Author has written 20 stories for Lord of the Rings, Weiss Kreuz, Gravitation, Torchwood, and Supernatural. Update: I am no longer updating my fics here. I am kika988 on AO3 and feathers-n-freckles on tumblr, and all my current writing can be found at either location. Prompts are welcome! Hello! I'm Kika, a geek, wife, and mom living in the South. For those of you who are not familiar with my work, there's a lot of variation! I started out writing in Middle School, writing LOTR fics. Looking back now I cringe at a lot of what I wrote, but friends have convinced me to leave them up on the site, if only as an example of how far I have come. Now I write a lot of Destiel, some Doctor Who, and the occasional Avengers or Star Trek fic. Much of my work is slash. If that bothers you, you may want to back away slowly. I'm an avid believer of 'love is love', and all flames to the contrary will merely be used for marshmallow roasting. All that said, when you read something I have written, PLEASE take a moment to review! Whether you loved or hated it, or perhaps have some suggestions, I would love to know what you're thinking. Thanks so much, and enjoy! |