Hey everyone! Wow, I can't believe this story's over. I've put so much time into it and have enjoyed writing every second of it. The reviews you left me and all the support, it was incredible and I just want you guys to know how much it meant to me. You are all amazing reviewers and as cliche as this sounds, I couldn't have done this story without you. Your ideas and support, they helped me make this story possible. I'm so sad this is over, yet I really like how it ended. Thank you all so so much for everything! I love all of you:)

So I've said this before, but there is no sequel. Time restraints, absolutely no ideas are a problem. All good things must come to an end, and this is one of them. I loved writing this story, but I have grown a bit tired of Sethielle, and I promise to make a better effort to update my other stories faster. I know Perfect to Me and Heart of a Family have been on hold for a month now, but I will update. Maybe not today, and maybe not tomorrow, but soon.

For the hundredth time, THANK YOU! This story got over 350 reviews, and I've never had a story that popular before. It really gives me confidence and inspiration as a writer. So thank you so much, you guys are all so amazing. And so, thank you those of you who have been there with me from the start. Thank you all who have reviewed and made my day. Thank you for all the support.
