Max's POV

Max never thought it would affect her. She thought she would be strong, and not let it get to her head. She was wrong. Even after what he did to her, she felt betrayed, lonely, and sad. No, sad was an understament. She thought he was the one, as cheesy and naive as it sounds. She tried telling herself that he was the problem, that she didn't deserve it. But she still felt as if it was her fault. She hated these arguments with herself, half of her saying that it's not true, the other one saying that it was.

She was laying in bed, at 11:30pm. Iggy, Fang, and Nudge were still awake in the living room, and Angel and Gazzy were a sleep in their own rooms. When she came though the front door, Nudge asked how her "date" went, but all Max did was shrugged off her jacket and walked up to her room. Max could have said "Oh, it was great. Except for the fact that it wasn't actually a date and I walked in on Dean making out with another girl". or she could have lied and said that it was great. She didn't know what to say, so she said nothing. That seemed like the easy way out.

Max turned over onto her side without damaging her wings. She usually kept them well hid, but it was harder with pajamas. She didn't bother much when it was only her flock with her. Dean didn't know about her wings. He was completely human, not some test tube experiment.

Max heard the action movie Fang, Iggy, and Nudge were watching, and pulled her pillow over her head to muffle the noise. she just wanted to get some sleep and for this day to be over.

Fang's POV

The door opened and Max came though. She left ten minutes ago, how could she be back? She didn't look too happy...maybe she broke up with Dean? Fang knows he shouldn't be happy about that, but he couldn't help but have a slither of hope.

"That was fast. How was your date?" Nudge asked. Max glancd up, took off her jacket and walked up stairs. "Max?" Nudge turned to face Fang and Iggy. Iggy, being blind, asked what she did, and Nudge answered. Fang didn't say anything, just stared at the stairs where Max was once standing. She didn't usually get upset like this. Usually when she brakes up or gets dumped, she gets angry. She lashes out at everyone who does something irritating. Ine time she yelled at Fang for not talking at breakfast. She didn't date much, but when she did the ending of the relationship was brutal.

He turned his atetion to the movie they were watch (Well, Nudge and Fang were watching it. Iggy just stayed because he like the sound of the bombs and gunfires in the movie). a couple of minutes later, nudge asked the question they qere all wondering.

"What's up with Max?"
"I'm going to check on her." Fang said as he stood up from the couch. The other two remained, eating popcorn.

Fang walked up the stairs and into the hall way. he heard the soft breathing in Angel's room. He stopped and stared though the open door. She was curled up in a little ball with a stuff animal. She steady breathing was becoming rugged and fast. she started whimpering like a wounded dog, and jerking.

Fang walked in, and Angel started crying in her sleep. He sat on the edge of her bad, and gentaly shook her awake.

"Angel...Angel, wake up."

Her eyes fluttered open and, without any warning, she trew her arms around Fangs neck. The Six year old girl started crying in his neck, and he rubbed her back in smalll circles trying to get her to calm down.

"I h-had that d-dream ag-g-ain." she sobbed.

"It's okay. It never happened. You're safe, we're all safe." he whispered to the girl.

Angle sniffed and said "Still scary,".

"I know. Go down stairs to Iggy and Nudge."

The crying girl nodded and slipped out of her bed. Fang shook his head slightly and sighed. She was to little to be having dreams of the flock dead.

Fang stood up and made his way to Max's room, passing Gazzy's where he heard a fart through the door. It was normal in this house, so he passed it without thought.

When he reached Max's door, he tapped on it to make sure she was awake. He heard a soft "Hmm?" coming from the room. He opened the door. the room was lit by the moon light coming form her open window. Max was laying on her side, with her wings unfolded. The white of her tank top made the brown feathers seem darker. She looked up at him with her eyes.

"You'll catch a cold if you leave the window open all night," he said quitetly as he pulled the curtains shut.

"Leave the curtains open." Max said, sounding sad. Fang looked at her as he opened the blue curtains back. "Can you close the door? I don't like it open."

Fang closed the door and sat on the edge of her bed. He glanced at her wings. "That's not very good for your wings, either."

"It streaches the muscules. We havn't gone flying in a while, so they were feeling a little cramped up."

Fang nodded slightly and stared at the picture on her wall. It was a photo of everyone, though no one was posing. They were all younger. He remember that day. Jab took the picture. Iggy was trying o hide a stink bomb (and failing), Gazzy was making a "funny" face, and he-Fang-was turned away, but his eyes were on Max who had her arms around a small Angel. Angle was also atemping a weird face, and Max was laughing.

There were other pictures as well. Some Max painted, some she drew. One of them was a poster of her favorite soccer player.

"Max, what happened?" He asked. Max took a while before she said "Dean's an idiot."

"Well, I've always known that, but what did he do for you to figure it out?"

Normaly, Max would have smiled and call Fang a name, but she still had her sad expression. She sat up, the tips of her wings brushing against the wall. "He slid his tounge down another chick's throat."

"He did WHAT?" Fang yelled. He wasn't quitet and pateint anymore, but loud and angry.

"Be quiet, Gazzy and Angel are sleeping. He...he was kissing another girl." She was quiet untill she sniffed. That one sniffed causes the tears to flow and the sobs to come. She moved over so she was sitting next to Fang. She burried her face in his shirt and cried while he held her and stroked her hair.

"I-I was going to s-suprise him with a m-movie night at his place, and I p-passed an ally way where th-they were kissing. A-and he saw me and just said 'Hey Babe, can you give me a second?'. He d-didn't even look guilty!"

As Fang listened, his muscule tensed and he felt anger bubble up from the pit of his stomach. There were many words to call Dean right now, but none of them seemed to be bad enough.

As the sobbing became quieter, Max pulled away, wiping her eyes. Fang made to stand up, but a hand clasped around his wrist.

"Stay. I need my bestfriend right now." She said, stilll crying a little bit. She laid down, folding her wings up so she can move over to the side of her bed. Fang laid down beside her over the covers. Max burried her face in his shirt and contiuned to let the tears fall. It wasn't long untill Max fell asleep, but she still had a death-grip on his shirt, so he couldn't go anywhere...not that he wanted too. It wasn't untill one-in-the-morning when he fell asleep.