![]() Author has written 81 stories for Misc. Games, Skies of Arcadia, Chrono Trigger, Final Fantasy IX, Naruto, Final Fantasy I-VI, Final Fantasy VIII, Tales of Symphonia, Tales of Phantasia, Utena, Sailor Moon, Final Fantasy X, Final Fantasy X-2, Final Fantasy VII, Breath of Fire, Evangelion, Yu Yu Hakusho, Rival Schools, Cowboy Bebop, Fire Emblem, X-Men, Legend of Zelda, and Resident Evil. Tied my hands to the wheel. Basic Info Name: Nico Updates 6/17/10- Hello Fanfiction.net! I have returned! (Yeah, I know. I thought I was dead for awhile there too.) I have returned with a revision of the fic "Burning Chaos" that I wrote back in 07. The new fic ("Scent of Fire") is the start of what I plan to be quite a few revisions of some of my older stories. I want to revise in an attempt to flesh out ideas that I enjoyed, as well as show the improved writing style that has come with age. Aside from revisions and new fic ideas, I am planning on returning to 'Let's Go Our Own Way' and revising the previous chapters, as well as continuing with the fic. It's good the be back! 10/16/08- Real life has taken up most of my time, and from here on out things will only get busier. However I would like to try and return to the world of fanfiction if I could. I lost my claim for 'Let's Go Our Own Way' in the 30 kisses LJ community but I still plan to complete the story with the proper the 30 kissess prompts. Aside from 'LGOOW' I have reread a number of my fics and, though I was very young when I wrote most of them, am deeply ashamed. I am now slowly working through revising some stories, and taking others down. Stories like 'Iruka's Secret Admirier' (Which is absolutely horrible) will remain, however are now clearly marked as discontinued. I would like to step up my writing and actually sick out some quality stuff. Even stories I'm pretty proud of (LGOOW and Powerhungry Fool) I see glaring errors. These will probably not be corrected however. I am also hoping to write some new things aside from 'LGOOW' and any revised stories. I may even try my hand at 30 kisses again, if I think I can do it. But I'll probably wait to finish my current (ex-)claim. I'm also very bitter about the inability to use brackets in our summaries here. I think the look is very tidy and neat, and without I think most of the summaries are far less appealing, especially my own. Keep an eye out for Discontinued and Revised tags on my stories, and anything new I hope to churn out very soon! Current Works: Let's Go Our Own Way (Largo/Muarim, Collection of Thirty Kisses Drabbles) Review Policy: Authors love to receive reviews on their work, and I am no different. Just taking a moment to tell me what you liked (or disliked!) about my fic is something I truly appreciate. Any, and all, constructive criticism is welcomed and considered in my never ending attempt to better my own writing. As such, if you send me a review expect to receive a customary "Thank you" reply, as well as a response to any questions/comments or concerns you may have had. Thank you everyone, and enjoy reading! Final Quote: |