Author has written 13 stories for Gundam Wing/AC. Hey guys! It's definitely been awhile since I've been up here. Not going to make any excuses but this thing called Life kind of held me up. Anyway, I've got a new story out called The Heero Look and I've been working on it for almost two years. I made myself completely finish it before posting so you won't be reading about any bull that I need more time to write a chapter. I really hope you guys like it because I've spent a lot of time on it. Make sure you guys read and review! Your comments help a lot and I really appreciate them! Enjoy! 12-14-2010 Hi, okay so just a reminder: Fanfiction - a fictional account written by a fan of a show, movie, book, or video game to explore themes and ideas that will not or cannot be explored via the originating medium. Please pay attention to the key words: EXPLORE THEMES AND IDEAS THAT WILL NOT OR CANNOT BE EXPLORED VIA THE ORIGINATING MEDIUM. In case that wasn't clear enough for you, the stories that I write are things that will IN NO WAY POSSIBLE happen in the real Gundam Wing. There are plenty of wonderful writers out there who do follow the series to the tee... but I do not. You can obviously tell from the other stories I've written. So before you take the time out of your OBVIOUSLY busy day and pathetically call my works crap, remember one thing: YOU DON'T HAVE TO READ THIS!! I write what I want to write on this page and if you don't like it.. SEE YA! The good lord gave you a brain for a reason, try using sometime. And to those who are telling me when the war ended and such, I'm sure you mean well but I know when what ended and how. I changed the story from the series for a reason.. I wanted to. I like the way I write and I love the way I portray the characters. I portray them this way because I'm tired of seeing Trowa as a silent clown, Quatre as a cheerful idiot, Wufei as a smartass, Duo as a GOOFY idiot, and Heero as a asshole/jerk/insensitive bastard. Excuse me if I'm wrong, but isn't that the point of all this?? You don't have to like my stories and if you don't then what's the point of sending reviews/flames? I only accept CONSTRUCTIVE CRITICISM so if you don't have anything nice to say on this page.. don't say anything at all. So Mister/Miss Anonymous who decided to flame me for REVISED: No Matter What on 3-31-2010.. Go fuck yourself. So here is a fair warning because I'm not going to say this again. (Well, maybe I will) I DON'T WRITE ACCORDING TO THE SERIES! I WRITE ACCORDING TO MY IMAGINATION AND HOW I LIKE TO SEE THE CHARACTERS. SO THAT MEANS OOC HEERO, OOC DUO, OOC QUATRE, OOC WUFEI, OOC TROWA... damn it everyone's going to be OOC and the TIMELINE will NOT EVER follow the series. Please excuse my ranting, I just find it very annoying how inconsiderate, IGNORANT people get off on putting others creativity down. GET A LIFE AND GO READ A BOOK! To those who review with wonderful, considerate and useable comments - I truly appreciate you! And will continue writing the way I WANT TO.. February 9, 2011 Happy Belated New Years! Thanks so much guys for the wonderful reviews and awesome emails... you don't know how much I appreciate it. I've made the decision not to continue The Heero Look (at least not right now) I've been throwing some ideas around for a new fic so know that I am working. Hopefully I can tell you more soon.. I don't want to give out any info and then not come through. So please be patient. I also appreciate the people giving me some 2x1 fic links, titles and authors. I've been taking in the suggestions and I'm glad I can find some new and old material to read. I was wondering if you guys knew of one fic that I read a LONG time ago and can't remember the title. It's about Heero and Duo and Duo some how finds Heero in a boat and he's badly sunburned and he invites him onto a ship that Howard runs. I can't remember if there's any military background in this fic but I think there is. Also, there's one scene where they go fishing and instead of using a regular rod, Heero (or Duo, I can't remember) uses a gun. If you guys could give me any information on this fic, or any other good ones you think I should read.. please let me know! You can send me a message through or email me at GWBabei2x1@ ( You guys have a great day! :) |