Title: The Ancient
Author: Shinigami's Minion
Pairing: 2x1 maybe 3x4 (not sure yet)
Warnings: (mainly for later chapters) AU, angst, blood, romance, maybe lemon, Evil Relena (if you like her I don't suggest reading this)
Disclaimer: As much as I love Gundam Wing its characters do not belong to me. However, the other characters that I have mentioned do.
Feedback: Yes please review. I'll be very grateful
Notes: This is my second fic and my first series fic. So let me know what you think and if you think it can be improved let me know how.
Long ago a great legend was told of the most powerful Ancient with the mark of Shinigami coming to be. It was said he would be the only child conceived by two great ancients to survive. With his marked One at his side he would either bring life or death to his race and he will either conquer the greatest evil or he will become it. It is because of this legend that he is feared. All vampires a like both look forward to and rue the day he will be born. But no matter what others think the legend will be fulfilled. And as it were it already began one dark and stormy night. (1)
King Arlos (2) paced back and forth on the red-carpeted corridor, his velvet black cloak flowing behind him. To say he was worried would be an understatement. He was terrified. However, he knew the consequences of his decision before he agreed. Now he began to regret making that decision as he heard the soft whimpers of his wife from the room he was not allowed to enter. But thinking back to the day he made that decision and the smile on his wife's face made him feel at ease.
~ ~Flashback~ ~
It was an average day at the palace of Bathoria (3) however, King Arlos was still nervous. His Queen had something important to tell him and he couldn't help but worry. /I swear if she's been hurt I'll kill who ever did it/
"No need to worry love I am fine and no harm has come to me," Itara (4) replied placing a hand on her husbands shoulder in reassurance, "It was not my intent to worry you and I apologize if I have."
Arlos turned to look at his wife and inwardly gasped. She looked so beautiful in her long, form fitting, silk black dress with a glittering train, which would trail along behind its master. Her long, silky, black hair left free from any confines reaching down to her knees and blowing slightly in the wind. He looked into her ruby red eyes and smiled softly, taking her hand in his and placing a soft kiss on it. "You said you had something to discuss with me."
"Yes, but I wish to ask you something before I do." He nodded his consent and she continued. "All I ask is that you listen to me fully before coming to a decision or trying to argue with me." Once again he nodded, but a little more reluctantly, and looked at his wife as she began to speak.
"Well love I am sure you have heard all the rumors and legends on the ancient child and it's birth. I was thinking that maybe we should try to have a child of our own," here she paused and raised her hand to stop her husband from interrupting, "I know the consequences of having a child may lead to my death and the chances of its survival are slim but I still can't help but want a child. It would bring more life to this place and besides you know I am stronger then all the others and perhaps both the child and I will survive. Please grant me this one wish." She looked into her husbands emerald eyes begging him without words.
Looking into his queen's eyes he could see the yearning and he knew he could never refuse her anything. /Besides a child would not be so bad/ he smiled to himself and finally said "Anything you wish my queen."
Itara couldn't believe her ears. She never thought he would agree. Smiling softly she placed a soft kiss on her lovers lips whispering words of thanks and lead him to see the priest. (5)
~ ~End Flashback~ ~
Arlos was shook out of his reverie by one of his servants coming out from the room and bowing down to him.
"Your Majesty."
"How is she? Is she okay? Is the baby okay?" Arlos asked frantically before the slave could even utter another word.
"Your Majesty calm down. She is fine and you have a beautiful baby boy. Now I suggest you go in there and see your wife. She's waiting"
Smiling at the young woman standing in front of him he said his thanks and went into the room. There on the bed lay his wife covered in sweat but yet to him she still looked as beautiful as ever and in her arms she was holding his son. Moving to the bed he placed a kiss on his smiling love's forehead and sat on the chair next to the bed.
"What are we going to call him love," he asked her looking at the amazing amethyst eyes of his son.
"We shall call him Duo. My little Shinigami (6)" she replied cradling her baby as they both drifted to sleep.
Looking down at his wife's serene face the king knew he had made the right decision all those months ago. He just hoped his son would not be put in danger because of some stupid legend. No he would not allow it. He will protect his son with his life and any who try to harm him will be killed. /Besides/ he thought to himself /legends can be broken./
I know, I know, how clichéd right? Well I thought it would be fitting after all it is a great legend and all hehe
King Arlos is a character I made up. I actually own him!!! I own something.err anyway I was hoping the name would give the sense of a strong and virtuous king I hope it does.
Bathoria does not belong to me. It is a name a friend kindly gave to me and if it belongs to someone else I apologize for using it.
Itara is another one of my own characters. She is based on what I would be like if I were a vampire with a few minor changes.
Okay well I love to read a lot on vampires and stuff and one thing I know is that vampires can't have children unless of course some higher power deems it necessary. That is why they are going to see a priest to see if a God will bless them with the ability to have a child.
Okay before you ask why he has two names it will be explained later either in the story or on one of my notes. If you wanna take a guess feel free and I'll let you know if you're right
SM: Well that's it for now
SM: ::Hits him on the head with a frying pan:: Ermm.yeah anyway please review. Your comments are greatly appreciated. I will try to get the next chapter up as soon as I can.
Author: Shinigami's Minion
Pairing: 2x1 maybe 3x4 (not sure yet)
Warnings: (mainly for later chapters) AU, angst, blood, romance, maybe lemon, Evil Relena (if you like her I don't suggest reading this)
Disclaimer: As much as I love Gundam Wing its characters do not belong to me. However, the other characters that I have mentioned do.
Feedback: Yes please review. I'll be very grateful
Notes: This is my second fic and my first series fic. So let me know what you think and if you think it can be improved let me know how.
Long ago a great legend was told of the most powerful Ancient with the mark of Shinigami coming to be. It was said he would be the only child conceived by two great ancients to survive. With his marked One at his side he would either bring life or death to his race and he will either conquer the greatest evil or he will become it. It is because of this legend that he is feared. All vampires a like both look forward to and rue the day he will be born. But no matter what others think the legend will be fulfilled. And as it were it already began one dark and stormy night. (1)
King Arlos (2) paced back and forth on the red-carpeted corridor, his velvet black cloak flowing behind him. To say he was worried would be an understatement. He was terrified. However, he knew the consequences of his decision before he agreed. Now he began to regret making that decision as he heard the soft whimpers of his wife from the room he was not allowed to enter. But thinking back to the day he made that decision and the smile on his wife's face made him feel at ease.
~ ~Flashback~ ~
It was an average day at the palace of Bathoria (3) however, King Arlos was still nervous. His Queen had something important to tell him and he couldn't help but worry. /I swear if she's been hurt I'll kill who ever did it/
"No need to worry love I am fine and no harm has come to me," Itara (4) replied placing a hand on her husbands shoulder in reassurance, "It was not my intent to worry you and I apologize if I have."
Arlos turned to look at his wife and inwardly gasped. She looked so beautiful in her long, form fitting, silk black dress with a glittering train, which would trail along behind its master. Her long, silky, black hair left free from any confines reaching down to her knees and blowing slightly in the wind. He looked into her ruby red eyes and smiled softly, taking her hand in his and placing a soft kiss on it. "You said you had something to discuss with me."
"Yes, but I wish to ask you something before I do." He nodded his consent and she continued. "All I ask is that you listen to me fully before coming to a decision or trying to argue with me." Once again he nodded, but a little more reluctantly, and looked at his wife as she began to speak.
"Well love I am sure you have heard all the rumors and legends on the ancient child and it's birth. I was thinking that maybe we should try to have a child of our own," here she paused and raised her hand to stop her husband from interrupting, "I know the consequences of having a child may lead to my death and the chances of its survival are slim but I still can't help but want a child. It would bring more life to this place and besides you know I am stronger then all the others and perhaps both the child and I will survive. Please grant me this one wish." She looked into her husbands emerald eyes begging him without words.
Looking into his queen's eyes he could see the yearning and he knew he could never refuse her anything. /Besides a child would not be so bad/ he smiled to himself and finally said "Anything you wish my queen."
Itara couldn't believe her ears. She never thought he would agree. Smiling softly she placed a soft kiss on her lovers lips whispering words of thanks and lead him to see the priest. (5)
~ ~End Flashback~ ~
Arlos was shook out of his reverie by one of his servants coming out from the room and bowing down to him.
"Your Majesty."
"How is she? Is she okay? Is the baby okay?" Arlos asked frantically before the slave could even utter another word.
"Your Majesty calm down. She is fine and you have a beautiful baby boy. Now I suggest you go in there and see your wife. She's waiting"
Smiling at the young woman standing in front of him he said his thanks and went into the room. There on the bed lay his wife covered in sweat but yet to him she still looked as beautiful as ever and in her arms she was holding his son. Moving to the bed he placed a kiss on his smiling love's forehead and sat on the chair next to the bed.
"What are we going to call him love," he asked her looking at the amazing amethyst eyes of his son.
"We shall call him Duo. My little Shinigami (6)" she replied cradling her baby as they both drifted to sleep.
Looking down at his wife's serene face the king knew he had made the right decision all those months ago. He just hoped his son would not be put in danger because of some stupid legend. No he would not allow it. He will protect his son with his life and any who try to harm him will be killed. /Besides/ he thought to himself /legends can be broken./
I know, I know, how clichéd right? Well I thought it would be fitting after all it is a great legend and all hehe
King Arlos is a character I made up. I actually own him!!! I own something.err anyway I was hoping the name would give the sense of a strong and virtuous king I hope it does.
Bathoria does not belong to me. It is a name a friend kindly gave to me and if it belongs to someone else I apologize for using it.
Itara is another one of my own characters. She is based on what I would be like if I were a vampire with a few minor changes.
Okay well I love to read a lot on vampires and stuff and one thing I know is that vampires can't have children unless of course some higher power deems it necessary. That is why they are going to see a priest to see if a God will bless them with the ability to have a child.
Okay before you ask why he has two names it will be explained later either in the story or on one of my notes. If you wanna take a guess feel free and I'll let you know if you're right
SM: Well that's it for now
SM: ::Hits him on the head with a frying pan:: Ermm.yeah anyway please review. Your comments are greatly appreciated. I will try to get the next chapter up as soon as I can.