Reviews for Forever
Lmppsc chapter 29 . 7/21
Lmppsc chapter 28 . 7/21
I apologize for my uhm rude language. But In my defence, you had me feeling the feels and I was not about those tipe's of feels..
Lmppsc chapter 26 . 7/21
the fuck you think you doing killing off padme! WHY?
Guest chapter 1 . 1/30
Luke after all of the Leia talk in chapter one: Ummmm am I a joke to you?
Kagami420 chapter 29 . 1/21
Beautiful story
Supergirl chapter 13 . 1/16
Guest chapter 29 . 1/5
CharlieBoneFan chapter 29 . 11/10/2017
Hreat story! I wish the sequel was completed so I could read it, but this ended in a satisfactory enough manner.
creativesm75 chapter 29 . 11/3/2017
Guest chapter 29 . 6/13/2017
Let me just start by saying this is an amazing story. I loved how deeply you went into this and how you gave us each of the character's thoughts. The way you wrote the story made me feel as the characters felt and transported me into their worlds. I hope this doesn't seem like a silly review. I truly mean it, you're a great writer! Keep up the wonderful work and thank you for sharing this amazing story with us. :)
Tauriel Skywalker chapter 26 . 1/24/2017
Yea! He knows!

Ah! No! Not good!
Tauriel Skywalker chapter 24 . 1/24/2017
Darn Imperial fleet - you just disturbed the moment. Can't wait for Anakin to find out about the kids.
Tauriel Skywalker chapter 22 . 1/23/2017
Aw! So sweet 333!
Tauriel Skywalker chapter 21 . 1/23/2017
Can't wait for this! Love this story.
Tauriel Skywalker chapter 16 . 1/23/2017
Ooh! This should be interesting.
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