Author has written 2 stories for Harry Potter, and My Little Pony. Hi there! I see you've found my Authors Page!! Here you can read updates for Stronger and find my stories! Isn't that WONDERFUL!!!! :D jk but I hope you enjoy! ( I know the page looks lame right now but it'll be cooler later!) I also hope that you find my story interesting! Also see a GREAT story called Two-Faced :D it's amazing. I also proclaim myself a full-fleged Brony and I hope you enjoy my MLP story Rush Fairs If the words HP MLP and Brony mean nothing to you then you have no buisness here. jk but seriously read Harry Potter, Watch My Little Pony Friendship is Magic they will change you. Updates For Stronger: Word Count: Done (in beta process) Chapter: 2 :D it's called Caring |