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![]() Author has written 4 stories for Heroes, Harry Potter, and Sherlock. Hi! So after going on this site starting almost as soon as I could read well enough to enjoy it (which was a lot younger than you would think) I've finally made an account! Holla! Even if you aren't going to read the thing please read this next part in bold. I'm working on a book which I hope to have finished by the end of this year, not likely though as it's only twenty pages in Word long, but I'm getting there. I decided to write fanfictions to increase my typing speed and to finally write down the ones I always come up with in my head whenever I get into a show. Not to mention to see if my writing skills in general are complete crap or not. So honest reviews are always welcome. I don't mind if they are bluntly put and even a bit insulting, as long as it helps me in some way. Don't worry about hurting my feelings as long as what you put is 100% true. Also, mes be needing Beta! (see, look at my crap engrish!) I'm open for betaing (or whatever it's called) and I'm pretty good at it. The reason mine aren't well betad (okay, I have no idea how to conjugate that word or if it even can be conjugated, that's like the only one though) is because when I reread something right after I wrote it, it kinda annoys me so I don't like to spend a lot of time betaing (alright, I admit defeat on this word) my own stuff. I am very good at rereading others work several times looking for mistakes though. Favorite Ships: Harry Potter- Draco/Harry (love, love, love, and lurrrrve) Remus/Sirius (hot hot hot!) Snape/James (when their young, they are amazing together) BBC Sherlock- Sherlock/John (the very first bromance like ever, now redone with two of my favorite actors and a lot of actual romance. 'nuff said) Heroes- Mohinder/Sylar (hotter than a sauna) Nathan/Peter (super sexy angst and romance) Adam/Hiro (because Adam is totally in love with Hiro who is just too dense to notice) Star Trek (2009)- Spock/Jim (*fangirl squeel* too brilliant for words) Sulu/Chekov (like the cutest, sweetest couple invented) So if you can't tell, I lurve slash like no one's business. Of course I am also perfectly able to watch shows without my dirty mind making it very different. Besides the aforementioned, my favorite shows include: How I Met Your Mother, Big Bang Theory, Supernatural, Grey's Anatomy, Desperate House Wives, Dead Like Me, Psyche, Dexter, and others that simply refuse to come to mind. While I love the hot sweaty scenes, I am also a huge Disney fan and LOVE those gushy moments of pure happiness and hate sad endings (I can barely watch Peter Pan) so I doubt I will right any, no promises though! For all you people who are like me and actually read what people post here, and actually care, here is stuff about me! I have a DeviantArt so check that out and message me if you are on there! http:/// I procrastinate. As in, a lot. I don't do my homework as soon as I get home from school, like all the other good boys and girls. By nine it is still as untouched as when I got home. By twelve it's still in my backpack. I usually leave it there until four in the morning when I get up to do it. I never turn things late mind you, I just wait until the last possible moment to do them. Lately I've gotten better about doing my homework before bed and instead do it at two in the morning. I have Insomnia and so it used to take several hours to fall asleep, something I've cured by simply staying up until I am able to pass out in bed. You can ask just about anyone who knows me that I am not a morning person my any means. I've broken several alarm clocks, a phone, and almost gave someone a concussion twice because I do not enjoy waking up, especially after how long it takes to fall asleep. Books go on and on about being able to read someone's emotion just by looking in their eyes (like "even though the his face didn't move, I could see the deep sorrow in his haunting, yet beautiful emerald eyes") , but I think this is utter bull. Eyes are, essentially, the most inexpressive part of the face when the rest of the face is immobile. They are only able to show emotion by the lid or eyebrows moving, the actual eyeball isn't expressive at all really. That, or I'm just too emotionaly repressed to pick up on it. I swear I'm not crazy... probably anyway. |