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Author has written 2 stories for Star Wars.
Basics About Me: Name: Doesn't matter Gender: Female Age: 20-24 Home World: Earth; at least my "parents" tell me that. :P News Flash: Currently writing my fingers off. I am working on a new story: "Ambushed At Utopia", as well as my ongoing ones: When Dreams Clash With Realities & Heirlooms. I am working very hard finish things before I start posting again. Thank you so much for your patience! Keep being awesome! (November 13th, 2016) :P Writing Moto: No story left behind. (I can assure you all stories I say will continue shall be finished, my real life gets in the way- a lot.) Looking for Beta: I am currently looking for a serious yet kind Beta Reader; I want to learn from them as well as 'publish' higher quality materials. :) For rarer, yet more detailed story updates: Heaven's Prayers Deviant Art shorelle's link (Heirlooms cover artist): shorelle's Deviant Art (Check her out! :D) (P.S. Made my profile picture...) STORY UPDATES: Working on When Dreams Clash With Realities, have no idea when it will be done, though. Thank you so much for your patience!! :) "WRITING IS A POWERFUL THING. You can build, destroy, and everything inbetween. But, the power of it is uncontainable- you will NEVER fully grasp the magnitude of influence it gives. So, choose your words wisely." Hello! *waves* AND THANK YOU FOR YOUR PRESENCE! 8D Fan Fiction Standards ('Legal Stuff'): 1) I believe in positive reviews- not negative ones. 2) I believe in writing with principles and they are: No strong language and never used idiotically (I will also star out a cuss), No unnecessary ‘romantic scenes’ and if one comes up proper warning to the reader, No ill-mannered ideas in my stories, No mentally damaging themes, Keeping relationships between man and woman, and keeping the physical kind between married couples, And a positive and/or point-sending conclusions given in a story (no, necessarily, pointless stories) 8D 3) That any story I begin posting WILL BE COMPLETED. :D "Being brave isn't doing something when you don't know what to do, it is doing something against your common sense." Rambling! *YAY!!* I love to sum things up in one sentence! For example: Star Wars: "All because two people fell in love..." :) Copy and Paste section: Copy and paste this - *copy and paste* next time you use a 'copy and paste' in your profile so *copy and paste* can slowly take over the world!!! 8D (I just claimed every Copy and Paste... :P ) "There is only one thing worth having in this world, and that's love. Everything else is disposable." Favorite Things Section My favorite character(s) in Star Wars: Hard one, there are so many, but Anakin Skywalker is definitely at the top of my list. His love is true, eternal, and unconditional. He is loyal to people and not rules/views, learns from his mistakes, is very protective, and knows family/loved ones come first no matter what. Then second on my list is Ahsoka Tano. I find she is an open mind, but, can make her own decisions, keeps her heart and mind protected, has a calm head on her shoulders even in the toughest times, and can kick butt! XD My favorite planet in Star wars: Oh boy- please don’t hate me, but I am all over Italy, which explains my love for Naboo. I also love Naboo because it is a female run society and has very, “correct” standards in marriage and such. I find that very respectable. My favorite planet in our solar system: Pluto, even though he is not a ‘legal’ planet, he is in my book. The scientists that demoted him of the title were totally, like, JERKS! =D And, ‘funner’ is a word in my book. Favorite Star Wars quote: Ah, the one that instantly comes to mind is: Luke Skywalker: “I have to save you!” Anakin Skywalker: “You… already… have…” I adore this quote, ever since I was little. That scene is in my favorite list and is so very powerful, and what it says runs so deep with my opinion. I find that scene heart touching and almost tear-jerking. :’) Favorite movies for now... :) : 1. Wolf Children/Revenge of the Sith 2. Edge of Tomorrow 3. Les Miserables "It takes strength to never fall, but it takes even more to stand up again." Three Random Favorite Things: 1) Pink! My favorite color is pink! 2) Going to the movies! Walking up to a theater, looking at the showings and buying the ticket, getting the ticket stub back and the rather useless directions from a staff member, I just love every aspect of the movies!!! 3) I love riding horses and do often! Cowgirl Up!!! 8D “Unless someone like you cares a whole awful lot, nothing is going to get better. It's not.” Closer Area *sad face and tear to add affect* :’( Alright, if you have gotten this far, I am very impressed! *clapping* One last thing- you, yes you, absolutely add blessings to my life!!!! I leave you with this verse! “Nay, in all these things we are more than conquerors through him that loved us. May the horse be with you God Bless. |
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