Author has written 4 stories for Inuyasha. Just a 22-year-old Floridian with an appreciation for good things to read and a new insatiable appetite for Inuyasha fanfiction.After reading just about every Inu-Yasha fanfic I could get my hands on, I decided to give a try at actually writing them. But then I got distracted and ended up reading more than I wrote. Also a major Furuba fan. Fic Status: 07/28/2005 All Projects: On hold. Not that you couldn't figure that out by looking at how long it has been since I updated. Things I think you (yes, you) should read: I Wish by Foxterr - the funniest one-shot ever. Things that I will never understand about Inuyasha fanfiction: 1) Inuyasha (and Sesshoumaru, for that matter) calling Kagome "wench" in modern AU's. For two reasons. It's modern (who says wench nowadays?) and it's an AU. Can't they just call her "woman" or something? "Actually, my friend and me have a sneaky theory about Sesshoumaru: Look at all the hanyous we meet in Inu-Yasha. Every single one of them has a demon father and the demon father is –always- a pretty boy. (Actually we don’t know about Inu’s pop, but we’re assuming. Look at his sons!) So thus, we have come to a logical conclusion: Sesshoumaru is going to have a hanyou child. It makes perfect sense, don’t you think?" |