When I lope back in, I see Fluttershy being the victim of good cop, bad cop again. I feel sorry for her, but push the feeling back. I just gotta fix this so I can go back to my party.

"Listen, folks. I want you to tell me just what in the holy name of God-" I started.

"What's a G-aou-ed? We only hearda Princess Celestia." Applejack said.

"Ah, never mind." I shake my head. "As I was saying, why are you tormenting this poor mare? Bullies," I stare down Rainbow, "Always get what's coming for 'em."

"We aren't bullies! That Spike is the bully! And Fluttershy needs to calm him down!" She swished her rainbow mane around, stomping her powder blue hoof down hard enough to make all of the books topple off the shelves.

"Right. And Spike is..?" I trailed off, now looking at the absurdly calm Twilight. But Pinkie shoved herself in front of me before Twilight even opened her mouth.

"Oh, that's easy! He's a big, bad, greedy dragon! And Fluttershy is the only one who can keep him all happy! You are really bad at guessing games." She frowned, disappointed, at me. Fluttershy backed away some more.

"What Pinkie Pie is trying to tell you is that ever since my apprentice, Spike, matured, he's been wreaking havoc on the entire town. Fluttershy is great with animals, so we are sure she can keep him occupied, but her mother got hurt and she has to go help her. Otherwise, her mom, well.." I stopped listening after a while, grabbed Fluttershy and began to drag her out.