A/N: I have decided to write a Pan and Trunks story as the third part of my trilogy. I know there are a lot of them out there and personally, this isn't my favorite couple, but I really like this story and I want to get it out there as fast as possible. But this isn't an ordinary P/T story, it has a twist!

It is set four years after 'Marron the teenage drama queen' and written in Pan's POV


"Twenty minutes until the end of this torture." Zara whispered and tapped the surface of her new, glow in the dark, water proof and state-of-the-art digital watch that had made me so jealous of her for the past six hours.

I nodded and forced a smile before turning to stare gloomily out of the classroom window at the hot and humid summer day. Clouds were gathering in the sky beyond Orange Star High but even so, it was the hottest day of summer so far. My best friend Zara and I had taken a seat beside the window in the hopes of catching a breeze but we were unlucky.

It was a Geography class, taught by Miss Bones, a very....err....bony teacher who vaguely resembled a withered prune and had a voice like a dying bee. We were meant to be discussing the effects of slave labor in Mongolia which wasn't a topic I found particularly interesting and neither did the rest of my grade ten class who were spending their time passing notes and watching the clock that sat above the blackboard while Miss Bones continued her lecture, blissfully unaware that no one was paying any attention.

I groaned and adjusted myself in my seat. My thighs, bare beneath my kaki short-shorts, had stuck to the wooden seat with sweat and made an...odd sound when I lifted my legs. Luckily, only Zara had heard and clasped a hand to her mouth to stop herself from laughing.

I wasn't exactly popular at Orange Star High and the few friends I had were not really close to me. Except for Zara who had been my best friend since day one of high school. We got on well because she wasn't popular either, mainly because her appearance: her hair was as black as mine, but her skin was paler than normal and she only ever wore black, because she said she was in mourning for our generation. Her real name was Madeline Rose White but that name didn't suit her at all and she went by Zara Black while at school. Anyone who called her otherwise would have to answer to me.

I checked the clock again. Five minutes.....that was all that stood between me and the upcoming three months of summer holidays which I would spend happily at home with my family (I lived too far away to do anything with Zara in the holidays, and she didn't know that I was a Sayian since I was under strict orders from my parents not to tell ANYONE). What could be better?

The bell finally rang while I was still in a dreamy state of thinking about things to do this holiday season. At once, the entire class jumped to their feet, grabbed their stuff and ran out of the classroom shouting like idiots about summer holidays and beach parties. Zara and I stood up quietly, and calmly gathered our things.

"Great, I was waiting for the stampede." I whispered out of the corner of my mouth and Zara cracked up laughing.

"Good to see some people are sensible." Miss Bones sighed exhaustedly. "Have a good holiday girls, great time for some extra study to prepare for grade eleven. It's a busy year, you know. Have to start thinking about the HSC and what your going to do with the rest of your lives."

"That's easy." I told Zara as we made our way down the hall past large groups of hyperactive teenagers. "I'm going to be a fighter, like my uncle and grandfather. I'm going to enter tournaments to win money and spend the rest of my life training."

"If your still going to live with your parents, can I move in with you, Pan?" Zara asked almost pleadingly. "I don't think I can stand mine much longer. They want me to settle down and find a decent husband so I can become a slave to the system and take up a life of housework."

"Get married? Gross!" I pulled a face. "I pity you, Zara. I'm never going to get married, that's for sure."

"Got your whole life planned out, have you?"

"Yup." I replied with a grin, which fell from my face as a dark shadow crept up behind me and I turned to meet eyes with Mason Carter, an unpopular guy who has had the biggest and most well known crush on me since....forever.

"Hey hot stuff, what you up to these holidays?" He asked me in a failed attempt to sound cool and collected, his dusty brown eyes blinking at me from behind an encasement of pale freckled skin.

"Keeping away from you, freak." I scowled, turned away from him and marched down the hall with Zara laughing hysterically by my side.

"Aw, come on Pan. Give me a break! What do I have to do to get you to notice me?" Mason said as he strode up behind me, running his fingers through his incredibly messy and oily red hair.

"Shut up, for starters." I muttered upon reaching my locker.

"I can buy you flowers. But you wouldn't like that. Your too much of a tomboy."

He was talking about flowers!? This couldn't go on any longer. It was time to take a stand.

"I SAID SHUT UP MASON!" I shouted, rounding on him and smacking him in the face. He flew across the air and landed in the garbage bin opposite. The others who were still in the locker room, mainly couples, roared with laughter.

It wasn't the first time I had punched that ugly, squished up face. Mason had been in worse situations before. But that's what you get for having a crush on me. It was simply unheard of that I would ever find a boyfriend. People like me never go out.

"Come on, Pan." Zara said, suppressing a desire to burst out laughing. "Let's get out of here before your dad finds out."

"Doesn't matter, I have to go home with my dad anyway. Just as well I had a chance to beat Mason up before summer holidays. It seems he gives me temporary stress relief."

Truth was, beating up Mason made a point to all the other kids in my grade. I was Pan Son, a fighter and a rebel and it didn't matter how many detentions I received as long as I didn't have any stupid guys following me around all the time.

I walked with Zara to the school entrance and said goodbye to her for the holidays then made my way to the math classrooms to meet my father.

"Hey Pan," Gohan said, not bothering to look up when I came inside. "I'm going to stay back here a while. Have a meeting with the other teachers. You can wait if you want or go home without me."

"You think I'd want to stay around here any longer than I have to?" I said bitterly, an urge to kick the walls of the school building so they crumbled into nothing overpowering me.

"Didn't expect you'd want to." Said Gohan with a laugh as he set his reading glasses down on the desk and faced me properly. "Just make sure that-"

"I fly above the clouds so I can't be seen, I know." I cut in.

"It's very important that you do because if people found out I was half alien-"

"You'd be sacked and I would have to leave the school, I KNOW!" I shouted the last bit, incredibly frustrated and dying to go home.

"Alright, alright. I'll see you at home."

"Great thanks bye." I said without pausing as I ran out of the school in almost the same fashion as everyone else in the grade. Like a crazy stampede of wild animals.

I made my way to the roof of the school building and took off into the clouds, feeling much better than I had felt in a long time. Finally, after counting down the days until the end of the year, school was over and I was free for the next three months! The only bad thought was that once the holidays were up, I'd have to come back and face grade eleven.

Finally I landed in the mountain wilderness in front of two almost identical houses. One for my parents and I and the other for my grandparents. Because of the extreme heat, it was no surprise to find them all sitting outside including my Uncle Goten, his pretty, blonde and pregnant wife, Aunt Marron and their three year old son Elijah.

Elijah and I had always been close. I was thirteen when he was born but the age gap made no difference to our friendship. I saw him almost everyday because while Aunt Marron worked as a fashion designer, Uncle Goten and Elijah came here (seeing as an apartment in Capsule City isn't a great place to train).

"Pan, hey!" Goten grinned foolishly and everyone watched as I landed in front of them. Elijah immediately raced across the grass and rapped his arms around my legs because he could only reach that high, hugging me tightly.

"Where's your father?" Videl, my mother, asked me as she brushed back a strand of her raven black hair that had managed to escape her long plat.

"Staying back late. Not me though! I couldn't stand to stay in that place a second longer than I had to. Anything to eat?" I asked hopefully.

"I'll get you something, darling." My grandmother, Chi-Chi, replied and disappeared into her house.

Elijah let go of my legs and tilted his head towards the sky to meet my eyes. If you didn't know better, you would have said we were brother and sister. We both had taken after our grandfather Goku and had his jet, coal black eyes and sleek ebony hair. Of course, mine was longer and scrapped my shoulders with a fringe that touched my thick black eyebrows. Elijah's hair was cut in a bowl shape with an even fringe going right around his head. We were also both the only quarter Sayians in the entire universe.

"School fun, Pan? I want to go to school!" He pouted and I laughed, patting the top of his head. He could be so naïve, just like his father.

"Trust me, you don't want to go to school. It isn't as fun as you might think. It's more of a prison actually."

"Oh. I won't go then." He shrugged, searched for something to say and then turned to face me again, his eyes wide and gleaming with joy. "Let's play fighting, Pan!"

"You don't play fighting, Elijah. Fighting isn't a game." I frowned. No matter what I said, he always said 'play fighting' instead of spar. It was beginning to really bug me.

"Play fighting with me, Pan! I really good now. Daddy and grandpa are teaching me!" He squeaked, jumping around happily.

"Ok, fine." I sighed exhaustedly with a smile playing on my face. Elijah started shouting for joy and jumping around on the table.

"Be careful with him. He's a bit tired, despite this little display of joy." Marron warned, her green eyes glaring out at me, almost hidden behind wisps of her lavish blonde hair.

"I not tired, Mummy. I fine." Elijah stated loudly and jumped of the table, giving his father a feeble punch as if to prove his point.

"You say I am, Elijah, not just plain I." Chi-Chi said fiercely as she reemerged from her house with food. "You must teach him correct grammar, Goten or he'll never learn."

Elijah grabbed my hand in his tiny one and smiled into my eyes. "Play fighting now, Pan?"


We made our way into the woods slightly for a little more privacy and I watched with amusement while Elijah powered up to his full strength. I had to admit, I was a little impressed. He was pretty strong for his age, though not as strong as I had been when I was three. Elijah had only just learnt how to fly when I could already fly around the world as a toddler.

"Ready now, Elijah?" I asked as I dropped into fighting stance.

Elijah didn't answer me. He was surrounded in a red glow as he always was when he powered up to his full strength but his eyes were heavy as if it was an effort to keep them open. The scream that accompanied his power up was not a scream of gathering power....but almost a scream of complete pain.

"Elijah, are you ok? Elijah?"

Still no answer, his face was red and feverish and silver tears were sliding down his cheeks. I was certain now that he was in pain.

"Elijah!" I screamed and rushed over to him. "Stop it! You're not well."

"No." He managed to say no louder than a whisper in a voice that wasn't his own. I grabbed his shoulders and shook him wildly.

"Elijah, listen to me! You're not well!"

But it was too late. The red glow vanished and Elijah fell to the ground. Completely unconscious.