![]() Author has written 12 stories for Nightmare Before Christmas, Batman the Animated Series, Batman, Hunchback of Notre Dame, and Five Nights at Freddy´s. I go by N on and offline. I used to browse this site a lot when I was younger, and now I simply do not have the time to do so anymore. I tend to check back in either to post a new story (rarely because real life), or to read something someone recommended to me (slightly more often). I have a lot of favorite fandoms. Out of them, my biggest loves are Tim Burton's The Nightmare Before Christmas, Batman (I'm picky with it. I enjoy Batman: The Animated Series and the comics based off it, Batman: Brave and the Bold, and pre-New 52 comics), and Five Nights at Freddy's. Outside of my top three fandoms, I enjoy Disney films (my favorites being The Hunchback of Notre Dame, Beauty and the Beast, and Treasure Planet), Tim Burton films, Harry Potter, Repo! The Genetic Opera (and its sister, The Devil's Carnival) and Goosebumps. Love the new movie, and I love Blogger Beware and the shots it takes at the series. Favorite characters include, but are not limited to: -Jonathan Crane/the Scarecrow -Edward Nygma/The Riddler -Lock, Shock, and Barrel -Quasimodo -Erik, the Phantom of the Opera (the book version) -Frankenstein's monster -Pretty much all of the Freddy's animatronics, with a preference for the Puppet and any Bonnie variants (normal, withered, Toy, Springtrap, etc.). Yes, I even (to an extent) like the enragement child. Favorite Ships: -The Nightmare Before Christmas: Jack/Sally. They are simply meant to be. -Batman: I have a bunch of these, but Scarecrow/Poison Ivy is easily my top. Because two intellectuals with one based in lust and the other being next to asexual intrigues me. And because if done right, it can work canonically. Other favorites include Harley/Ivy, Harley/Joker, Riddler/Query/Echo, Riddler/Music Meister, Riddler/Two-Face, Mr. Freeze/Nora. -Disney: Jessica Rabbit/Roger Rabbit. This one is the only one that comes close to knocking Jack and Sally off their top pedestal in how much I fucking adore them. For the most part, I like the romances as-is in Disney movies (including ones where the main character DOESN'T hook up at the end, like Pocahontas, Quasimodo, and Jim Hawkins). -Phantom of the Opera: Christine/Raoul. I prefer the book over the musical and movie (though I enjoy them too), and while I feel for Erik and his tragedy, I recognize he's a psychopath and not good for Christine. On Fanfiction: -I am okay with OCs in a fic, provided they actually add something to the story and are not just thinly-disguised wish fulfillments or Sues. Go read To Walk With Fear by Dr.Paragon3000 for a great example of an OC. A good rule of thumb: if you take the OC out, and the story works fine or is made better without them, it was probably a Sue. In cases where an OC is the main character, so long as the canon rules aren't broken/bent to accommodate the OC, the canon characters are reacting appropriately to them (or aren't overshadowed by the OC), and their name, background, and physical appearance makes sense for the story, you're probably fine. Just know that if I see one more "Goth" character who's "misunderstood" by family/friends, finds Halloween Town and quickly becomes popular with everyone and their mom, or a new villainess who manages to tame the Joker and earn his love, or a fanimatronic that looks like a hip new anime character that's more geared towards furry fantasies than kid-friendly entertainment, I may or may not side-eye you. Hard. -Adding to the above, some fandoms (Five Nights at Freddy's is definitely one of these) have either no characterization, or are very open to interpretation based on what canon is given (or have popular fanon that plenty of people prefer). There are also cases in bigger fandoms (like Batman) where you might get a popular one-shot character who appears for a very brief amount of time, or only in the background (The Music Meister from Brave and the Bold would fit). Therefore, even though they are technically canon, for all intents and purposes, they are OCs. For these kinds of canons/situations, so long as the characters are written with distinct characterizations and treated as beings with separate personalities that serve the plot and make for an interesting read (DeltaV's Just Another Night at Freddy's series is a perfect example), I will happily chalk it up to a neat little alternate universe and accept that author's interpretation of the canon for the duration of the fic(s). -When it comes to pairings, my stance is, "if it fits, it ships." Seriously: straight, LGBT, monogamous, polyamorous, canon, OC, etc. If you can show two or more characters in a convincing relationship with chemistry and struggle and natural progression, then by all means, do it. I will admit I prefer canons over OCs, but once in a blue moon, I see a canon/OC relationship that works. Like everyone else, though, I have things I don't like. Rape and pedophilia are two things I draw a hard line on, though for the former, if it's treated appropriately and used for legitimate development, I'll probably let it slide. Fandom-specific, I am of the stance that Lock, Shock, and Barrel are siblings, and therefore dislike romance between them, and for Five Nights at Freddy's, bot romance is very not my cup of tea. Whether cute or creepy, sentient or just haunted, I prefer them to behave like robots designed to entertain/protect children. -One common pattern in my stories: I have my ships, but I do not really write romance. Everyone else does it; I like to try to tell stories no one else does. This may change in the future, but any romance will likely stay in the background and/or as a side plot. -I hate "ring and run" authors, who start stories and never finish them. Thus, to avoid becoming one myself, I only ever post fics when they are finished, or close enough to being finished that I know my audience will get an ending. Thus, it takes me forever to update between fics, as I start some, finish others, and just leave some hanging as I either lose interest or scrap the idea as stupid. For anyone who has me favorited, I appreciate you and your understanding that I have a life on the other side of the internet. In return, I respect the time you invest in reading my stories by making sure you will get an ending. -To those of you who enjoy the "Oogie Boogie and Lock, Shock, and Barrel" story, and wonder where the sequel I hinted to is: it's not happening. I wrote that waaaaaay back in high school, started the sequel, took a break, eventually lost interest, tried to re-read that story to try to revive said interest, realized how bad that writing was, and disowned that story as an old shame. I don't even have the original documents anymore (lost about two computers ago), and can't edit it without first typing every word by hand into a new document. Frankly, I don't have enough fucks to give to spend hours of my life literally re-writing whole chapters to edit into something better. That someone, somewhere in this world legitimately enjoys and re-reads that story is the only reason it's still on my profile. I appreciate you that much. |