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Author has written 4 stories for Maximum Ride, Glee, and Edward Scissorhands. Hi, my name's Kayla, my favorite color's green, I love Harry Potter, I'm fourteen years old, I call my room my "Bat Cave" because I'm in there all the time and no one else is allowed in there, and I like egg rolls...How's that for a first impression? Update: I changed my name from Skillet.HpGirl to Blood Glow. I changed to my Pottermore username, and I didn't want to be confused (which happens far to many times). Update: I had recently change my Name to Angelic Syntax. This should the last time (for a while) that I'll change it. LINKS!!! I got a Twitter! :http://twitter.com/#!/skillet_hpgirl Follow me for updates on my stories and my...twisted life? Is that the right word...? Link to my Facebook page: http://www.facebook.com/pages/Angelic-Syntax-Fanfiction-Writer/308669415839910 Link to my Figment: http:///users/90314-Kayla-Towns Favorite Harry Potter ships: Snape/Lily Harry/Ginny Ron/Hermione Draco/Astoria (sometimes I read Dramoine fanfics) Fvorite Bands/Singers: 1) SKILLET!!! I'm obsess! They're a Christain rock band! Look for them, they ROCK! Number your 12 favorite Ouran characters in no particular order and answer the following questions 1) Kyoya O. 2) Haruhi F. 3) Hikaru H. 4) Tamaki S. 5) Mori M. 6) Kaoru H. 7) Hunny/ Honey M. 8) Ranka F. 9) Nekozawa 10) Renge H. 11) Chika/ Yasuchika 12) Mei Y. Q1) Have you ever read a Six/Eleven fic? Do you want to? Ick, no! Q2) Do you think Four is hot? How hot? He's okay. Kinda annoying, though. Q3) What would happen if Twelve got Eight pregnant? I think they'll soon find out that Ranka just got fat and is not pregnant. Q4) Can you read any fic(s) about Nine? I think I could. Q5) Would Two and Six make a good couple? Ehh Q6) Five/Nine or Five/Ten? Why? Five/Ten because Nekozawa freaks me out... Q7) What would happen if Seven walked in on Two and Twelve in bed together? Poor Hunny would be scarred for life XD Q8) Make up a summary for a Three/Ten fic They say they can't stand each other, but will love blossom? (that was very bad XD) Q9) Is there any such thing as One/Two fluff? Could be. Q10) Suggest a title for a Seven/Twelve hurt/comfort fic. ...I don't think I can. Q11) What kind of plot device would you use if you wanted Four to deflower One? BLACK MAIL! Oh, I love that couple! Q12) Do any of your friends read Seven slash? Oh Lord, I hope not. Q13) Do any of your friends read Three het? I don't think so... Q14) Do any of your friends write or draw Eleven? Nope. Q15) Would any of your friends write One/Two/Four/Five? No... Q16) What might Ten scream at a moment of great passion? Not something I wish to think about... Q17) If you wrote a song-fic about Eight, which song would you choose? ...Idk... Q18) If you wrote a One/Six/Twelve fic, what would the warnings be? Drug use. Non-graphic rape.. Q19) What might be a good pick-up line for One to use on Two? ..."Hey" Q20) When was the last time you read a fic about Five? Umm...not to long ago... Q21) What is Six's super kink? I don't want to know. Q22) Would Eleven get in bed with Nine? Drunk or sober? They be extremely drunk. Q23) If Three and Seven got together, who tops? Do I have to answer this? Xl Q24) One and Nine are in a happy relationship, until Nine runs off with Four One broken-hearted has a hot one night stand with Eleven and a brief unhappy affair with Twelve, then follows the wise advice of Five and finds true love in Two. What would you call this fan fiction? The Difficult Life of Nekozawa...(I don't know) Q25) Name three of your friends that might read this they don't even know about Ouran. Q26) Name one person who should write it. Not me! Q27) How would you feel if Seven/Eight was cannon? I would be extrememly grossed out. Tamaki Prince Type: You are French Kyoya Cool Type: XYou wear glasses Hunny Loli Shota Type: You're the shortest out of your friends. Total: 3 Mori Wild Type: You're the tallest out of your friends Total: 3 Hikaru Devil Type: XYou and your sibling have a strong bond Total: 2 Kaoru Devil Type: You like to play games Total: 4 Haruhi Natural Type: XYou don't care about trivial things like appearance Total: 2 Inspiration for "Safe": You don't expect a person with wings to have a problem that isn't sci/fy or paranormal or fantasy-like. So, I thought that Max needed a problem that's, sadly, an every day occurence in this world. so a scene poped in my mind (it's a spolier, so I'm not going to say anything), and a whole story started creating it's self. i thought we shoud see how an abnormal girl deals with a very human problem. I'm sorry, guys :( I deleted "A Selfish Thing". I just have too much things on my hands, and I just lost interest in the story. Plus, the story was just getting crazy. I had to juggle forming a band, a haunted house, Max's past, and Fax fluff all in one story, and I felt like it was straying to far from the actual point of the story. Please forgive me (_ _) |
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