Author has written 43 stories for Yu-Gi-Oh, Inuyasha, Trigun, Cowboy Bebop, Digimon, Harry Potter, Wolf's Rain, Yu Yu Hakusho, Kingdom Hearts, Dragon Ball Z, Fullmetal Alchemist, and Batman. cries I'm sorry. You can shoot me now. This is officially down. There will be no more updating. At least, not in the near future. To see my new stuff, under a new name, look me up as KouenTaisa on here! BIG NEWS: Okay my friends, I might be starting a sequel to Sakura Blossoms and Kisses. For now that is under heavy debate, but I think it just might happen. Okay peeps of mine! Me and my friend Elementalist have joined together to make a few fics. Our name is CrimsonTaisa and we should be having some fics up soon for your viewing pleasure. I am back and in action! I have finished my Fullmetal Alchemist story Amadare and have started the seqeul When I Was Gone. I have also finished my Inuyasha story Sakura Blossoms and Kisses. ¤ Name: Irrevelent Top Ten Anime: 1) Inuyasha, Rumiko Takahashi has made some happier anime…but Inuyasha rules…and the ears…ya just have to love the ears. 2) Wolf's Rain, a great anime and since I love wolfs, this adds to the liking of it! My favorite characters have to be Tsume and Kiba, but my favorite pairing is Tsume/Toboe, and right whne you thought that Blue was the bad wolf/dog, a twist occurs! Great anime! 3) Cowboy Bebop, this was a great anime! This made me a lover of Yoko Kanno, but besides the music, Spike was just soo cool! He has to be a hero of mine, just like Inuyasha and Heero. 4) Gundam Wing, has to be the best Gundam series ever, but besides some sad parts in it….it’s a great anime! 5) FullMetal Alchemist, one of the best anime ever created. Tragic yet funny, I truly love this series. My favorite character (besides Ed) is Roy Mustang. It has great music, a good plot, as well as the science known as Alchemy. This is a must see. 6) Witch Hunter Robin, haven’t got to see the whole series, but what I’ve seen so far is great! Amon is so cool, and Robin rules! And Micheal is just a cool genius. 7) Yuyu Hakusho, is a great anime! Hot characters, kool battles, and even some humor..everything an anime should be and more. 8) Dragonball Z, the first anime I ever watched and it will be an all time favorite of mine forever. Gohan was so cute, and Goku was a hero of mine for many years and still is! 9) Trigun, it was a great anime...I cried when any good person died..I cried when the others was very emotional. 10) Zoids CC, has to be the best out of all of the Zoid series. Having hot characters, kool new zoids, great battles and some comedy...ya couldn't help but love it! My Least Favorite Episode of Fullmetal Alchemist- Favorite Yaoi Couples: Harry Potter: Naruto: Samurai Champloo: Fullmetal Alchemist: Yugioh: Inuyasha: Zoids: Trigun: Yuyu Hakusho: Gundam Wing: Digimon: Wolf's Rain: Lord of the Rings: Pokemon: Rurouni Kenshin: Favorite Straight Couples: Harry Potter: Naruto: Samurai Champloo: Yugioh: Inuyasha: Zoids: Trigun: Yuyu Hakusho: Gundam Wing: Digimon: Witch Hunter Robin: Wolf's Rain: Tenchi Muyo: Pokemon: Rurouni Kenshin: Upcoming Stories and Summaries Inuyasha: In Another's Eyes- A story of tradgey, love, betrayal, and trust told through the eyes of one of their greatest enemies. Pairings: Kagome/Inuyasha, Inuyasha/Kikyo, Sesshomaru/Kagome, Rin/Kohaku, Sango/Miroku Inuyasha: Just One More Chance- Kagome always thought that her love was only meant for one person, Inuyasha. The completion of the Shikon No Tama took them many years and by the time of the journey's end Kagome is turning twenty. Still without the love of the hanyou she turns unexpectedly into the arms of his elder brother, Sesshomaru. Can Inuyasha's plea for once more chance get to Kagome or has she truely left her love for him behind? Pairings: Inuyasha/Kagome, Sesshomaru/Kagome, Inuyasha/Kikyo, Sango/Miroku, Rin/Kohaku FullMetal Alchemist: Walkin' Away- A oneshot about Colonel Roy Mustang, the Flame Alchemist. He was the hero of the Rebellion, otherwise known as the Ishbal Massacre. He's a high ranked State Alchemist and can sometimes just be a true smart ass, but under the tough exterior there is a man that regrets things that were done in the past. Now he is taking a stand, and he's walkin' away. Pairings: Roy/Riza (is there is even that) Story Updates: Sakura Blossoms and Kisses- Complete! It's finally complete! Pairings: Sesshomaru/Inuyasha, Miroku/Sango, Koga/Ayame Amadare- Raindrops are just like tears, except they come from the heavens. One boy has cried all of his tears, and now as equivalent exchange heaven must cry for him. Finished When I Was Gone- The long awaited companion peice to Amadare. This is the story of what happened to Roy for all those months...why he almost died. Chidarake Amadare- Edward had given up on trying to remember anything about the girl, yet soulful emerald eyes still haunt his dreams as well as his nightmares. Chapter three is in progess. Pairings: None as of now. Faye's Diary- For now this story is still on hold, I'm trying to finish Second Chance. Hope to finish it up in a few more chapters when I get the chance. Second Chance- I'm actually going to be able to finish this story without much thought. I know the flow of things and chapter five is in progress. |
Community: | Severus Snape and Hermione Granger Love Everlasting |
Focus: | Books Harry Potter |