Author has written 13 stories for Hoshin Engi, Immortal Rain, Misc. Anime/Manga, Negima! Magister Negi Magi/魔法先生ネギま!, Inuyasha, Naruto, King of Bandit Jing, Danny Phantom, and Sonic the Hedgehog. Formerly Kitsune On Prozac. Left for a year afteer being dissillusioned. Felt the need for a change after almost 5 years. :D Oh. My god. I'm back on Be afraid, be very afraid. I mean, I've still ben writing, but none of it has gone up here, due to a reat dissallusionment. Projects: Beatbox My Heartbeat: Remake of the old Sonic fic. First chapter is all that will be done. Because I said so. Cheek Stripes: Naruto fic, NaruXIno. Again, pretty much dead, since I forgot exactly where I was going with it. -_-;; Imposter: King of Bandit Jing fic. Pretty much dead, but enough boots to the rear might make me go back to it. Koneko Kissaten: Mostly OCs with random characters. Officially dead, since all the characters have been changed. New version is a webcomic and no longer a fanwork. Promise: Houshin Engi fic. Part 1 of 3 posted. Strong Youzen/Taikoubou undertones that will only get stronger. Attention will later be paid to Nataku/Raishinshi and Sengyoku/Doukouson. Feather Reign: Houshin Engi fic. Continuation of the storyline. Mostly just fufilling my fantasies of Fukki returning to the Shinkai. My favourite pairings are bound to slip through.What Should Have Been: Negima fic. Deadeadeadeadead. Blah: Name: In most places I'm known as ReiNoKage. Rei, Zero, or Squeegee will also do. Recurring Obsessions: Houshin Engi Current Binge: Houshin Engi Friends: Ryuu No Taiyou, Heh Choke On This Puppy, KuriQuinn, Moranar, Nevorata, The Rave Kitty, CrayolaxSmile, probably a few others I forgot. O_o |