![]() Author has written 9 stories for Yu-Gi-Oh GX, Yu-Gi-Oh, Yu-Gi-Oh! 5D's, and Harry Potter. Cosmic Kiss: 20 years old Second year University English Literature and Politics student Addicted to creating OCs Current Stories: Jaden's Twin Sister - Yu-Gi-Oh GX (Chapter 37) Rated T Zane x OC Rise of the Supreme King - Yu-Gi-Oh GX (Chapter 4) Rated T The Edge of Doma - Yu-Gi-Oh (Chapter 7) Rated T Alister/Amelda X OC Still I Rise - Harry Potter, Rated T, Tom Riddle/OC Completed Stories: Bonds Beyond Time and Space - Yu-Gi-Oh 5Ds (Oneshot) Rated T Slip of Fortune - Yu-Gi-Oh 5Ds (Oneshot) Rated T Countdown to Your Love - Yu-Gi-Oh GX (Oneshot) Atticus/Fubuki X OC Rated T The Syrus Experiment - Yu-Gi-Oh GX (Oneshot) Syrus/Sho X OC Rated T How They First Met - Yu-Gi-Oh GX (Oneshot) Jesse x OC Rated K OC Pairings: Wonderlandshipping - Atticus/Fubuki X Miranda (Blame Obeymyeffingrod for this pairing) but it is because Miranda is based on Alice in episode 80 who in turn is based on Alice in Wonderland. Plus Atticus is a bit of a kooky dreamer XD Hockeystickshipping - Zane/Ryo X Jamie (Its the perfect name for them! Funny and memorable!) Well Jaden and Jamie always threaten Zane with a hockeystick! Read 'Jaden's Twin Sister' for this pairing. Southernshipping - Jesse/Johan X Robin (Again, look to Obeymyeffingrod :D) Not hard to figure out, they both come from the South. Stoneshipping - Bastion/Daichi X Sam (They are both geniuses so they would work! Thank you Obeymyeffingrod for coming up with this name) Since this pairs geniuses together, the shipping name is a riddle for you guys to figure out ;) lol. Minishipping - Syrus/Sho X Janet (For once you shouldn't blame Obeymyeffingrod for this XD) Janet and Syrus are both small (Janet prefers petite) so yeah. Read 'The Syrus Experiment' for this pairing. My OC's: Yu-Gi-Oh!: Name: Hazel Middle name: Tiffany Surname: Valentine Gender: Female Age: 17 First appears in: Edge of Doma, chapter 1 Birthday: 3rd April Deck type: Cyber Girl Occupation: Student at Domino High/Works at Paradius Appearance: Wavy blonde hair that reaches her lower back, fair skin and purple eyes. Hazel wears a white corset top, black shorts and a black sleeveless jacket. Her height is 5'6 and she is slim. Personality: Hazel is a girly girl but she is pretty down to earth and she is reliable. Family: Mai Valentine (older sister) History: Hazel's parents were always moving to different places so she didn't stay in one school for too long. Hazel took part in the Duelist Kingdom tournament when she was 15 and came fourth out of eight people. After that Mai settled in Domino City and Hazel went to live with her until the Battle City tournament when Hazel was 16. After the Battle City tournament, Hazel lost contact with Mai and lived with her parents again. Favourite card: Cyber Blader Likes: Dueling, make up, shopping, the colour purple and cute boys. Dislikes: Perverts, spiders, horror films and jelly. Best friends: Mai Valentine Romantic interest: Several boys Other: Hazel is a chronic nail biter. Yu-Gi-Oh! GX: Name: Jamille Middle name: Madison Surname: Yuki Nickname: Jamie Gender: Female Age: 15 First appears in: Jaden's Twin Sister, chapter 1 Birthday: 24th February Deck type: Gem-Knights/Fortune Lady's Dorm: First Slifer Red, second Obelisk Blue but currently Ra Yellow Appearance: Mid back length version of Jaden's hair, tannish skin, dark brown eyes and she's currently 5'0. She wears the Ra Yellow girl uniform except with black tights but she sometimes likes to wear her old Slifer Red uniform which is basically a red and white sleeveless blouse, black jeans and red ankle boots. Jamie is skinny even though she eats like Jaden which is to say like a pig. Personality: Jamie is a pretty happy go lucky person who likes to see the best in people but she does lose her temper on a few occasions. She loves to read books and stargaze so you'll be most likely to find her in the library or on a hill at night. Jamie gets embarrassed easily, especially when Ellie 'Love Doctor' Truesdale always teases her about her crush on Zane. When Jamie talks to thin air it's because she's either arguing with one of the Fortune Lady's, Kuribon or she's just hungry. She is a bit boyish due to the fact that she didn't really have a female influence when she was younger since her parents were never around so she picked up on how Jaden and all his guy friends acted, her parents are hoping she'll grow acting like a boy that that has yet to happen. Jamie is dependent on Jaden since he's the only person that's never let her down and if you insult Jaden then you'll end up in the nearest body of water *cough, cough, Zane Truesdale* so watch out. Jamie has a large vocabulary and her best subject besides dueling is English Literature. Don't call her Jamille or else she will kill you. Duel Spirit: Kuribon Family: Mary Yuki (mum), Richard Yuki (dad) and Jaden Yuki (twin brother) History: Jamie started dueling when she was six and her first deck were the Fortune Fairies which later became Fortune Lady's. Jamie started to see duel spirits around this time which were the Fortune Lady's who Jamie adored but everybody thought she was making them up. However when she was ten her parents took her Fortune Lady deck away from her after she made major mistakes in a duel with her dad. Her mum took pity on Jamie and gave her a Gem-Knight deck which she's used ever since. Favourite card: It's like asking a mother to chose between her children plus if the Fortune Lady's ever found out what her favourite card is then they'll moan for ages. But if Jamie did have one then it would be Kuribon. Likes: Dueling, Mai Valentine, making new friends, stargazing, reading, rainbows, gems, red, Golden Eggwich, Prawns and happy colours. Dislikes: Barely anything but milk, bullies, cheaters and being called Jamille are an exception. Best friends: Emily Blaze, Miranda Caine and Kuribon (maybe the Fortune Lady's but Jamie would never admit it). Romantic interest: Currently Zane Truesdale Other: Jamie has a huge crush on Zane and Zane knows it and likes Jamie as well but their currently friends. Jamie likes to call Zane either Zaney or Wet Cat. Jamie always tells the Fortune Lady's that she doesn't like them but secretly she does but if she told them than that would make them big headed. Her role model is Mai Valentine since she's the most inspirational and famous female pro duelist. The Fortune Lady's are kinda Jamie's duel spirits since they are always bothering her, giving her advice but whenever Jamie's in danger they'll do all they can to save her. Who knows, maybe one day Jamie will accept the Fortune Lady's as a huge part of her life and they'll become her permanent duel spirits. The leader of the Fortune Lady's seems to be Fortune Lady Dark. Jamie has the same realationship as Chazz does with his Ojama's except Jamie treats them nicer. Name: Miranda Surname: Caine Nickname: Manda, Miran, Gender: Female Age: 15 First appears in: Jaden's Twin Sister, chapter 19 Birthday: 25th December Deck type: Doll Part (I don't care what people say but Doll Part should have appeared sooner) Dorm: Obelisk Blue Appearance: Fair skin, waist length straight black hair, blue eyes thickly outlined with black kohl, wears black lipstick and her height is 5'3. She wears the Obelisk Blue girls uniform except she wears black Doc Martins and black tights embroidered with white skulls. Personality: Like her dress sense Miranda is pretty gothic at first glance but she's nice if you get to know her. Miranda is kinda girly but she expresses it in a gothic way. Duel Spirit: Alice the Wandering Doll Family: Elizabeth Caine (mum), Antony Caine (dad), Martin Caine (older brother) and James Caine (older brother). History: Miranda was constantly teased all the time for her ability to see duel spirits and was labeled as schizophrenic since nobody believed she could see duel spirits. Miranda started to duel when she 8 and she uses a Doll Part deck to reflect how she feels on the inside. Her parents don't believe that Miranda can see duel spirits but they support her dueling. Her brother Martin is 19 and studying Psychology at Tokyo University. Her other brother James is 25 and is currently in prison serving two years for armed robbery. Alice the Wandering Doll appeared to Miranda when she was 8 and told her that Miranda would always be alone but that she would always be there for Miranda. Alice is one on the main reasons that Miranda is the way she is. Favourite card: Alice the Wandering Doll Likes: Dolls, puppets, cute little voodoo dolls that wear cute outfits, the colour black, rock music, Lolita style clothes and golden eggwich Dislikes: Cheerful people Best friends: Alice the Wandeeing Doll and Jamie Yuki Romantic interest: Currently no one Other: Miranda loves puppets and she has a trunk full of puppets that she likes to make plays with. She also thinks that most men can't be trusted. |
Community: | Jaden having a twin sister |
Focus: | Anime/Manga Yu-Gi-Oh GX |