Author has written 15 stories for Sonic the Hedgehog, Donkey Kong Country, Mario, My Little Pony, Pac-Man, and Super Smash Brothers.
Name: Flare Blitz
Gender: female
Age: 21
Any relationships with canon ponies: nope
Species: unicorn
Cutie Mark: fireball
Cutie Mark meaning: master at controlling and manipulating fire
Has parents or is orphaned?: has parents but her dad left on a journey but never returned
Hobbies: acting, training with her mother to get stronger, sweets, being curious,
Lover/crush: no one at the moment
Any special powers: fire absorption, fire based attacks
Sexuality: straight
Backstory: she lived in a small run down town called Little Wood. Her mother was a warrior and was recognized by Equestria, but since old age has caught up, she can't do the stuff she used to do. She have been training Flare to be ready for anything. As soon as she graduated high school, her and Hi-tech moved to Ponyville to attend college to become an actor. Flare made a promise to her mother to keep her training up, which she have but not as efficient.
Cutie Mark story: Little Wood was attacked by timber wolves and Flare took them out with the little training she did with her mother.
Name: Hi-tech
Gender: Female
Age: 20
Any relationships with canon ponies: nope
Species: Pegasus
Cutie Mark: wrench and hammer crossing
Cutie Mark meaning: able to put stuff together
Has parents or is orphaned?: has parents
Hobbies: working on new inventions, hanging with Flare, flying (though she is out of shape), watching the Wonderbolts
Lover/crush: none at the moment
Any special powers: clumsiness
Sexuality: straight
Backstory: Grew up alongside with Flare and was her best friend from fillyhood to now. One summer when she was a preteen, she took a fieldtrip to her dad's lab in Los Pegasus. An accident happened and she lost her physical hoof. Lucky, her dad was a quick thinker and put together a metallic hoof together to stop the blood flow. She is very self conscious about it and the only ponies who know about it is her family and Flare. He moved to Ponyville to attend college for her medical degree.
Cutie Mark story: she put together a projector for Little Wood's movie night with the little resources she had