Author has written 26 stories for Buffy: The Vampire Slayer, Angel, Buffy X-overs, Lord of the Rings, and Peter Pan.
"Little by little, one travels far..."
J.R.R Tolkien
I'm a nineteen-year-old Aussie girl embarking on uni life. I write mainly for Buffy, but I also dabble in Lord of the Rings, Angel and Harry Potter. I'm working my way through three WIP at the moment, all of which have not been posted, but keep an eye out because they should be up early next year.
As They Were
Set after The Wish, focussing on Cordelia and Buffy. No 'ship pairing between the two, for those of you who like the slash. It follows the changes Cordy goes through, how Buffy decides to change her own fate and how they learn to get along. The first two chapters are up and the third is coming along soon.
Promises Kept
A Pirates of the Carribean story that focuses on Elizabeth. This will be epic in length, and won't be posted any time soon.
A Lord of the Rings story centered on the relationship between Eowyn and Boromir. It eventually diverges fromcanon (obviously, being Boromir/Eowyn), but will loosely follow the Fellowship and upcoming war in the background. It's been shelved for the moment, but I do love this one so maybe I'll get back to it.
A Harry Potter/Buffy crossover involving Voldemort, Harry and Buffy as the key characters. I've decided not to post this one until after Book Seven has been published, so watch out for it later this year.
CreedThis project has taken a whole year, but it's finally there. The epilogue has been posted, and I'm a bit nostalgic already...