So, I posted a new little blurb on my profile…be sure to check that out. It just addresses the flamers that I've come in contact with and I needed to vent.
Anyway, I really can't believe this is the last chapter. As some of you may already know, this is the first multi-chapter story I've attempted AND completed! I'm so proud of myself ^_^ but I definitely couldn't have done it without your encouraging reviews and constructive criticism…you guys SERIOUSLY helped and I loved each and EVERY review!
Have fun reading!
Chapter Eleven
"Duo!" Trowa said as Duo emerged through the French doors and stomped past him. He watched after his friend as he made a beeline for the bar and quickly followed behind him. "Duo what the hell is going on?"
"Can I get a vodka tonic," Duo requested gruffly and as soon as the bartender placed the drink on the counter, Duo snatched the glass and gulped it down in one smooth motion. "Another one," he cleared his throat.
Trowa moved so his head so directly within Duo's eyesight. "Duo," he called again over the bouncing beat of the party music.
"You wouldn't believe it if I told you," he said sucking down his second drink and already asking for a third.
"I think you've had enough," Trowa cautioned as the bartender set down a third.
Duo snorted and swallowed the burning liquid with as much enthusiasm as the first two. "Not nearly…"
"You've had enough," Trowa said sternly and held up a hand to refrain the bartender from making any more. "Now tell me what is going on? And what happened to Heero…"
Duo's eyes bored into his with an intensity he hadn't seen in a long time. "Trowa, you are my best friend. Please…tell me you didn't know."
"Know what? What are you talking about? I didn't know a thing and I…" Trowa scratched his head and shrugged his shoulders, "I'm so confused."
"You and me both," Duo agreed, leaning his back against the bar, eyes trailing listlessly at the people who passed.
"Alright, enough of this. Stop with the cryptic messages and tell me what is going on."
Duo only sighed as he continued to look out at the guests, still refusing to answer Trowa.
"Either you tell me what happened or I'll beat it out of you in front of all these people."
Duo looked over to his friend and sighed, he couldn't ignore him all night and knowing Trowa, he would make good on his threat. Just as he turned to fill him in on the war going on inside him, he saw him.
He emerged through the open French doors slowly and hesitantly, as if he weren't completely sure where he was. From all the way across the room, Duo could see the red splotching of his face, the puffy eyes and tear stained cheeks.
He was beautiful, even visibly distressed as he was…he was absolutely breathtaking.
He watched as Heero quickly made his way across the room, sidestepping people looking for an autograph, some conversation or even a picture. Duo's heart constricted in pain as he watched the small figure hurriedly walk towards the front doors to leave.
Just as he'd requested.
"Damn it," he swore softly, staring after the man he thought he loved until he was no longer in sight.
Trowa watched his friend silently, not missing the clearly emotional Heero or Ro or whatever quickly hightail it out of the room as if the hounds of hell were nipping at the heels of his feet.
Trowa grabbed his arm and dragged him to a more secluded area in the house where they could talk. They ended up in one of the living rooms where only a few couples were milling about.
"Explain, now."
Duo began the story by telling of how they met, how they couldn't stand each other in the beginning but somehow managed to fall in love with each other. He told Trowa everything, and as he did, felt the emotions of the summer run through him. He'd thought Heero was the one and was willing to do anything for the man but…it had all been a lie. There love had grown under false pretenses and that was something he just couldn't get over. He ended the story with the blow out that had happened mere yards from that very spot.
"Damn," Trowa said at a loss for words.
"He lied to me Trowa. Everything we did, felt, said…was a lie." Duo shook his head, "God, I even told him things, personal things I wouldn't even tell you and the whole time he was probably eating that shit up and laughing behind my back…thinking he had really pulled one over me."
Trowa stared at his teammate, dumbfounded. "Are you serious?"
Duo looked at his friend's incredulous expression. "Of course I am! What, you think this is a joke, too?"
"Oh man, Maxwell," he ran a hand through his bangs. "Do you honestly believe that kid would do all just for a fucking laugh?"
"Yes, I do," Duo sniffed, "he had so many opportunities to come clean and instead…he kept the lie going. How am I supposed to think this is okay? He deceived me and played me like a fool."
"Duo…" Trowa shook his head, saddened for his friend. "I can't really say I know where you're coming from, but I can understand the pain from being lied to and kept in the dark."
"You know what? I really just want to let this go. Why don't we go back out to the party and salvage what's left of this night. I'm not going to let some little piss ant ruin it for me."
Trowa was less than thrilled to hear his friend talk like that but chalked it up to the anger, and pressed on.
"Duo, hear me out." Trowa stared into his eyes intently. "When I visited you at your aunt's place and you introduced me to him for the first time I was…shocked, to say the least. He was uh cute but nothing like the others before him. Don't get me wrong, I love ya man, but I just knew the only thing you wanted from him was a good time." He paused, "But then I saw you two together and I knew I had misjudged you. The way you guys looked at each other, kissed, and touched…it was clear to me that the feelings you had for each other were true."
"But nothing…the love I saw shared between you two was as real as it gets."
"He lied Tro and it just hurts that he couldn't trust me with significant information like that."
"It sounds to me like he didn't outright lie but he just omitted a few things about himself," he saw Duo ready to protest and held up a cautioning hand, "a few important things I'll give you but really dude, get over yourself."
Duo frowned, "So, what? You're saying I don't have a right to be mad?"
"I'm not saying that at all," Trowa shook his head. "You have every right to be upset about what happened but don't punish him and yourself for something that's just a little bit bigger than you. This whole time we've been talking, all I hear from you is 'me, me, me.' What about him? God, I saw him a few minutes ago just like you did and he looked devastated."
"And he should," Duo said in a smaller voice.
"Oh, grow up Maxwell. Seriously, not everything is about you. Pull your head out of your ass for just a minute and think about his side of the story. What did you say his reasoning for hiding his identity was again?"
"He said he was tired of the bullshit that came from being famous but come on…"
"No, you come on. Are you going to stand there and tell me you've never been tired of the fame?" Duo cast his eyes down as Trowa continued, "The constant hackling of reporters, and always having to look your best? Having complete strangers telling you when to shit and when to smile?"
Duo's silence was as good an answer as any.
"Exactly," Trowa pointed to his chest, "the pressure of living a lifestyle and career in public such as ours can be very overwhelming. Hell, we've all talked about ditching our BMW's, picking up a '57 Chevy and driving into the sunset. But the difference between us and him," he said fingers moving between the two of them, "is that he actually had the balls to do it."
Duo took a moment to let his friends crude yet wise words sink in.
"He loves you," Trowa said softly as Duo looked back up at him, "and you love him too. Don't let some petty foolishness like your pride come in between that."
After making a mad dash from the party, he hopped into the waiting limo and incoherently mumbled something or other. The limo driver must have made it out because some time later he found himself parked in front of Lily's boardinghouse.
He muttered thanks before exiting the car and jogging across the lawn, in a hurry to get inside the house and into the privacy of his own room. He must have made quite a racket because Lily was instantly at his heels, chasing him up the stairs and even into his room.
He collapsed onto his bed and through scalding, bitter tears told Lily everything. From his past modeling career in New York to the woman who acted as if she gave birth to him against her will, and finally to falling in love with her nephew only for him to break his heart into a million pieces.
Heero knew he was blubbering, his words were jumbled and his face looked like a punching bag but Lily stayed through hit all. She ran a soothing hand through his hair, and rocked him gently as she whispered warm, comforting words to him as he often wished his mother would've done. He cried himself to sleep on Lily's shoulder and was relieved to be absent from the pain, if only for a short while.
A short time later, he awoke and the pain ripped his heart anew. "Duo," he whispered and the simple word alone made tears gush from his eyes.
Heero sniffled, rubbing fat, salty tears into his pillow. "How could I have been so stupid," he whimpered.
Not a few moments later, he heard a brief knock on his door and then it was opened. He stayed as he was, head buried in his pillow and tears leaking from his eyes knowing it was only Lily coming to check on him. Bless her, even after all that had happened and after all the lies he'd told, she was still the dear woman he'd come to love as family.
He sniffled, rubbing his nose in the pillow and turning his face to the side, staring out the window. He felt Lily come sit beside him on the bed, hesitating as she placed a warm hand on his back. He stayed quiet, lost in his thoughts as he stared at the moon, big and bright looming outside his window. He felt the hand on his back slowly creep up to his neck and bury into his hair.
Something wasn't right.
The hand currently massaging his scalp was too large to be Lily's petite fingers and the gentle kneading was all too familiar for him to forget so quickly. He reached behind his head to grab the stranger's wrist and turned his head to see Duo sitting next to him. With a soft gasp, he quickly sat up in the bed with his back against the headboard.
Duo sat there in all his wonderful glory, still beautiful and godly despite all that had happened. He still wore his dress clothes from the party only his shirt was still untucked and the buttons at the top had not been redone.
"What are you doing here," he questioned with watery eyes.
Duo opened his mouth.
"Because if you're here to insult or humiliate me some more, you could've saved yourself the trip," he quickly swiped at a lone tear falling down his cheek, "I still feel lousy from earlier and imagine I will for some time."
"Don't," he shook his head, eyes shut tight, "don't even say my name. Please…"
"I just need," Duo paused, staring at the distraught man in front of him. He sighed heavily, "You broke my heart tonight."
Heero turned his head to the side and said nothing as his lips began to quiver.
"When I first saw you walk into the room tonight, I didn't even recognize you. I thought you were just some stranger but you were so…beautiful. So beautiful I couldn't keep my eyes off of you and I started to feel guilty. Here I was waiting to reunite with the man I had fell in love with over a few short months and I was ogling some good looking schmuck who I'd never met in my life and yet I knew like the back of my hand."
He watched as Heero pulled his knees to his chest and wrap his arms tightly around his knees.
"And then I saw you smile and…I just knew." He raised his hand as if to touch him but caught himself and clenched it into a fist by his side. "I recognized the small dimples on both cheeks, those sweet lips that were stretched over your somewhat crooked teeth," he chuckled to himself. "That was the same smile that I vowed to put on your face each and every day for the rest of my life."
Heero sniffled. "Duo, just…stop." He interrupted him, "I broke your heart, I get it. I lied, cheated and made you believe I was something I wasn't. I'm a bad person and I don't deserve your love." He looked at him, "You don't love me anymore and I get that, too. So whatever you came here to do, there's no need. Believe me when I say that I hate myself just as much as you do."
"But that's the thing Heero, I don't hate you," he whispered softly after a few moments of silence. "And I was wrong about some things." He reached between them and grabbed Heero's small, clenched fist. "You did lie to me about your name and some pertinent details about your life but you and Ro are one in the same, just like you said."
Heero looked at him in surprise.
"I'm sorry, so very sorry about how I behaved at the party. I was just hurt and completely thrown off balance and…baby, I know you couldn't fake a love like that. We were too good for each other, to each other and I never should have said the things I did. There's no way I could fall out of love with you, no matter what you do."
"I understand there were some things that you needed to do for yourself, some things you needed to work through that I had no bearing on. I believe you when you say you wanted to tell me the truth…"
"I swear I did…" He nodded and tears splashed onto this reddened cheeks.
"And I believe that our time together wasn't wasted." He shook his head, thinking of the harsh and cruel things he'd shouted at his lover mere hours ago. "Truth be told Heero, I envy you." He smiled at the confused look he was sending him.
"Envy me…why?"
"You were upset about something's and wasn't satisfied with the way your life was going so instead of complaining about it day after day you actually did something. And it wasn't something as simple as changing your address, you changed your entire life." He looked down at the small hand in his, "I admire you for your strength, and courage and spirit to be truly happy no matter what the cost."
Heero felt a fresh wave of tears fill his eyes at Duo's gentle words.
Duo bit his lip, silent for a moment before reaching forward and running a finger down Heero's smooth, damp cheek. "You're so beautiful, I really couldn't believe you were mine when I saw you. I still can't." He shrugged, "But even as the horribly dressed Ro, you outshined anyone I've ever known."
Heero grabbed at the hand resting on his cheek and kissed the palm before pressing it back into his skin.
"You're like something out of my dreams," he chuckled briefly, eyes roving over his wild hair, piercing blue eyes, rosy red lips.
"But I'm not Duo," Heero denied, "touch me, kiss me, love me and you'll know I'm the same person I've always been. Just me."
When Duo moved, Heero met him more than halfway. Duo didn't do much more than incline his head towards Heero's before he flung his arms around him. Heero hugged him tight, resting his head on his broad chest.
"I missed you so much," he whispered, nuzzling his face in the opening of the shirt and twisting the end of his braid through his fingers. He kissed the open skin and repeated, "I missed you."
Duo groaned, pulling the familiar body into his lap. His fingers sank into his hair and he tilted his head back for a kiss. A second before their lips met, Duo hesitated.
Heero stared him in the eye, "Don't. Don't you dare get scared now. Don't be afraid to mess me up, Duo. Kiss me without fear just as you always have."
That was the only invitation he needed. His lips slanted hard and hungrily over Heero's. Their lips parted eagerly and he thrust his tongue inside the warm, sweet mouth and made fervent love to it. Heero's arms locked around his neck possessively and he arched his body against him.
And that's when Duo knew. It made no difference what name he went by publicly or otherwise. This man in front of him was his and his alone. And he'd make damn sure that, for the rest of their lives that stayed true.
Duo kissed the top of Heero's head as he lay on his chest. "What did Aunt Lily think when she first saw you?"
Heero squirmed deeper into Duo's arms and pulled the covers higher over their nude forms. "She didn't see me until I got back but I was too upset for her to say anything about my appearance." He paused for a moment, "You know, if you hadn't come here tonight and things were officially over, it wouldn't have been just you I'd be breaking up with, it would've been her as well and I don't know if I could take losing the both of you."
"But I thought you said you weren't going to leave just because we didn't make it."
Heero shook his head, "It would've been too painful to stay here, too many memories of us. I know I wouldn't have been able to handle the constant reminder."
Duo squeezed his arms around him, "I guess it's a very good thing that I came to my senses, then."
Heero smiled into his chest and nodded.
"So you don't think she recognized you at all," Duo said switching back to their earlier topic.
"I'm sure she did. You know Lily and her fashion magazines, not to mention she heard my mother call me Heero so I'm sure…"
"Wait," Duo said cutting him off, "your mother was here?"
He nodded. "I got a surprise visit from her a little while ago and things didn't end on a very good note but…I'm at peace." He spared a thought for his mother and their awkward relationship, "But I did finally figure out what happened to Willy and…"
"Who's Willy?"
"He was my agent, you know, my friend that had passed."
"The one you thought was a suicide?"
"Yes but the only reason I came to that conclusion was because that's what my mother led me to believe."
"You can't be serious," Duo shook his head in disgust. "How could your mother do such a thing?"
Heero shrugged, wondering not for the first time, why his mother did the things she did. "Maybe because she's a lonely, bitter old woman who was too busy trying to outdo everyone else that she never really got the chance to just live her life."
"Yeah maybe," Duo conceded, "but she just sounds like a plain old bitch to me."
Heero laughed loudly. "Yeah, that too."
They shared a laugh together before their lips inevitably found each other and giggles turned into soft sighs of pleasure.
"So, are you really a superstud," Heero asked running his fingers down his lover's chest.
Duo cupped his hips with his strong, hard fingers and held him in place. "Complaining?"
"No," Heero sighed as they rolled over so Duo was stretched atop him. "But you should know I don't share."
Duo bent down to look him in the eye, "Neither do I."
"Do you think we can make it," Heero moaned as Duo placed butterfly kisses down his neck.
"I do," Duo answered quickly, "as long as you don't mind having a second rate football player, of course."
Heero lifted Duo's head from his chest and held it in his hands tightly. "Duane Marcell Maxwell, you are far from a second rate football player. Can't you see how wonderful you are? What a tremendous success you are?"
"I am?" Duo searched his eyes and found nothing but fierce honesty and love.
"Yes, in everything you do and especially in the things that really count."
"Like what?"
"Like being a loving, compassionate, beautiful human being."
Duo shook his head slightly, "You don't think I'm a manipulative son of a bitch?" He smirked at Heero's confused expression, "Trowa said the only reason I fell in love with Ro was because he wasn't a threat to my ego."
"I don't believe that at all," he denied, "but what I do believe is that I was able to teach you something."
"And what was that?"
"That all any of us have to do is give our all, our very best and that will be enough. If we can do that, then we'll succeed no matter what the outcome."
Duo rolled his eyes comically, "Yeah, yeah the whole 'do your best' song and dance, I get it," he kissed the tip of Heero's upturned nose, "but I can't promise I won't be a bitch to deal with when we lose a game."
Heero smiled and bit his lip. "Well I'll just have to come up with ways to drag you out of your funk then, won't I?"
He kissed him.
Duo tilted his head at an angle, his eyes shone with a teasing light. "You know, when I was leaving the party tonight, everyone kept asking me who I was with and why they left in such a hurry. I also heard of the mini runway show you conducted earlier this evening with the photographers out front. Do you ever think you'll go back to modeling?"
Heero shrugged his slim shoulders. "I'm not sure…I'd maybe consider it as long as it doesn't conflict with us and my painting."
Duo grew quiet as he stared at him, hard form pressing Heero's slighter one into the mattress. "Baby, you're stunning. Just once I'd like to see you in action, struttin' down the runway, posing for the cameras."
Heero laughed, jostling Duo a little. "I'd have to lose some weight before I even think about going in front of another camera."
Duo scoffed, "What weight, Heero? You're all skin and bones, now!"
"Not by modeling standards if I decide to go back into the business. And after all the meals of steak and potatoes, it'd be pretty hard going back to a diet of lettuce and water."
"Never," Duo swore, "in fact, I'm going to tell Aunt Lily that we need to fatten you up some more." He moved his hands down and under Heero to grasp his firm behind, "And I can't risk you losing this…"
Heero moaned with pleasure as Duo began to kneed his bum tenderly before he raised his hips slightly and entered with smooth, solid pressure.
"Oh, that's beautiful," Duo moaned, sinking into his tight heat.
"That little sound you make every time I'm inside you." He kissed him fully, tongue languidly searching his mouth. "I've decided," he said breaking the scorching kiss, "that I want to hear it every day, at least four times, for the rest of my life."
"Four?" Heero gasped as Duo started to move.
Duo hummed in answer.
"So you plan on keeping me then?"
Duo bit his lip as he slowly thrust into Heero's accepting body, watching the pleasure wash over his fine features. "I might as well."
"Don't…ah…sound so self sacrificing," Heero was having a hard time keeping up with the conversation.
"Well, I do feel a little sorry for you," he said supporting himself on his elbows, he leaned down to entice his lips into a kiss.
"Because…shit," he cursed in pleasure as Heero made a rolling motion with his hips. "If I don't keep you, you might end up some poor old man with a house full of parakeets."
"Why," Heero asked again on a soft gasp as Duo drove deeper.
"Because you sad, homely thing, your front teeth are going crooked."
Then he kissed him and heaven rained down.
And that's the last chapter! This has been an amazing journey and I want to tell you that I've definitely got some other works in progress which includes older works that I have yet to finish so stay tuned!
One more thing - has anyone read any good 2x1 fiction lately? I was looking for something to sink my teeth into and I really couldn't find anything which was pretty sad. If anyone knows of any good 2x1 (DuoxHeero) PLEASE let me know!