
A Million Ways to Slay a Raven



Chapter One: Smart Boy, Blind Boy


"Raven. Wielder of powerful magic. Friend and guide to man. A powerful ally, helper to human beings." She smiled and he could see a glimmer of knowing in her eyes. She was keeping something from him. "Suits you, doesn't it?" He frowned. No, it didn't suit him. There was nothing spiritual or powerful about him. "It suits you." She said with contentment, disregarding the doubt that was written on his face.

He looked dubiously at the cards and frowned. Raven.

"You have a question, don't you?" She stated, after a moment. Then, in what looked almost like one movement of her frail body she flicked her long grey hair over her shoulder, tugged the wolf pelt closer around her shoulders, and tossed the eagle feather that was knotted into her braid away from her face. She was the picture of careless grace, and he found himself lost in the lines on her face, traces of the ages she had seen. Her eyes glowed and he could not see what color they were, one moment faded blue, the next ashen violet, then unearthly grey. She smiled at him, patiently awaiting the future.

He shifted in his seat. He did have a question, but did she have an answer? "Ask." She said simply, and he smiled.

"Why, then?" She smiled, a look of approval in her eyes.

"Smart boy. You may succeed yet." She stood slowly, her cape a collage of animal pelts, feathers in her hair that was so grey it was silver. She walked away from the fire, grabbing something from a shelf in the corner. It was a chain, but on it there was a ring of polished onyx. She handed it to him with a smile on her face. "Wear this. Follow your heart, trust your emotions. You may succeed yet." She chuckled at his perplexed expression, and vanished as soon as he took the ring.

He sat alone by the fire, looking up at the moon and the sky full of stars. He didn't want to go, and he wasn't sure if it was because he was not ready to part with the calming effect that this bower had on him, or if it was because he could not return to the place and the people from whom he had fled.


The boy stood, holding on to the metal pole by the exit of the bus, his other hand was clutching a simple ring of some dark stone that reflected the light, its surface was so smooth. He was tall and slender, with shaggy brown hair that looked soft and rebellious. His eyes, what may have been deep prussian, were misted over.

The boy was blind.

He seemed to sense where he was and pulled the cord, even though the bus driver already knew his stop. He liked to pretend that he still had control over where he was. That he was still very much in charge. When the bus came to a halt, he picked up the cane that he had propped against an empty seat and slowly stepped down, waiting for the whoosh of the bus' door before stepping down.

The air was cold and he bowed his head low, burrowing into the long scarf he wore. He was hesitant to leave that morning, but had felt compelled after the dream. Well, he knew better than to call it that, but it simplified things.

Since the accident, he had learned to live through his dreams. Loving how they showed him a world he had forgotten. He had met Her in his dreams. But he had known before it had happened, and, in many ways, She was the only person he could trust. Because She was the only one who had been there for him through it all. As strange and enigmatic as She was, She felt like a grandmother to him.

He pushed open the door to his room, whistling softly and waiting. Listening as a familiar jingling echoed through his small loft, and waited until the warmth of soft fur was pressed into his hand. He scratched the head, favouring the spot behind the ears that he knew was a gesture that Shinigami appreciated. She led him over to the sofa and he flopped onto it appreciatively.

He was thankful that he had her, there were numerous times when having her near was comforting and had made it possible for him to survive through one ordeal or another. But there were times when he needed to remember how it felt to be alone, to walk on his own, even if he did have to take the cane, but still.

He sighed and closed his eyes for a moment, letting Shinigami lick his hand.

When he next opened his eyes it was to the loud, insistent ringing of the phone. "Must be eight o'clock" He mumbled as he sat up, leaning over the arm rest and groping for the phone. "Hello?"

"Heero?" He sighed. Yup. Eight o'clock. It was his sister's habit of calling every night at eight. He wasn't sure why, they never really had anything to talk about. His older sister had been living on one of the colonies for a long while, and they had grown distant. Yet still, she always phoned, as if making the extra effort.

"Yeah, it's me." /Who else would it be?/

"Hi. Uhm... So you okay?"


"How's...what's her name?"

"Shinigami? She's fine."

"What on earth made you choose such a morbid name for her. She's a little angel!" He snorted. When Shinigami had first walked into his life, he'd just come out of the hospital where he had been hooked-up to dozens of beeping machines, blind and not in the best of mind-sets. Of course he was a little morbid.

He felt Shini's paw come up on his lap, and he reached out his free hand, groping for her head. He had forgotten to feed her dinner. He had forgotten his own dinner... "I was thinking of coming down there for a bit. You know, to earth. Just to see how you're doing." He sighed.

"I'm fine, Relena. Everything is fine." He wouldn't tell her about the dream, she would never understand. Relena liked things simple and clear. Something like the Woman would throw her off. Confuse her, and worry her. Why was her brother seeing this strange woman? He had never told anyone about Her. Not even his friends, who he would trust with anything.

"You're sure? I know I'm pestering you...it's just. I remember how you were and now..." There was an aggravated sigh and Heero sat back on the sofa. They'd been through this before. Of course he had changed, how could she ever expect him to stay the same? How could anyone?

"Relena. If I need your help, I'll call you." She frustrated him. She always made him feel weak and helpless and he hated that. He had survived for over a year on his own. He didn't need her, and he certainly was not going to put-up with her just so she could work-out her guilt. He didn't care if she thought that he was being rude. Of course he was, and so was she. "I have to feed Shinigami now. And..." He stopped. He wanted to ask her to stop calling if she was just going to pester him like this, but on one level, it was nice to know that there was someone out there who cared enough to set-aside time for him each day. "..Thanks." He said, and frowned, unsure of where that came from. Yet she seemed to perk-up.

"No problem, Heero. I love you."

"Bye." He put the phone down, slightly proud that he no longer had to fumble to put it in its place. He stood and immediately felt Shini's head beneath his hand. He smiled, wondering how he would have made it through if he were forced to stay alone.

In truth, it had been his idea to move into a loft by himself, but that was because he couldn't stand having people baby him, or feel their sympathy as he stumbled as he walked. His friends were different, they knew what he needed and when. But he could hardly impose himself on them, even if they had each offered him a spot in their homes. It hadn't felt right.

This just felt right.

He opened the cabinet and pulled out the dog food, filling Shini's bowl and refilling her water. Pausing a moment, listening to see if she would eat. That was another thing he loved about her, she wouldn't touch her food until he had his own, and was seated at the table with his own meal. But, as he often did nowadays, he did not make his way to the table, but sat on the floor, eating beside her.

She was often the only company he had.

There was a knock on his door, and both he and Shinigami looked up, equally surprised. He held out a hand as he rose to stand, and she obediently led him over.

That was one thing he hated. Opening the door when he did not know who was on the other side. It was silly, what did he have to hide from? But it bothered him just the same. "Heero? It's us!" He sighed, grabbing the handle and pulling the door open.

"I wasn't expecting you." He murmured and stood aside. Two distinct footsteps. They both were there. "Hello, Trowa. Quatre." He felt a soft chuckle.

"Honestly, Heero, who did you think it would be?" Heero felt a flush rise to his cheeks and shrugged. "Did we interrupt dinner?" Heero looked down at his feet as he heard the blonde-haired boy move towards the kitchen. "Oh, Heero. Really. Is that all you ate?"

"I wasn't hungry. I'll clean it up." He added when he heard Quatre moving the cereal bowl. But Trowa caught his arm.

"He's been worried about you all day. Let him fuss." Heero sighed and nodded, letting Trowa lead him to the living room. "What have you been up to?" The soft voice asked. Heero let his head fall to rest on the back of the sofa.

"I went walking." He knew Trowa. Knew that the boy was watching him closely, trying to discern what, if anything, was wrong. Trying to find the reason for Quatre's bad feeling, because there was always a reason.

"Alone?" By this, the boy meant whether or not he had taken his seeing-eye dog. He nodded.

"I just wanted some time to think." He heard Quatre make his way over and sit in the plush chair. It was time for the interrogation.

"What were you thinking about?" Quatre asked. "I mean...what do I mean... I don't know." There was a flustered sigh. Then he heard the sound of the small boy adjusting in the big leather chair. "I couldn't sleep last night. When I woke-up today, I was completely restless and I thought.... where did you get that?" Heero frowned, wondering who this was directed to. Quatre must have caught himself. "I mean, the necklace, Heero. It's new." Heero raised a hand to toy with the ring. He'd forgotten it, and yet had always been aware of it. It had, in the short time he had been wearing it, been completely comforted by its presence, a slight weight on his neck.

"I bought it." He lied. "When I was on my walk." He shrugged. "Don't worry. Quatre. I'm fine."

"I think we should go out. It's such a beautiful night out." Heero knew this technique, had been subjected to this before. He knew how edgy they were around him, with every right to be, but still. Heero hated being surrounded by people. It was hard for him before, when he could see them, but having them around, knowing they were there, but not being able to tell who they were or assess their intentions, it was worse. He hated feeling helpless. He almost sighed in relief when Trowa spoke, appreciating how well the boy knew him and was willing to help.

"I found a nice little coffee shop. Dogs allowed." It was a hint, but Heero liked this subtle pointer. It was Trowa's way of telling Heero that now was the time to relax and let whatever had been bothering him go.

"Sounds fine." Heero said.

"I'll get Shini-chan's harness!" Quatre piped up. The blonde haired boy had never been more relieved than when the sweet German Shepard mix was first brought over to his friend. She was an absolute angel and she had worked wonders on his friend. She was a little protective of Heero, something which made Quatre happy even if it had worried the person who had trained her. But it wasn't as if she nipped or growled. Just kept a protective eye on him, and if something seemed out of sorts, she move just a little bit closer, and shift between Heero and whatever it was that she was weary of.

After Shinigami was harnessed, and Heero had once again put on his long coat and wound his scarf about him, they were ready to go. It was a nice night, cool and fresh and Heero could smell snow in the air. "How can you smell snow?" Quatre asked.

"I just can." He muttered, feeling a bit defensive, but Quatre laughed. When they made it to the coffee shop, Heero had been at first nervous. The found a booth and Heero listened as Trowa and Quatre spoke to him about what they had been up to that day before a waitress came. Minutes later, Heero was holding a hot cup of hot chocolate. It was too late for coffee, he'd already missed too much sleep, and laughing about Trowa's accident in gym class, when the basketball had accidentally hit his gym teacher in the back of the head. "Accidentally" being a term used loosely, since everyone knew Trowa had perfect aim, and also really hated his gym teacher.


"Holy shit." He muttered, looking up as the bells jingled.

"What?" His companion muttered, biting savagely down on his biscotti.

"Check him out." His companion turned, still chewing, and did just that.

"Who, the brunette with the messy hair?" He nodded, enthralled. "He's blind!"

"God damn, man, what the fuck is that supposed to mean?"

"It means he's blind. What the hell are going to do with a blind boyfriend?" He shrugged.

"What wouldn't I do with him?" His companion flushed and mumbled something as he took a quick sip of his coffee.

"You're sick."

"Thanks, man! But seriously. He's damn fine!" The boy sat back in his chair, following the blind boy as he slowly made his way, with two other boys, to the back of the café.

"I thought this was supposed to be about me? I thought you were trying to lift my spirits!" The boy returned his attention to the dark hair figure, still savagely eating his biscotti. He glowered.

"You said you were feeling better." The dark haired boy shrugged.

"Well, your ogling of the café's patrons isn't helping. And still..." There was a frustrated boy, and once again the violet eyes darted towards the booth the blind boy had settled in.

"I'm not ogling the patrons, just one patron. And he is hot, so there. You know, you've got to let things go, man. I mean, I'm sorry things didn't go your way, but it was your own fault, it was a perfectly simple mission that you had to fuck-up by blowing it out of proportion. You're fault. But, as usual, you're not getting any flack for it, because you're in with Ms. High and Mighty, so suck it up. And quit moping. I can only tolerate so much of your bullshit before I feel like... Hey man, are you listening to me?"

"Yes, Duo, I'm listening."

"God damn straight. I'm getting sick of your constant moping." There was a pause, then the eyes flicked back over to the dark haired boy. "When are you gonna ask Sally out, anyway?" The boy flushed. "Yeah, sure, pretend all you want, I know all about you. Damn, that boy is fine..."




Jessenia: Yeah, I know that was a little obscure but let me know what you think!! Keep reading, this was set-up!! I really hope you're all enjoying!!