Author has written 16 stories for Final Fantasy VIII, and Buffy: The Vampire Slayer. Other Aliases: Broken Sword (Shoujo-Ai Forum), LiangFeng (kitten board), WushuIczQueen (everywhere else)Nothing much to see here. 'Just a regular high school girl. When you don't see me studying, I'm either at martial arts (but don't fight me, I'm a wimp!) or partying and hanging out with my friends. And somewhere inbetween the SAT classes, and the trance music, I find the inspiration to write. How that happens, I don't know. Anyways, I hope you find my fanfics worthy of your time. If not oh well. Current Projects: Breathless Chapter Fourteen I'm also planning a Quistis/Xu fanfic as soon as I'm done with Breathless. 'Just thought I'd try to write a pairing that's LOGICAL. lol |