Pressing the Send Button

To: The Doctor

From: Sherlock Holmes

Time: 3:15 PM

Lestrade just called; there's been a double homicide! :)


To: Over Grown Man-Child

From: John Watson

Time: 3:18 PM

A ":) " shouldn't ever be put after the word "homicide", let alone in the same sentence.

To: The Doctor

From: Sherlock Holmes

Time: 3:18 PM

Bit not good?


To: Over Grown Man-Child

From: John Watson

Time: 3:20 PM

Bit not good.

To: The Doctor

From: Sherlock Holmes

Time: 3:20 PM

Fine. Hurry home; we have work to do.


To: Over Grown Man-Child

From: John Watson

Time: 3:21 PM

Be home in about 30. You really are amazing you know that? I mean that as a complement… most of the time.

To: The Doctor

From: Sherlock Holmes

Time: 3:21 PM

I'm going to ignore that last sentence for your own good. Of course I know that.


To: Over Grown Man-Child

From: John Watson

Time: 3:23 PM

I love you, but you already know that too don't you?

To: The Doctor

From: Sherlock Holmes

Time: 3:24 PM

Obviously, what do you take me for, Anderson?


To: Over Grown Man-Child

From: John Watson

Time: 3:26 PM

Speak of the devil; after reading your text I looked up and saw him in the line I was about to stand in. Obviously I avoided him.

To: The Doctor

From: Sherlock Holmes

Time: 3:26 PM

Eug… the thought of standing next to him waiting for the chip-and-pin machine is enough to make me ill.


To: Over Grown Man-Child

From: John Watson

Time: 3:27 PM

When have you ever stood in line? It's a wonder you survived without me buying the groceries.

To: The Doctor

From: Sherlock Holmes

Time: 3:27 PM

I'll have you know that I lived perfectly fine before you came along.


To: Over Grown Man-Child

From: John Watson

Time: 3:29 PM

When we met you hadn't slept or eaten for days.

To: The Doctor

From: Sherlock Holmes

Time: 3:29 PM

And your point is…?


To: Over Grown Man-Child

From: John Watson

Time: 3:31 PM

Forget it. Do you need anything from the store before I leave?

To: The Doctor

From: Sherlock Holmes

Time: 3:31 PM

Nicotine patches, we seem to have quite mysteriously run out. Whoever could be responsible for this?


To: Over Grown Man-Child

From: John Watson

Time: 3:32 PM

No. Anything else? I got the coffee.

To: The Doctor

From: Sherlock Holmes

Time: 3:32 PM

They're good for thinking.


To: Over Grown Man-Child

From: John Watson

Time: 3:33 PM

They're not good for the body. Besides, your brain works brilliantly without the drugs.

To: The Doctor

From: Sherlock Holmes

Time: 3:33 PM

If you don't get some I'm going to just smoke.


To: Over Grown Man-Child

From: John Watson

Time: 3:35 PM

I flushed all the cigarettes.

To: The Doctor

From: Sherlock Holmes

Time: 3:35 PM

I highly doubt all. Did you check in the skull?


To: Over Grown Man-Child

From: John Watson

Time: 3:37 PM

Shit. If I come home and find out you've been smoking, I'm kicking you out of the bed. Smoking is bad for breathing and that much nicotine is bad for living.

To: The Doctor

From: Sherlock Holmes

Time: 3:38 PM

Breathing is boring. Living is boring.


To: Over Grown Man-Child

From: John Watson

Time: 3:39 PM

What about me; am I boring to live with? Is it not worth not smoking to spend a few more years with me?

To: The Doctor

From: Sherlock Holmes

Time: 3:40 PM

…You play unfairly.


To: Over Grown Man-Child

From: John Watson

Time: 3:41 PM

Learned it from the best. Also, I left the store so it's too late to get them.

To: The Doctor

From: Sherlock Holmes

Time: 3:42 PM



To: Over Grown Man-Child

From: John Watson

Time: 3:42 PM

Over grown man-child

To: The Doctor

From: Sherlock Holmes

Time: 3:43 PM

So you've told me. I still don't get why you insist on using it as my name on your phone nor do I understand whatever "pop culture" reference for your name.


To: Over Grown Man-Child

From: John Watson

Time: 3:44 PM

I still can't believe you don't even know what Doctor Who is.

To: The Doctor

From: Sherlock Holmes

Time: 3:44 PM

It doesn't matter whether I know it or not. Besides, I'm more grown than you.


To: Over Grown Man-Child

From: John Watson

Time: 3:45 PM

Yes, yes. You're much taller than me, whatever. I'll be home in about 10 min.

To: The Doctor

From: Sherlock Holmes

Time: 3:45 PM

Hurry up, I'm bored.


To: Over Grown Man-Child

From: John Watson

Time: 3:46 PM

Coming, coming. Don't blow any holes in the wall.

To: The Doctor

From: Sherlock Holmes

Time: 3:46 PM

Ha. Ha. I know I can't, you took any my pistol and I don't feel like getting it out of your "secret" hiding place.


To: Over Grown Man-Child

From: John Watson

Time: 3:47 PM

I'm almost home; don't get your knickers in a twist.

To: The Doctor

From: Sherlock Holmes

Time: 3:50 PM

…I love you too.


To: Over Grown Man-Child

From: John Watson

Time: 3:51 PM

I know, thank you though. Love you too.

To: The Doctor

From: Sherlock Holmes

Time: 3:56 PM

When you walk like that even the deceased can hear you.


To: Over Grown Man-Child

From: John Watson

Time: 3:57 PM

I'm sure your clients missed you anyway. I'm home

To: The Doctor

From: Sherlock Holmes

Time: 3:50 PM

Welcome home.


Author's Note

Toda! Really short, I know, but I came up with in during math so. Sorry for any mistakes, it's unbetaed. Hope you liked it, I would love reviews! It'll probably be a one-short unless someone asks for more.

I do not own Sherlock Holmes or John Watson; they belong to Sir Arthur Conan Doyle and their BBC counter parts belong to Steven Moffat and Mark Gatiss (they're listed as the writers anyway so I think they own it).

Also, I'm going to post this on my deviant art as a picture so it'll look like really texting so stay connected for the link.