayer, Angel, Highlander and Stargate SG-1. What you find here and at Fantastical Echoes will be those stories. Though I am a bit of a niche writer, I am an avid reader across a variety of fandoms. Most of my series and WIPs are on permanent hiatus. I've currently made a foray into a new fandom: The Vampire Diaries. I'm in the process of re-writing, editing, and posting a long, multi-chapter story called The Last Long Road. It was a Nanowrimo project back in 2010 and is approximately 85% complete before re-writing and editing. It's a slow go on that one, but I'm sticking to it. Here is a listing of my series with stories order: Forever Tomorrow – A Highlander: The Series/Tomorrow People (New Series) Crossover Forever Young Shadows & Light – An Angel/Tomorrow People (New Series) Crossover Ophelia Strange Fires Rooms A Thousand Miles Wide Regarding Reviews: Please review my stories, as I am always happy to receive constructive criticism and feedback. However, if you are going to take the time to review, please do not review anonymously or not leave a method of contact. I like to respond to questions asked in my reviews and if there is no method of contact, it makes it impossible for me to answer your questions. |