The Bargain

Author's Note: Some time has passed since I wrote last time, so I bring you another fic: Poison Ivy and Scarecrow come to deal in which they ensure that they have a successor that can follow in their footsteps. This plot is my own, and I hope that this is an original idea. None of the characters belong to be, but to Warner Bros and DC Comics. Only the soon-to-be child is my creation. Enjoy!

The young doctor flipped through the papers concerning patient Pamela Isley, as the patient herself stood next to him in his office. The doctor was a recent member of the Arkham staff, and Pamela had befriended him a few months ago. He became quite attached to her and was she was favourite patient.

'My, my, in the last three months not one try of escape and good behavior displayed daily to all the members here,' he grinned,' things are looking well for you, Miss Isley!'

Pamela Isley smiled and leaned toward him with innocent curiosity,' How well, Doctor Livaydon?'

Doctor Livaydon looked back at her with an expression that said he had good news for her,' If you keep up like this, you may just as well leave this establishment in three months.'

Isley's eyes widened in shock,' Are you sure?'


Her breathing quickened,' But how? I mean, how can I go out so easily when before I had tried escaping so many times and-'

The doctor put a finger on his lips. She immediately became quiet.

'The thing is,' he said softly,' that I was brought here in order to try out my new way of making you all forget about your past goals of destruction and pain, and make you reborn to start a better life. I think my therapy has worked- quite efficiently.'

Isley remembered the past therapies she had with him. He was so soothing, understanding and trustworthy. He made her see a more positive side to life as he too shared her ideas of preventing plants from being cruelly treated and used for humanity's own greedy aims.

But she must do something before she leaves.

'Doctor Livaydon, may I leave now?' she asked.

The doctor nodded, opened the door and called for the guards. They came, and took her away down to the Rec Room where all of her "friends" were being kept for some more "positive social gatherings".

As she was ushered in, the first person to greet her was none other than her best friend, Harley Quinn.

'Hey Red!' she squealed,' What did he say? Whatcha going to him for, anyway?'

Pamely Isley, or Poison Ivy, smiled at the friendly, bubbly blonde.

'Oh….. just that I may be leaving this human infested hole soon,' Ivy hinted.

'What? Red, that's great!' shouted Harley, and then lowered her voice,' Just that….. you know……. Don't screw it up like I did with mine.'

'Erm, Harley, that was your holiday,' Ivy said carefully.

'So?' she sniffed,' Doesn't mean that I won't be getting out of here too.'

Ivy had a job to do, and she had get rid of Harley for now. 'Look!' Ivy pointed at the window,' it that the world's greatest scum out there?'

'Puddin'! ' cried Harley, and bounded to the window, scaring the poor Ventriloquist who was sitting there.

Ivy took a deep breath. Now was her chance. She went over her head about it clearly: drive away and then drop the parcel.

She walked over to the corner of the room where the two most likely people were playing chess: Jervis Tetch and Jonathan Crane. They didn't even look up when she approached them.

Ivy cleared her throat, and this immediately dragged them away from their immersed state in playing the game.

'Good day Miss Isley!' said politely yet cheerfully Tetch,' What does such a frabjulous person like you need from us?'

'I would rather talk to you, Professor Crane,' she said, immediately skipping to the point.

Tetch looked at the tall, thin man next to him,' What have you done this time Jonathan? I told you not to pick her pumpkins!'

'You picked my pumpkins?' asked Ivy dangerously.

'Only a year ago,' answered Crane. When he spoke, the man's voice sounded older than he looked.

Ivy sighed, and tried to get back to what she wanted him for,' Can we go and talk somewhere more privately?'

'I can't say there is any private place here, since this is purposely called the Rec Room,' said Crane, but still got up and followed her to the other side of the room.

When they were out of earshot, she turned to him,' Do you know that I'm going to be out of here in three months?'

'Do you mean by escaping or by sneaking away?' he asked dryly.

'No, I mean that I'm going to be let out of here. I'll be free.' She corrected him.

He raised an eyebrow and then muttered,' Congratulations.'

Right. Now to the point.

Ivy then said,' Did you ever plan on having someone to follow in your footsteps?'

Crane shrugged,' Never even thought of it.'

'You know that you will not live forever.'

'How do you know?'

'Because everyone belongs to a life cycle.'

'Kindly do not introduce me again to the water cycle on earth.'

'And we have not ensured our cycle.'

'None of the others have.'

'Oh, but we can!' Ivy eyes shone now ambition.

'How? When you perfectly know that you cannot get pregnant!' Crane pointed out.

That last comment stung Ivy like ice on a leaf, but she pulled herself together,' You heard of how I cloned my….. last husband.' It was still difficult to talk about him.

'You mean the plant clones? Ivy, they live only for three days.' Crane frowned.

'No- listen! I'm going to put your blood to be incubated in a plant. The plant will be inside my womb. It attaches itself to the wall, and extracts food out of my blood just like an umbilical cord….. only plantlike. The child will be completely human, may gain some resistance to toxins, but will still be able to reproduce. It is perfect, it is foolproof,' Ivy said stubbornly.

There was a silence. 'Why haven't you thought of this before?' Crane asked.

'Because I wasn't sure that it would work,' Ivy said a little sadly.

Crane looked at her with eyes seeking for answers for a hundered questions,' Why me?'

Ivy snorted,' What? Jervis? He's too much of a child. Nygma? I approached him on the subject of having children but he wouldn't hear of it. Harvey is out of question and of the other I don't even want to hear about them. The Penguin will be a good choice, but the child will just have too many health problems. You are the one that is left.'

Crane seemed to be in deep thought. Please say yes, thought Ivy, please say yes.

'Alright. I will do it- only on one condition.' Crane warned.

'What is that?' Ivy inquired.

'For us to be married. I do not want the child to be illegitimate- I have a feeling that it would have too many problems in the future.'

'Wha- what!' Ivy choked,' You can't be serious!' But seeing the look he gave her she miserably agreed.

Three months have snailed by, and it was time for Ivy's leaving. Dr. Arkham highly disapproved of it, by Dr. Livaydon convinced him that it was for the best.

Ivy had wanted to see her friends before she left, and was surprisingly greeted by a warm farewell gathering by Harley, Nygma, Tetch, Ventriloquist and Crane.

'We gonna miss ya, gal!' sniffed Harley as she hugged her friend.

'Try not to poison anyone out there, darling!' Offered Nygma.

Jervis recited a nice poem from 'Alice in Wonderland' for her and Ventriloquist can a small smile and a handshake with a few words of encouragement.

It was Crane's turn. He already knew what he should do. He gave out his hand for a handshake. Ivy accepted it and shook it. Hidden between her fingers was a small sharp object, that the skin broke beneath it and the blood seeped out, collecting on it. Ivy noticed that he didn't give out a sound.

It seemed that the next moment she was out on the street, heading for a new life. For the first time in six months, Ivy gave a true smile and her head felt dizzy from joy. Now, she should as soon as possible go with her plan.

A few hours later, she was in her hideout, tinkling with her vials in her laboratory. She was almost finished, and she even dared to mess with the genes to try and make the child just at least look a bit like her by trying to impossibly mix his nucleus molecules with her own blood. She had easily gotten an egg from a woman she murdered a long time ago (she kept it stored in a safe place in her laboratory). She had gotten rid of its nucleus, and started all over with it. Oh, yes, she was planning this for a long time.

The first try had collapsed, and so had the second. But the third an amazing luck or miracle as life began to take form in the egg.

Triumphantly, Ivy stood up straight. She patted one of her plants gently, whispering,' I didn't get top grades in biochemistry for nothing, my darling.'

She turned towards the window,' Soon, you too will be joining me here, Jonathan, helping me to bring up the child. I'll make sure of that.'

She looked back at her treasure, touching the vial softly as if it was already a human being, ' And I shall have you, my little one. You shall grow, and look upon me as I introduce you to the wondrous ways of plant life.'

Taking a deep breath, she was ready with the next step. The tricky one.

'Darlings, can you help me with this? I cannot manage alone,' She said, as the plants crawled upon her and worked into the night.

Author's Note: Yes, this thing is weird. And it is only the first chapter!

Don't you think Crane's voice sounds deeper in the cartoon than how he's drawn? If I made any mistakes and made it seemed doubtful that Ivy gets pregnant this way, do not worry, for most of the things in this comic seem too doubtful to be true. Please review on this!