Dislcaimer: Don't own 'em, I swear, but if I were JK Rowling I would. 'Cept I'm not . . .
Excerpt from the diary of Hermione Jane Snape; January the 18th, 2008.

I can't believe it's been ten years now since the fall of Voldemort. Sometimes it still seems like it was just yesterday that we were feeling the thrill of his defeat through our weariness. But then I look around me and realize so much has changed, much of it for the better. It's been ten years since Severus and my life was changed by a single event, that of Lucius Malfoy cursing us. However, it is worth mentioning that a series of single events and the decisions made from those effectively got us to where we are. Severus reminds me now and again that while a single event in itself can change your life forever, it is the decisions we make in response to a series of single events that shapes your life. I can honestly say that I don't regret any of the decisions I made to get here. I have a husband and two wonderful children I love more than anything in the world.

Speaking of the twins, Skyler once again proved to me today that she is in fact her father's daughter. In what can only be described as a Severus method, she not only argued but intimidated the baby sitter into letting her make the rules. This, as should be obvious when it comes to putting almost eight year olds in charge, only resulted in sugar overdoses for both children among other things. Fortunately for me, Severus took it badly enough upon his return from class to take matters into his own hands, and he nearly force fed them the vilest calming potion he could think of. Needless to say, it's put two hyper children to sleep quickly, effectively returning our living quarters to the quiet state I now find myself enjoying.

As I look over my shoulder to peek in on them, I can't help noticing Skyler's resemblance to Severus too. She has his eyes and nose, not to mention hair colour. Of course, she had to get my bushy hair though. I don't know what I'd do without magic when it comes to combing it. And as I look at Simon, it's easy to see a small resemblance to my father. He has the same gentle features, just with Severus' nose again. I'm convinced it must be genetic. Anyway, Simon reminds me of my younger self daily. He has the same thirst for knowledge and desire for perfection I possessed coming into Hogwarts. Unlike Skyler, Severus is allowing Simon to practice basic spells. It seems Skyler is taking up other interests. I've seen the eagerness in her eyes whenever Severus lets her help with brewing the sample potions for the first years. Their intelligence is astounding, just proving more and more that they are in fact our offspring.

Here's Severus now, checking in. I'm so proud of him. We were both a bit apprehensive of his taking the deputy headship when Albus left, but it turned out to be one of the best things that could have happened. Now that Minerva has decided to join Albus in retirement after this term, Severus will become Headmaster. We're both a little nervous about it as it means I'll be moving from teaching Transfiguration to teaching Potions, but Ginny will be taking over in my place. She's been itching for the opportunity to get out of the hospital wing since she started as Madam Pomfrey's assistant. Of course, I am ready to hold up my end. I did earn my degree in Potions, and I am married to one of the best Potions Masters in the world. It'll be odd having Harry around Hogwarts again though, as he's finally calling an end to his Quidditch days. We were all a little surprised that he gave up his dream of being an auror for the opportunity to join the Chudley Cannons. He's also just finished a stint with the English National team, but it seems he's finally ready to settle down and have a family. I think Ginny may have put the pressure on, even though there's no shortage of Weasleys. Ron and Lavender are expecting their third already. I look at how much my two are and can't believe their still considering more after this one, but Ron always said he wanted a big family. Money certainly is not a problem for them at least, especially now that I've heard Ron is taking over as the Head of Muggle Affairs. It seems he had Arthur's full endorsement for the position. No surprise there.

I've heard rumors that Pansy is pregnant. I'll finally be able to ask her in a few weeks when she gets back from her trip to America with Maxwell. Draco's been keeping quiet, but I know they'd like to have a child of their own. Draco still gets all weird sometimes when you mention Max to him, even though the child looks at him more like a father than a brother despite knowing the truth. Some days I don't know how Pansy gets through it all. I still see the reflections of her guilt for what she did to me when she looks at Max. But I also see that she loves him with all her heart. As much as it pained Severus and me at first, we've come to respect and love Pansy as a friend. Of course, it helps that Max and the twins get on like, well, Harry, Ron, and I used to. I can honestly say that Pansy marrying Draco was the best thing to ever happen to either of them. Though Max brings them a certain amount of pain, he has brought them together in a way that no one could have expected. I look forward to teaching him in a couple years. He's a smart child, and one of the bravest I've met since Harry.

Geez, I'm starting to make myself cry now, thinking about all this. Who knew that the ten-year anniversary of the night Lucius Malfoy changed my life forever would get to me like this. I really must stop. Severus has planned a special surprise for tonight and even managed to talk Harry and Ron into babysitting for us just because they won't interrupt us if there's a problem. I can't go out with puffy eyes. I have to say, that if you told me at the beginning of my seventh year I'd become pregnant, marry Professor Snape, lose the child, and end up completely in love with the man who was once the most insufferable person in the school, I'd have hex you into the next year. But here I am, having been through all that (and more), and I love Severus more and more each day. The best part of it is, I know he feels the same.

Oh, and I have to remember to floo my parents and tell them we'll be visiting on the weekend. The twins love spending time with them, almost as much as Mum and Dad love having them over. They're nearly as fascinated with Muggles as Arthur Weasley. I swear you can't get them away from the television sometimes. It's bordering on absurd. But Mum and Dad do faithfully dote on them. Of course, what are grandparents for if they can't spoil their grandchildren? I think they're just thrilled to have the ability to do it sometimes.

Here's Severus again. He's kissing my ears and generally begging me to stop what I'm doing. What can I do but comply? He is, of course, the biggest part of what I've committed the rest of my live to . . .

limegirl: Your comparison of my fic to gourmet dining is one of the more interesting things I've heard about it. I'll take it as a compliment as I enjoy a superbly made meal when the opportunity arises.

queenp: while I'm glad you've enjoyed my fic and think that highly of it, I must say that I have no intention of reading through all of it correct mistakes. However, if you wish, I would send you all 131 pages for you to correct. But since I have no intention of taking the fic elsewhere, it would be pointless. And I'm just glad to finally be done with it.

Cithara: It's not perfect, even if you keep saying it is, but I appreciate the comment nonetheless. I'm just glad to not have been a disappointment.

Angelbabe: It has to end because I can't write forever, and I feel it's time to move on to other things. Glad you enjoyed it.

A/N: Now on to my notes. All I have to say really is that I'm astonished what's happened in the last year with this fic. I can say it's come full circle with more than just a few twists. Sometimes I wasn't even sure where it was going, and that three month break or so in the middle didn't help things much. But, as you may well know, I came back with a passion to finish it, and here it is: done in a year's time. I thank all my wonderful and faithful readers. I commend those of you who gave me feedback and suggestions. And finally, I have to say a special thank you to those who've stuck it out since the very beginning a year ago. You're all truly special people for your patience.

Also, a quick note to say there is no sequel planned, nor will there be along with any offshoots of the story. I'm taking a much needed break from the pairing as this has taken quite a bit out of me. I appreciate the comments that I write them well and have created a unique piece of fanfiction. Now I plan to try my hand at a few other areas of interest.

Cheers for everything!
