They knew it would happen, but they didn't expect it so soon.

Well, relatively soon.

Sauron had returned in all but a different form, and no, not that of a wolf. But worse.

And the decision was not made so lightly. There were oppositions, and fueds. But in the end, all agreed, that the Valar and Mandos, and all of the High and Ancients needed to aide those younger and lesser children of Illuvatar.

The question on Mandos's mind and the minds of the High, you ask?

Who to send?

"You will need wisdom."

"No, no, courage, you will need courage."

"Courage, yes, but you forget about strength!"

"Send the previous bearer of the ring . . . one who has seen the eye."

"No. . . no, too risky. . "

"Send King Eldarion, high and last of the Numeneor!"

"No, send his father, the King Elessar, he who redeemed the race of men."

"You cannot send men on this quest. . . much too risky. . ."

"Yes. . . you must avoid sending men to Arda. Panic and alarment would spread like fire."

"The world has changed far too much for any mortal man to comprehend, they'd explode at first sight of this new age."

"So you must send an elder being."

"We shall then send Mithrandir, for he will know of change in this world, far and wide."

"No, he will not know. But we will pass it on to him. All the languages and knowledge of the world pretense. . . yes. Mithrandir shall we send. . . But he alone cannot redeem the good from the ill. Istari could frighten the new age, when handled incorrectly."

"Radagast the Brown has proved you opposite, in which you speak."

"True, yes. But Radagast took millenia to comprehend, and above all else, take on this new world in such grace."

"True. Yes. You must send another form of being. Those who understand . . . elves. You must send elves to Arda."

"Elves? Why elves and not humans?"

"Humans are easily corrupted, and reckless. The elves hold knowledge of the earth in all it's beauty and splendor."

"You cannot send the elves solely because their bonds with the earth."

"But the elves are easy to trust and kind. Their senses keen, and their minds sharp to any foe. And chosen properly, any enemy within eyesight, could be spotted."

"But the elves are much too ominous for these lesser beings. You cannot send them, no, no, much too intimidating."

"There is no other race that can handle men like elves. The elves have had their time, and proven good with it. Send them again, and if you do not, a great fatality beholds you."

"Yes. We must send the elves."

"But who shall go?"

"Elrond, send Elrond of Imladris. He knows men like his brothers."

"No, send Glorfindel of Gondolin, he who knows much suffering and wisdom."

"Choose a warrior, Galadriel of the Galadhrim. She who once wielded a blade, will nurture the world of men with a gentle hand."

"True, you will need a warrior, but not Lady Galadriel. Her forces are needed here in Valinor."

"Then Melian the Maia, send her in the stead of elves!"

A soft, and kind elderly voice interrupted the fued.

"Send the elf of Mirkwood. He who helped destroy Sauron in the Third Age. He who guarded the Fellowship."

A silence befell the leaders.

"Yes. We shall send Mithrandir and the elf of Mirkwood. But one more is needed. . . Another elf."

"Send one who knows wisdom. . "

"And one who knows grief. . "

"All elves know wisdom and grief. You must send an elf who has learned from grief. One who holds magic from their ancestors yet knowledge from the earth."

"Send Melian's descendents, for they are wise, and hold in them a vast magic that is subtle when hidden, yet incomprehensible when unveiled."

"Yes. . . send a descendent of Melian. . ."


"No . . . one who has seen great peril . ."

"Elrond, you must send Elrond!"

"We cannot. His skill and wisdom is needed here."

"Send the sons of Elrond, the twins of Imladris."

The old man's voice who had only once spoken, spoke again.

"Send the daughter of Rivendell. She holds grief and tragedy in her heart, yet strength of her foremother and wisdom of Galadriel. She who has seen much joy and suffering. She who need not wield a blade to destroy evil."

A silence.

"Evenstar. An interesting choice. . yet. ."

"Accurate. A child of Melian . . ."

"And the holder of wisdom."

"But how can we bring her back, when she has chosen the path of Luthien, and sufficed her life for the love of a mortal?"

Another silence.

"You forget. We are the Higher children of Illuvatar. We can do whatever we like."

"Yes, but another problem has arisen in my mind. What to do with the angelic spirits?"

"We will give Mithrandir all the knowledge he needs, and send him to Arda. And then, we will give the elves following him."

"And then he will bestow upon them the knowledge. . "

"And they will protect, and destroy the ill in the world."

"Naturally. But what about their memory?"

Yet another silence.

"We shall keep their memory of all that is done, but we will give them new identites. And new memories of this strange new world, that they will not feel frightened or alarmed. But familiar, distantly."


"Most plausible."

"I concur."

"Then it is decided. Send the elf Greenleaf. . . and the Halfelven Evenstar along with Mithrandir to the Hog of Warts to aide the apprenticized wizards and witches."

A silence follows.

"Now that the whole Ring and Sauron problem resolved, what are we to do about the ever growing problem of post its?"