Author has written 5 stories for Harry Potter. There's not that much worth knowing about me, except that I'm English. Anything else is irrelevant to my writing, except for the fact that I don't have nearly as much time as I would like to write. Nevertheless I am currently working on two stories, both of which promise to be very long, as well as coming up with ideas with several AUs that I'd like to write once my current fics are complete. The first of my two active fics, On Two Lords and a Prince, has in the past been sadly neglected in favour of the recently completed Snake Healer: The Malfoy Muggle Lover. Two Lords is a fifth year fic that I started before the release of book five, starring a Harry who was not only changed dramatically during the summer after Voldemort's rebirth but found out that he has a proper family too, one hidden from him by Albus Dumbledore. From this starting point, Two Lords tells the story of those around him adapt to a Harry who has embraced his Slytherin side. Shades is a far more recent fic although it is based off ideas that have been floating around in my head for years. At its core it is the combination of two abandonned fics. The first source is the intended sequel for the Redemption of the Deceivers the second was a planned fic named Shadow Master inspired by both The Other Side of the Mirror by darkcyan and The Dragonmasters by Naia. Shades has evolved significantly from there though, incorporating amongst other things numerous more factions and my two favourite pairings (H/D and H/R). I've been wanting to write slash for a while and am glad to have finally found an opportunity to do so. Lastly and most importantly I have a challenge for you. It's identical to Severitus's challenge with one key difference: Lucius Malfoy rather than Severus Snape must be Harry's father. Here are the rules for you. Noratav's Challenge 1) Lucius Malfoy must be revealed to be Harry's father 2) Harry cannot be loyal to Voldemort. 3) Lucius is not a nice guy, although he doesn't have to be the evil bastard he is normally portrayed as. 4) The story must be based mostly around Harry and the Malfoys. Latest Updates 14th Jan 2005 - Chapter 25 of Snake Healer: The Malfoy Muggle Lover |