Author has written 5 stories for Dragon Ball Z.
Fuji ; 1. Thought to have come from the Ainu word 'Futchi' which means fire; 2. Is often translated into the English word 'Wisteria'. Wisteria ; A climbing plant with groups of small purple, blue or white flowers hanging from it. ko ; Female Japanese names that end with 'ko' mean 'Child' or 'child of'. Fujiko ; 1. Child of fire ; 2. Child of Wisteria. Child of Fire fits my personality the best. Announcements: 7/22/2012 - I've recently written a new short one shot BraXGoten fic and I am in the process of writing another. I am going to delete ALL of my older stories except for one. Thank you to everyone who has enjoyed/favorited/reviewed those stories. I really appreciate the support but I am not happy with many of them anymore and so I am deleting them. Please continue to support me as I upload some new stuff! Thanks! :) 3/22/2012 - Wow. I have not updated in about six years. Time to delete many older fanfictions, I suppose. The last time I wrote I was a senior in high school. I have now made my way through college, have a career and I'm married. Life has kept me very busy. I still won't say I'll never write again but I'm not sure when I'll find the time. Thank you to those who have read and enjoyed my fanfiction. Also, thank you to those who inspired me back then. I spent a lot of free time reading and writing. I still have MANY unfinished fanfiction (BraXGoten and TrunksXPan) that one day I may finish but for now, I'm still on (what has ended up being a 6 year so far) hiatus. Until then... "See you later!". :) |