Title- In The Wake
Summary- Post Chosen and Home. Friends and foes reunite after the battles with Jasmine and the First in the wake of both victories.
Disclaimer- I ain't claiming anything. It all belongs to Joss and Mutant Enemy.
Distribution- Want. Take. Have. Just tell me about it first!
Pairings- B/A
Author's Note- Just so you don't get confused, the POV's change every chapter and the person will be stated in the chapter heading. However, Angel and Buffy will have a small POV at the bottom of each chapter.
Chapter 1- Willow
I gazed at the broad crater that used to be Sunnydale, completely in awe of what we had accomplished. My whole life had been in the small town and now it was nothing but a giant hole in the ground, surrounded by a huge expanse of sky and land. My life had ended and begun in the past few minutes. I was free to do anything, everything I had ever wanted to do.
We have a lot of work ahead of us," Giles said, causing the rest of us to groan.
"Can I push him in?" Faith asked jokingly, and I raised my hand with a smile.
"You've got my vote."
"I just want to sleep, yo. For like a week!" she exclaimed.
"I guess we all could," Dawn murmured. "If we wanted to."
I nodded, still gazing at the immense gorge. I turned my gaze to the woman standing in front of me, so far nearly silent since the defeat of the First. "Yeah, The First is scrunched so… what do you think we should do, Buffy?
"Yeah, you're not the one and only Chosen anymore," Faith added, walking up to stand beside Buffy. "Just gotta live like a person. How's that feel?"
"Yeah, Buffy," Dawn pressed. "What are we going to do now?"
I cocked my head to the side, waiting for her answer. She smiled fiercely into the horizon, an expression of pride and satisfaction on her face.
"Live," she replied. "We're going to live. I don't care where or how or why, but we are going to live on."
Silence fell over the group and I felt tears well in my eyes from her final words. She was right of course. I looked around at the others and realized how many friends we lost, and knew that they would always be remembered. But the people who remained, well, they would continue living and fighting in a world that wasn't always a pleasant place to be in, but was always just that- a place. A place where we could experience and belong; where we could fight and fall, but pick ourselves back up again; a place where we could live.
"The final, but beautiful, last words from Buffy Summers, the greatest Slayer of all time."
I spun around in horror, and gaped at Andrew who held his camera in his hand. I saw the others do the same and Andrew shrugged sheepishly.
"I put it on the bus before the battle," he mumbled, blushing under the unbelieving gazes of the survivors. "Didn't want to lose it after all the trouble we put into it."
"Andrew..." Giles began.
"Yes, Mr. Giles?"
"You, you..." he trailed off, shaking his head in amusement. "Get on the bus," he said finally, unable to hide his smile.
"Yes, Mr. Giles." He scurried away and hopped onto the bus, leaving the rest of us to exchange amused expressions.
Xander chuckled. "That boy is weirder than anything I've ever met on the Hellmouth."
"I agree," Buffy added, smiling again.
"What are we going to do now?" Dawn asked again, still watching Andrew bob up and down on the back seat of the bus.
I turned to Giles and saw that the others had already done the same.
"What?" he exclaimed. "Why do you expect me to answer that?"
Buffy snorted. "Because you're Giles."
I couldn't help myself- I laughed. "And you always know what to do."
"Yeah, G-man." Xander grinned. "What are we going to do?"
"Well, after I tell you to refrain from using that nickname, Xander, I would suggest we find somewhere to stay to regain our feet. We have near to no money, a bunch of Poten- Slayers, and serious injuries. I say that first we need to visit a hospital, then I say we should head to LA, seeing as it's the closest city to Sunnydale."
"Sounds good to me," Xander said, nodding.
"I agree," I said. "Well, let's head off then."
Faith and Dawn hopped back on the bus but the four core Scoobies hesitated, not wanting to leave just yet.
"You know," Buffy began. "Seven years ago I stood on this spot, looking over this town, wondering what my future would be. Dawn was car sick, so mum pulled over at this exact spot. I never expected anything to turn out like this..." She drew in a deep breath. "But I wouldn't change it for anything in the world. You guys...you guys are everything to me, so thank you. For always being there, not watching my back, but standing by my side."
"Aw, your welcome Buff," Xander said, pulling her into a tight hug.
"Yeah, Buffy, we love you," I mumbled into her shoulder as I joined the hug.
"You're q-quite welcome, Buffy," Giles said, hesitating before finally rolling his eyes and wrapping his arms around all three of us. He held fast for only a moment before releasing us and straightening his shirt. "Right, well I suppose we should head off now."
I linked my arm through Buffy's and Xander copied my actions on the other side. Giles shook his head but walked on ahead of us. I was the last on the bus, and as I shut the door behind me I saw Giles occupy the driver's seat and fought back a groan. We would be lucky to reach LA within the nest month.
I took the seat behind Giles' and slumped wearily into the leather. I felt as though I could sleep for days and still be tired. Xander collapsed into the seat opposite me as Buffy traveled down the bus to check up on the injured.
Although my body was yelling out for a nice comfy bed, my mind was wide-awake. I could still feel the power of the spell coursing through me and I suddenly realized what Tara had always felt and what I had been missing. It was so pure, full of goodness and nothing but light. I felt as though I weighed nothing and that gravity did not apply to me. I felt...free.
I lifted my eyes to Xander and saw the pain that filled his eyes. I immediately felt my heart go out to him. I knew what it felt like to lose the person you love, and be expected to remain in control. I was proud of his composure and relieved that he was coping better than I did. I suspected that the relationship between Xander and Anya had been over before the final battle, but I knew that he still loved her, and always will.
I glanced out the window and up at the clear, blue sky.
We did it baby, we did it.
I knew she was listening, looking down on me from up there. I knew she would always watch over me and guide me when I needed help. I loved her still, and my heart would never beat for anyone else as it had for her, but she was gone and I had finally accepted it. I had Kennedy now, and although she wasn't exactly perfect I enjoyed being with her. And that was all I could give her at the moment. Maybe someday not far in the future I would give my whole self over to her, but not yet.
I switched my gaze to Buffy, who had returned from the back of the bus and had seated herself beside Xander. I could see how weary and fatigued her body was, but I also saw how buoyed and relieved her spirit was. She was finally free of the weight that came with being the 'Chosen One' and could live the rest of her life with the knowledge that she wasn't alone.
I felt a pang of remorse when I thought of Spike, the soulless vampire who had fallen in love with the Slayer, then fought for his soul for said Slayer and eventually given his life to save the world. I regretted not getting to know his better, and for not giving him a chance. He deserved it, having fought for everything that ever came his way. I hoped he had been atoned for his sacrificed and somehow, I knew that he had.
"Giles, what are we going to do when we reach LA?" Buffy asked leaning forward in her seat.
"To be honest, I have no idea," he replied with a shrug.
"There's not many places who would allow all of us, injuries and all, in their motel," I added.
"We need somewhere roomy, clean and free of charge...any thoughts?" Xander said with a grin.
"I might actually," Buffy replied, narrowing her eyes in thought.
"Care to let the rest of us in the know?" Xander asked.
"I take back my request," Xander groaned, banging his head on the window of the bus.
As I watched the horizon approach from the front of the bus, my mind was a whirl of thoughts. I hadn't yet absorbed the realization of what we had done; I was in a dazed state, and I had to remind myself that we were driving away from the crater that used to be Sunnydale.
Spike was somewhere under all the rubble, and it physically hurt that he was gone. I had loved him, whatever he may have thought, and I still did. I knew that what I felt for him would never compare to what I had with Angel, I still regretted being unable to convince him that I had loved him. But he was gone now, and with the world at my feet I had to move on. I needed to move on, and although I would never forget him, I needed to move past him. I glanced at the small clouds outside and silently thanked him for everything he had done and for believing in me.
I know that you were always there for me, Spike, and I hope that you will always watch over me. I did love you, so thank you for saving the world and for saving me. I'll never forget you, William.
I glanced at Willow and saw her move her lips as she gazed up at the blue sky. I knew she was talking to Tara and I found myself smiling at the idea that she still spoke to her girlfriend. I missed the blonde witch. I could sympathize with Willow; we had lost so many that we had loved. Jesse, my mother, Tara, Spike, Anya...the list seemed to long for a group of early twenty year olds. But that part of our life was over, and the future was there, if not exactly bright.
"Giles," I said as I leaned forward. "What are we going to do when we reach LA?"
He shrugged and replied, "To be honest, I have no idea."
"There's not many places who would allow all of us, injuries and all, in their motel," Willow added. I searched my mind for a possible motel or a place for us to stay, but I came up empty.
"We need somewhere roomy, clean and free of charge...any thoughts?" Xander asked, and it suddenly clicked.
Roomy? This place had floor upon floor of rooms, most of which were empty. Clean? Well, considering I hadn't been there I couldn't really comment on the cleanliness of it. Free of charge? I didn't think we would be ordered to pay for our rooms, considering everything we had been through. It seemed our best bet, and our only bet.
"I might have an idea," I answered, trying to remember the directions given to me.
"Care to let the rest of us in the know?" Xander asked.
I swallowed hard, dreading the idea of telling them. It was the only place I could think of though, and to be honest, I needed to see him. I needed to tell him that I had been wrong. I needed to tell him that the only way I would ever finish baking was with him. To tell him that I needed him to be my oven.
I spoke before I even realized I was going to. I held my breath, waiting for their response. I was surprised when Giles and Willow nodded thoughtfully and then in approval.
"I take back my request," Xander groaned, and I turned to find him banging his head on the window. I opened my mouth to rebuke him for holding onto past conflicts when I saw that he was only jesting.
I sat back, finally able to focus my thoughts on one thing.
Please review and tell me what you think! Next chapter- Wesley